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  • Конспект вне классного мероприятия 'Виртуальная экскурсия по Городам-Героям.

Конспект вне классного мероприятия 'Виртуальная экскурсия по Городам-Героям.

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«Виртуальная экскурсия по городам-героям»

Внеклассное мероприятие - «Виртуальная экскурсия по городам-героям».

Тема: Города-герои

Цель: - ознакомление кадет с героическими страницами истории России;

- способствование формированию положительной нравственной оценки подвига во имя Родины, воспитанию чувства патриотизма;

- пробуждение у детей интереса к общественным явлениям, стремление узнать историю своей страны.

Планируемые результаты:


  • Формирование коммуникативной компетенции.

  • Формирование устойчивой учебно-познавательной мотивации и интереса к учению.

  • Формирование ответственного отношения к обучению, а также готовности к саморазвитию и самообразованию.


  • Совершенствовать умения учащихся в употреблении изученной лексики. Закрепить и дополнить изученный лексический материал историческими фактами.

  • Создать условия для формирования коммуникативной компетенции в условиях групповой деятельности.

  • Развивать у учащихся навыки устной речи.


Познавательные УУД

  • Создать условия для развития умения осуществлять поиск информации в видеофильме, тексте.

  • Развивать умение выделять главную информацию в видеофильме, тексте.

  • Формировать умение анализировать, синтезировать и сравнивать информацию.

Коммуникативные УУД

  • Формировать умение строить устное высказывание в соответствие с коммуникативной задачей.

  • Формировать умение формулировать свое мнение в зависимости от коммуникативной задачи.

  • Закреплять умение работать в группах.

Личностные УУД

  • Взаимодействовать со сверстниками

Задачи мероприятия:


  • Во всех видах речевой деятельности повторить ранее изученные лексические единицы по теме.

  • Создание условий для совершенствования лексических навыков говорения и аудирования по теме.


  • Создать условия для формирования познавательной деятельности кадет.

  • Создать условия для развития лингвистической компетенции кадет за счёт обогащения лексического запаса.

  • Создать условия для развития умения внимания, способности к анализу и синтезу, логического мышления, анализировать и классифицировать лексику.

  • Создать условия для развития умений и навыков чтения, аудирования, говорения, построения собственных высказываний, языковой догадки, зрительной и слуховой памяти, фонематического слуха.


  • Повышение мотивации изучения иностранного языка.

  • Способствовать осознанию возможностей самореализации средствами иностранного языка.

Межпредметные связи: история

Формы работы: фронтальная, индивидуальная, групповая


Презентация Power Point, программа для создания/редактирования видео Camtasia, диспетчер рисунков Microsoft Office, проигрыватель Windows Media, использование специализированных web-ресурсов, редактор векторной графики CorelDraw.

Ход мероприятия:

Добрый день, меня зовут Денис Полонский в эфире передача «Поле боя». Сегодня у нас 70-й выпуск программы и мы решили посвятить ее 70-й годовщине Великой победы. Мы совершим незабываемую виртуальную экскурсию по городам героям. Десятки, сотни городов в годы Великой Отечественной стали местами ожесточенных сражений, массового героизма людей. Некоторые города стали героями. Мы вспомним их героическое прошлое. Это путешествие мы совершим с моим коллегой журналистом BBC Бобом Грином, который станет автором англоязычной версии данного проекта у себя на Родине и, безусловно, он хочет знать как можно больше деталей. Встречайте Боб Грин.

Dan: Hi, Bob. Glad to see you here.

Bob: Hi Dan. It's been a long time, I'm really happy you've invited me.

Dan: You're always welcome. Can I ask you a question?

Bob: Yep!

Dan: Does the date 22/06/1941 mean anything to you?

Bob: Yep, of course, I remember the day when World War II broke out.

Dan: Right in the bull's eye! And do you know what was the first place involved in the conflict?

Bob: Was it Brest or Minsk, I don't remember exactly.

