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  • Конспект урока с аудиоматериалами по английскому языку на тему: Education in the U. K. (Система образования в Великобритании))

Конспект урока с аудиоматериалами по английскому языку на тему: Education in the U. K. (Система образования в Великобритании))

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Different types of schools in UK.

Great Britain is one of the most powerful countries in the world with high living standards providing its people with lots of benefits and opportunities.

  • Do you think the progress in the British society can be explained by the good quality of education?

  • school educates, develops us in different ways, teaches to communicate and live in society;

  • the better educated the person is, the more good he will bring to society;

  • society producing well-educated people will function more effectively;

  • the progress of the society depends on the quality of education.

Let's examine the way schools function in the country. So, the subject of our discussion is education in Great Britain.

Let's start with the types of British schools.

  • What schools do you know?

Education is an important part of. There are hundreds of schools, colleges and universities, including some of the most famous in the world.

Education is free and compulsory for all children between the ages of 5 - 16. Some children are educated at home rather than in school.

Children's education in England is normally divided into two separate stages. They begin with primary education at the age of five and this usually lasts until they are eleven. Then they move to secondary school, there they stay until they reach sixteen, seventeen or eighteen years of age.

Teachers in primary schools ( 4 - 11 year olds) are always addressed by their surname by parents and pupils alike, always Mr, Mrs or Miss Smith.…. In secondary schools (11 - 16 years), teachers are usually addressed as Miss or Sir.

What different types of schools do you have in England?

Children's education in England is normally divided into two separate stages. They begin with education at the age of five and this usually lasts until they are eleven. Then they move to school, there they stay until they reach sixteen, seventeen or eighteen years of age.

The main categories of school are:

-local authority maintained schools (State Schools)

Free to all children between the ages of 5 - 16

  • . (Private/Public Schools)
    Parents pay for their children's' education.

State Schools

In the UK 93% of the children in England and Wales go to "state schools". State schools are non-fee-paying (without paying for study), funded from taxes and most are organised by Local Authorities (LA).

Parents are expected to make sure that their child has a pen, pencil, ruler etc, but the cost of other more specialised equipment, books, examination fees are covered by the school.

Parents are, however, expected to pay for their child's school uniform and items of sports wear. Charges may also be made for music lessons and for board and lodgings on residential trips. Schools may ask for voluntary contributions for school time activities - but no pupil may be left out of an activity if their parents or guardian cannot or do not contribute.

Primary schools (5 - 11 year olds)

In the UK, the first level of education is known as primary education. These are almost always mixed sex, and usually located close to the child's home. Children tend to be with the same group throughout the day, and one teacher has responsibility for most of the work they do.

Parents are strongly encouraged to help their children, particularly with reading and writing, and small amounts of homework are set to all children, even during the early years at school.

Secondary schools (11 - 16 year olds)

Most children transfer at the age of 11 - usually to their nearest secondary school, though the law allows parents in England and Wales to express preferences for other schools too. A place has to be offered at the parents' preferred school unless the school has more applicants than places; in that case it will admit the children who have the highest priority under its published admission arrangements which can vary a little in different places.

Most secondary schools cater for both sexes. They tend to be much larger than primary schools.

Nearly 88 per cent of secondary school pupils in England go to comprehensive schools, as do all pupils in Wales. These take children of all abilities and provide a wide range of secondary education for all or most of the children in a district from 11 to 16 or 18. All children in Scotland go to non-selective schools.

Grammar Schools are selective, they offer academically oriented general education. Entrance is based on a test of ability, usually at 11 (). Grammar schools are single sexed schools i.e. Children either go to a boys Grammar School or a Girls Grammar School. There are grammar schools in Northern Ireland and some parts of England.

Fee Paying Schools

Independent Schools
7% of the children in England go to independent schools. Independent schools are known as private schools and public schools . Parents pay for their children to attend these schools.

Nursery/Kindergarten 2 to 4 years

Pre-preparatory 3 or 4 to 7 years

Preparatory 7 to 11 or 13 years

Public 11 or 13 to 18 years

Prep Schools
A preparatory school is a school to prepare pupils to go to a public school.

Public Schools
A public school is an independent secondary school. Public schools in England are not run by the government. The entrance exams used by most public schools are known as Common Entrance examsand are taken at the age of 11 (girls) or 13 (boys).