Dan: Ok let's do it another way. Do you know how many hero-cities are there in former Soviet Union?

Bob: No, that's too hard for me

Dan: Ok I'll give you a helping hand you have to choose between

A) 12

B) 13

C) 14

Bob: OK, let's make it 13, I guess.

Dan: Great. We have your answer but we'll find out the correct one at the end of our program.

Dan: Bob, do you remember me asking you about the first place involved in World War II?

Bob: Yep I do!

Dan: So we are going to commit a virtual tour there in a minute, have a look at the screen maybe you and the audience will recall this place. (Ролик Брест)

Bob: Ok let's give it a try.

Audience: It's Brest Fortress.

Dan: So, we know that it was Brest to take the first strike of Nazi army, but anyway would you like to find out some details?

Bob: Of course I'd like to learn more about this place.

Dan: Than we're going to Brest, Kovalchuk Vlad reports. (Где-то около Бреста)

Brest Fortress

The fortress in Brest, Belarus, was awarded the title Hero Fortress in 1965. It was located right on the border between the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany. As such, the fortress had little warning when the Axis invaded on 22 June 1941, and became the site of the first major fighting between Soviet frontier guards and the invading German forces of Army Group Centre. German artillery heavily shelled the fortress; the attempt to take it with infantry failed, and the Germans started a lengthy siege. The Brest garrison, cut off from the outside world and having run out of food, water and ammunition, fought and counter-attacked until the very last minute. The Germans deployed tanks, tear gas and flame throwers. After the Germans had taken most of the ruined fortifications, bloody fighting continued underground. The fighting ended only in late July. The actual front had by then already moved hundreds of kilometers further east. Even after the fortress was officially taken, the few surviving defenders continued to hide in the basements and to harass the Germans for several months.

Bob: I have a question for you Vlad. Where is Brest located?

Vlad: On the border of Belarus

Dan: Thank you Vlad.

Dan: Any ideas of the place which is next on our tour?

Bob: I'm not sure

Dan: It's Minsk

Minsk - the capital of Belarus Republic. Germans took Minsk in the very first days of war. Three years of occupation. During this time Germans killed more than 400 thousand people, and the city was ruined. But Minsk didn't surrender, didn't obey the enemy, and heroically fought against the German invaders. Defenders arranged diversions underground; they printed leaflets where they told the truth about front events. The enemies didn't feel safe. They arranged joint operations, helped parts of Red Army to free Minsk.

Bob: When was Minsk awarded the title Hero city?

Minsk was awarded the title Hero City in 1974.

Dan: We leave the lands of Belorussia now and move on to the territory of modern Ukraine. Seaport Odessa is on our way and Kravchenko Nick reports.


In early August 1941, the Black Sea port of Odessa, located in present-day Ukraine, was attacked and besieged by Romanian forces fighting alongside their German allies. The fierce battle in defense of the city lasted until 16 October, when the remaining Soviet troops, as well as 15,000 civilians were evacuated by sea. Partisan fighting continued, however, in the city's catacombs. Odessa was awarded the title Hero City in 1945.

Bob: Let me ask you a question, how many civilians were evacuated by sea?

Nick: 15.000

Dan: Thank you for your report Nick. See you later. Now the capital of Ukraine awaits, as well as our reporter Egor Kovtun.


The capital of present-day Ukraine became the site of the largest encirclement battle in the summer of 1941. The ancient city on Dnieper, "mother of the cities of Russians", attracted Hitlerites for many reasons. They thought that, having seized Kiev, they would cut off all Ukraine from the Soviet Union and replace its riches to Germany. On the first day of the war bombs of the enemy fell upon the city. And literally in a month fascists already were near Kiev. They had a double overweight in force, and they were going to seize the city straight off. But the enemy encountered fierce resistance. Nearly three months went fights for Kiev. Both soldiers and residents showed miracles of bravery and heroism. When our troops receded, fascists entered Kiev. But the Kiev underground fight even for a minute didn't stop fighting. Our troops performed grandiose offensive operation. When the Germans commenced their offensive on 7 July, Soviet forces, concentrated in the Kiev area, were ordered to stand fast, and a breakout was prohibited. Defense of the pocket was fierce. Thousands of civilians volunteered to help defend the city. Eventually Kiev was taken on 19 September. Over 600,000 Soviet troops were taken captive when the pocket was cleared. The prolonged resistance effectively disrupted the German plans of blitzkrieg. However, in military terms, the battle was a great victory for the German Army and a disaster for the Soviets. It had a huge effect on morale, and Adolf Hitler praised the victory as the greatest battle in history.

During the German occupation of Kiev, hundreds of thousands of civilians were killed or deported for slave labour. Kiev again became a battlefield when advancing Soviet forces pushed the Germans back West, liberating the city on 6 November 1943. Kiev was awarded the title Hero City in 1965.

Bob: May I ask just one question? When did soviet forces liberate Kiev?

Egor: It was on 6 November 1943

Dan: So next city we're going to is Smolensk, Max Zakharov reports.

Battle of Smolensk (1941)

Located on the approaches to Moscow Smolensk saw fierce fighting in the summer of 1941. German armored divisions of Army Group Centre began an offensive on July 10, 1941 to encircle Soviet forces in the Smolensk area. Soviet resistance was strong, and several counter-attacks were conducted. The Soviets even managed to temporarily break the German encirclement and to evacuate troops out of the pocket. The battle ended in early September. 250 thousand soldiers and officers were lost by Hitlerites near Smolensk. They learn the lesson from the legendary,"katushas". Our troops receded, but Smolensk battle had a great importance. The bitter fighting had considerably delayed the overall German advance toward Moscow, so that defense lines further east could be strengthened. Smolensk was awarded the title Hero City in 1985.

Bob: When did the Germans begin an offensive?

Max: on July 10, 1941


Tula, a historical Russian city with important military industry South of Moscow, became the target of a German offensive to break Soviet resistance in the Moscow area between 24 October and 5 December 1941. The heavily fortified city held out, however, and secured the Southern flank during the Soviet defense of Moscow and the subsequent counter-offensive. Tula was awarded the title Hero City in 1976.

Bob: When Tula was awarded the title Hero City?

Dan: Thanks, so it's time to move to the capital of Russian Federation. What's the capital of RF?


At the gates of the Soviet capital, the German invaders suffered their first defeat in 1941. The advance of the German Army Group Centre came to a halt in late November 1941, at the outskirts of Moscow itself. The Soviet Government had by then been evacuated, yet Joseph Stalin remained in the city. Struggling between determination and despair, the city's population helped build defensive positions in the streets. The underground metro stations provided shelter during German air raids. General Georgy Zhukov, who assumed command of the city's defense, largely left close combat tactics to the local commanders on the city's approaches, and focused on concentrating fresh troops from Siberia for an eventual counter-attack. The Soviet counter-offensive was launched on 5 and 6 December 1941. In the freezing cold of an unusually harsh winter, Soviet forces, including well-equipped ski battalions, drove the exhausted Germans back out of reach of Moscow and consolidated their positions on 7 January 1942. The victory in the battle provided an important boost in morale for the Soviet population. Moscow was awarded the title Hero City in 1965.

(Исполняют песни «Victory day»)

Dan: That was excellent performance.

Bob: Yep, amazing. So I think that we'll travel to the north of the country, won't we?

Dan: Let's check find this out. (Видеофрагмент о Ленинграде)

Saint Petersburg (Leningrad)

The city of Leningrad, now known as Saint Petersburg, saw what is regarded as one of the greatest human tragedies of the war. By August 1941, the Germans had reached the city's southern outskirts.