The most famous public schools are Eton, Harrow and Winchester.

Higher Education

Around 30% of the 18 to 19 year olds enter full-time higher education. The formal entry requirements to most degree courses are two A-levels at grade E or above. In practice, most offers of places require qualifications in excess of this.

What is the difference between Grammar Schools and Comprehensive schools?

Grammar schools are selective, they offer academically oriented general education. Entrance is based on a test of ability, usually at 11, called the Eleven Plus (11+).

Comprehensive schools, on the other hand, are non-selective, they do not select pupils on grounds of ability.

EXERCISE 1 ( U 9.2, 9.3, 9.4)

Listen to and fill in the information about British students.



How`s it going?





School Day and School Life in UK.

School Life for a 13 year old British Boy

My School is a mixed 11-18 school. There about 1,150 students in my school, including 200 in the sixth form. It is called a Technology College and specialises in Computers and Maths. My school has over 1200 computers (including over 400 tablet PC's)

I am in Year 8 and at the end of (a year earlier than normal). I am presently having to decide what GCSEs I would like to start working towards. I sit my GCSE exams next year instead of the year after when most other people of my age will be doing them.

Some subjects are compulsory like Maths, English, Science and a foreign language. I am not sure what other GSCEs I will be taking. I will have to decide soon.

My School Day

I leave home at 6:45 and walk 20 minutes to catch a bus to school. The bus is a special one just for kids going to my school. The journey on the bus takes an hour because it has to keep stopping to pick up other students along the way.

When I arrive at school, I collect my Tablet PC from the Flexi (Flexiable Learning Centre). Then I go to my Tutor Room for Registration at 8:30.

What is registration?
The attendance of every child attending school each morning and afternoon is recorded in a special book.

The teacher reads out each child's name in turn. On hearing his/her name, the child replies 'yes Mrs. (teacher's name)' and the teacher notes down in the book whether the child is in school or not.

We listen to announcements to see what special things are happening at school today or this week.

At about 8:50 we leave Tutor Room to go to our First Period. Every day I have a different Lesson the first period. Normally it is Humanities but I also have Maths, Drama and Music, and French on the other days. Each period lasts an hour.

All my lessons are in different rooms and places around the school. Each Room either has a three digit number or a name. The numbers are very hard to remember!. I have different teachers for each lesson. I have a locker where I can store some of my stuff but otherwise I have to carry it all around with my in my bags.

Swipe Cards
Every Student carries a swipe card. We swipe into every lesson to let the school know that we have attended that certain lesson and to know where we are in case of emergencies.

On the Swipe Card there are two stripes, a black and a brown. The brown is to swipe into lessons and the black is to get into the toilets and buildings.

We can put money on our Swipe cards instead of carrying cash around. When we want to pay for snacks at the Tuck Shop or canteen we just hand over our cards and they deduct the money.










PE (физическое воспитание)


Humanities (History, Geography and Religion)

Time Table

9:00 1st Period

10:00 2nd Period

11:00 - 11:20 Break
During break, I have a snack and play and chat with my friends. Usually we play 'IT' a chasing game. Snow ball fight when it snows is dead fun.

11:20 3rd Period

12:30 4th Period

1:30 - 2:10 Lunch
I bring a packed lunch to school but occasionally I have school dinners in the School Canteen.

2:10 5th Period

3:10 End of School

Sometimes I stay after school for clubs.

The Canteen is open at Lunch Time and Break Time. Most hot food is served only at lunch time. Chips are only available on Mondays and Fridays.

Tablet PC
We don't use our Tablet PCs in all lessons because some rooms do not have enough power sockets. We use the Tablets to do our work on and to search the Internet. Our Tablet PCs are connected to a Network so we can send our work straight to our teachers. and they can send them back with their comments.


Answer the following questions:( U 9.5)

                EXERCISE 3 ( U 9.6)

                Listen to and wright out the interview of the student talking about her school in the Britain (use the key words):

                • attend/ Pri-school classes

                • leave

                • at

                • get a job

                special college/ learn a trade

                • stay until

                • School day begins

                • start at

                • How long each

                • lessons a day

                • each class lasts

                • How many breaks

                • They last between

                • homework

                • a lot/ it depends on the

                • but usually

                • and possible more, we do

                • a lot of preparation for

                • kind of subjects

                • different things

                • Russian

                • One other foreign

                • science subjects:

                • as well as and lots of

                • we do and finally we do

                • favorite subject

                • like

                • because

                • I like my

                • I am doing two

                BILINGUAL`S BETTER!