The city was completely cut off from all land access on 8 September 1941. As the Gulf of Finland was blocked as well, Leningrad's only contact with the outer world was a vulnerable waterway across Lake Ladoga .Since taking the city seemed too costly to the Germans, in the light of bitter Soviet resistance, they began the Siege of Leningrad in order to starve the city to death. Soon, electricity, water and heating for civilian housing had to be shut down. All public transportation stopped in 1941-42 winter .Thousands of Leningrad citizens froze or starved to death in the first winter of the siege alone, dying at home in their beds or collapsing from exhaustion in the streets. Meanwhile, German artillery continued to bombard the city. The siege lasted for 872 days, but the city did not surrender. When Lake Ladoga froze in the winter, the Road of Life was opened to the Soviet-held southern shore, with a long trail of trucks bringing food and supplies to the besieged city and evacuating citizens on their way back. Both the food and the civilian transports were constantly attacked by the Germans with artillery shelling and air raids.

When Soviet forces eventually lifted the siege in January 1944, over one million inhabitants of Leningrad had died from starvation, exposure and German shelling. 300,000 soldiers had perished in the defense and relief of Leningrad. Leningrad was awarded the title Hero City in 1945, being the first city to receive that distinction.

Bob: My question is how many inhabitants died of starvation?

Dan: Do you have some warm clothes, because we're heading far to the north.

Bob: Yes, let's move on.


The city of Murmansk, located on the Kola Peninsula close to the Norwegian and Finnish borders, was a strategically important sea port and industrial city. It was the only Soviet port on the northern coast that did not freeze in the winter, and was vital for the transport of supplies to the South. German forces, including 800 Finns under German command, launched an offensive against Murmansk on 29 June 1941. More than 180,000 grenades and inflammable shells were fired on the city itself. Fierce Soviet resistance in the tundra and several Soviet counter-attacks made an Axis breakthrough impossible, however. Axis forces discontinued their attacks in late October 1941, having failed to take Murmansk or to cut off the Karelian railway line. Murmansk was awarded the title Hero City in 1985.

Bob: Did the port freeze during the winter?

Dan: So, and now we'll travel to the city where one of the bloodiest battles took place.

Bob: Stalingrad (Stalingrad (Видео о Сталинграде)

Dan: So now we'll take a plane to the south

Bob: Yep, good news, it's too cold here.


The city of Novorossiysk on the eastern coast of the Black Sea provided a stronghold against the German summer offensive of 1942. Intense fighting in and around the city lasted from August until it was captured by the Germans in mid-September 1942. The Soviets however retained possession of the eastern part of the bay, which prevented the Germans from using the port for supply shipments. Novorossiysk was awarded the title Hero City in 1973.

Bob: Where is Novorossiysk located?

Dan: The ferry takes us to Kerch which is the next city on our journey


Kerch, a port in the East of the Crimean peninsula, formed a bridgehead at the strait dividing Crimea from the Southern Russian mainland. During occupation of this city fascists destroyed 15 thousand civils and send more than 14 thousand to Germany. But the spirit of the proud people wasn't broken, despite of everything! In days of the Great Patriotic War Kerch became the arena of cruel battles between the Soviet and German troops.

After fierce fighting, it was taken by the Germans in November 1941. On 30 December 1941 the Soviets recaptured the city in a naval landing operation. In May 1942 the Germans occupied the city again, yet Soviet partisan forces held out in the cliffs near the city until October 1942. On 31 October 1943 another Soviet naval landing was launched. The largely ruined city was finally liberated on 11 April 1944. Kerch was awarded the title Hero City in 1973.

Bob: When was Kerch liberated?

Dan: And finally we're here in Sevastopol. Dan Melnik reports.