                In spite of the fact that secondary education in Great Britain is not only compulsory but free as well, still many British families (20%) choose to educate their children private schools.

                Look at the screen. You see an advert of a private school. Would you send your child to this school if you were parents.

                Let's fancy the situation where on the family council you are deciding whether to send your child to study in private school. Prepare a dialogue where you discuss the advantages and disadvantages of such schools and come to some agreement in the end.

                Now let's speak about the stages of education British children go through during school years.

                Speaking about schools it's impossible not to mention school rules the aim of which is to ensure discipline without which no school will function properly.

                EXERCISE 4

                Every school has its own code of conduct but in fact the rules don't differ much from school to school, from country to country.

                What rules do British children have to observe? Use these grammar structures to support your answer.

                As you see these rules are practically the same we have in our school. But what happens when students break these rules? They get punished. These are some sanctions (I'd say typically British ones) which are imposed on pupils in case of offence. Put these sanctions in the proper order from less to most strict.

                Match the sanctions with their description.

                On the screen you can see a list of the most common offences. You are to work out behavior policy at school. Decide what sanctions must be imposed on students for the following offences (choose from the list)

                BILINGUAL`S BETTER!

                Some people in the UK worry that children speak a language other than English at home. They say it causes problems at school: itis more difficult for the teacher; children cannot learn Science or othersubjects well because they do not speak English well.

                In fact, 70% of the world's population is bilingual. Most research also says growing up with two languages is better than only knowing one language. Normally, children who speak different languages at home and school:

                • are more flexible;

                • are more creative;

                • are better at solvingproblems;

                • are more sensitivetowards otherchildren;

                • they get higher grades atschool including in their second language!

                Sometimes families had bad experiences before and after they moved to the UK from a different country. Maybe they saw a war, or a parent died, or they lost their home, or they have little money. Theseexperiences can causeemotional problems,which makes learningdifficult. Childrenpossibly need help with that but it is wrong to see their language and culture as a problem, because it isn't. In fact,the results are even better if students can do some things at school in their first language because students feel positive about both school and their language.

                EXERCISE 5

                Listen to and wright dialogues (U 9.7, 9.8):

                Conversation 1

                Conversation 2



















                Today we've discussed quite a number of things about school education and I hope it helped you to learn more about this side of British life.

                EXERCISE 6

                Read about the students talking about their schools and put down in the chart the type of school each student studies in. Be ready to account for your choice. What helped you guess the type of school. What problems of their schools are the students talking about.

                Speaker 1: On the one hand, I'm really grateful to my parents for giving me a chance to study in this school and I have no any doubts that here I'll get the best education possible.

                But there is one thing that makes me envious of my friends who study in ordinary schools and have the opportunity to communicate with teens of the opposite sex. In this respect, I believe that our school doesn't prepare us for future life in the society made up not only of males but females as well.

                Speaker 2: I think that my school is neither better nor worse than other schools of the kind. We have quite good facilities: a well-stocked library, a computer room, a gym. Our classes are equipped with TV sets and tape-recorders.

                But what really prevents the students of our school from achieving good academic results is classes with students of mixed abilities. Bright students are usually bored at the lessons as they don't have a chance to excel in class where some of their fellow-students are just unable to master the basics of the subject.

                Speaker 3: It's important that you make your subject choices carefully. At our school everyone can choose subjects that they like/enjoy and that are relevant to their chosen career. And you can be sure that you'll receive proper guidance and tuition in all of them.

                Of course, you have to study hard and spend a lion's share of your time slaving at books and preparing for exams. But all the months of learning will pay off when you get good grades in your A-levels.

                Speaker 4: I'm lucky to study at such a school. It is ranked as one of the best in our city due to its high academic standards, efficient staff, excellent facilities and a wide range of extra-school/leisure activities. My school provides me with an opportunity to develop physically, mentally and spiritually and what is more essential - to get prepared for the exams.

                But as you understand not everyone can afford to send their child to such school. You must be pretty rich to pay high fees to go there.


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