The Black Sea port of Sevastopol was a heavily defended fortress on the Crimean peninsula. German and Romanian troops had advanced to the outskirts of the city from the north and launched their attack on 30 October 1941. Having failed to take the city, Axis forces began a siege and heavy bombardment, with such unusual pieces of ordnance as the Mörser Karl self-propelled mortar, and the gigantic Schwerer Gustav railroad cannon. A second Axis offensive against the city, launched in December 1941, failed as well, as the Soviet army and navy forces continued to fight fiercely. Eventually the city was taken in June 1942. It was liberated in bloody fighting in May 1944. Sevastopol was awarded the title Hero City in 1945. (Видеофрагмент о Севастополе)

Dan: We know that a year ago referendum was held in Sevastopol and Crimea and after that our region reunited with Russian Federation, so this very moment the best thing we can do I think is to sing the anthem of Sevastopol to honour the man who died defending the city and celebrate the day citizen decided to reunite with Russian Federation. (Обучающиеся исполняют гимн Севастополя).

Рефлексия (Quiz)

1. When is the first usage of the term «Hero city» is dated to ? (It's dated to articles in Pravda in 1942).

2. When was the first official usage? (On 1 May 1945 when Josef Stalin issued his order to fire salutes in "hero cities".

3. What were the first hero cities? (Leningrad, Stalingrad, Sevastopol and Odessa).

4. How many Hero cities are there in Ukraine? Belarus?

5. Why was the Brest fortress so important to Nazi Germans? (Because it was on the border between Soviet Union and Nazi Germany).

6. Why did the defense of Brest fortress fail? (Because German artillery heavily shelled the fortress, they started a long siege, and it was cut off from the outside world running out of food, water and ammunition).

7. Which city is regarded as one of the greatest human tragedies? (Leningrad). Why? (Many nice buildings were ruined and many civilians died).

8. What is the Road of life? (When Lake Ladoga froze in the winter it became a road which helped to provide with food and supplies).

9. Which city was the turning point of the World War II? (Stalingrad). Why? (The Germans lost a quarter of their total forces and never fully recovered).

10. Which city was famous of partisan fighting in the city's catacombs? (Odessa).

11. Which city celebrates the Victory day a year earlier? (Sevastopol). Why? (It was taken by Germans in 1942 but liberated in bloody fighting in May 1944).

12. Where did people find a shelter in Moscow during German air raids?(In the underground metro stations).

13. Which city gave the most civilians for slave labour? (Kiev).

14. Which city became a center for the Soviet partisan activity behind enemy lines where 400,000 civilians were killed by Germans? (Minsk).

15. Which seaport was strategically important for Axis? (Murmansk).

So Bob do you remember me asking you about Hero cities, I mean how many Hero cities are there in Former Soviet union? You answered correctly. So now let's ask the audience.

16. How many hero cities are there? (13).

Dan: Bob I'm so happy you've been with us today, but now it's time to say goodbye. Would you like to say something before you leave?

Bob: I must say thanks to you and the reporters, you've organized an amazing show and I personally think that you must be proud of your motherland, its citizens and of course you should always remember and honour the Hero cities as well as their defenders. Thank you so much it was amazing.

Dan: Во время путешествия мы словно перелистали героические страницы Великой Отечественной войны. Нам нельзя забывать, что за нашу сегодняшнюю жизнь была заплачена огромная цена. Мы должны помнить своих героев. Ибо народ, который забыл свое прошлое, не имеет будущего. Предлагаю почтить память погибших за свободу нашей Родины минутой молчания.

Приближается Праздник Победы. Этот праздник очень дорог нашему народу. Не только в городах-героях, но и на всей территории нашей страны шла великая битва против фашизма, битва за жизнь, за свободу нашей Родины. Участников сражений почти не осталось в живых. Но живы еще люди, у которых война отобрала детство. Сейчас это пожилые люди, ветераны. Они живут с нами рядом и нуждаются в нашем внимании и уважении. Эти люди достойно и честно прожили свою жизнь. На этом я с вами прощаюсь, это была передача «Поле Боя» и я ее ведущий Денис Полонский, берегите себя и своих близких.


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