- Учителю
- Сценарий урока английского языка на тему 'Роль матери во время войны'
Сценарий урока английского языка на тему 'Роль матери во время войны'
Сценарий урока « Роль матерей на войне» в 8 классе
Учитель: Good day dear pupils, teachers.My name is Ivan Ivanovich.I am 87 years old. Today I want to tell you about the Great Patriotic War. Listen to me very attentively. The Soviet people were living in a happy peaceful life. But came the year of 1941. The peaceful labor of Soviet people was interrupted. The Great Patriotic War began. It was the most terrible, cruel war in the history of our country. Hitler wanted to destroy all the Soviet people in a short period of time. But all his plans failed I took part in the battle of Moscow which began on the 30th of September in 1941. Hundreds of thousands of Muscovites helped our defenders. "The enemy will not pass", they said. The soldiers and commanders did everything possible and even impossible to stop the enemy. This year we will celebrate it's 70th anniversary. I have never forgotten those terrible days.I can"t forget my friends.My dear children, I wish you happy life without War,be healthy and wealthy.
Ученик: Ivan Ivanovich, why Adolf Hitler"s plan was crashed? (Алеша Сыроватский)
Ветеран: Oh Because our soldiers, officers and leaders were clever and brave.
Ученик: How many people were fallen on the battlefield? Андрей Пухов
Ветеран: In this war Russia lost 27 million people.
Dear our veteran Ivan Ivanovich! Thank you, for no war we live in,
For not hearing the noise of terrible years,
For giving your life away for us to live! (поздравляет и вручает цветы)
Do you agree with this plan?
Can you add anything?
There were a lot of families in Yakutia,who had many children.More over twenty families spent to War four or five sons.There was a poor woman from the Yakut village Ust-Tatta, whose life was tragical
Учитель: Is it interesting to listen her story
Ученик: Yes it was interesting Колесов Никита
Ученик: It was …
Ученик: It was ….
Ученик: Fevronya Nikolaevna was great and strong woman in the history of our country,isn't it? Колмаков Семен
Ученик: Yes it is. Петров Миша
To destroy- разрушать
The enemy- враг
To attack- атаковать
To bomb- бомбардировать
Must- должен
To Win- победить
Loudly- громче
Imagine- представьте
Интересный- interesting
Захватывающий- exciting
Волнующий- excitement
Ученик в роли почтальона: Good morning Fevronya Nikolaevna. I have brought to you a letter from your son Alexey who is fightening with German enemys.
Учитель: Oh,I am very glad to get a letter. Read me out please loudly
Ученик-почтальон читает письмо
Учитель: Thank you very much my dear. I will wait for letter again.
Учитель: What did you feel while you were writing a letter to your Mum being in the role of a son?
Ученик: I felt so sad because I was missing about my mother land
Ученик: I was missing about My native place alaas
Ученик: I was so unhappy
Учитель: Why?
Ученик: I was too missfortuned
Учитель: Thank you for your work
Now we are coming to the final stage and so I ask you to recite poems to our guests
4 ученика выходят на доску и читают монтаж (8мин)
1: We must be grateful to those who put their lives on the altar of the USSR victory. We must keep their memory carefully and appreciate everything they did for us, as we are living just because they are dead.
2. Congratulations to the veterans and their ancestors on the
Great Victory Day ! Never forget the fallen. Our obeisance and best wishes to the live!
3. Never forget the fallen. Our obeisance and best wishes to the live! The spirit of celebration hovers, in the air . A shroud of a sadness still lives in our eyes.
4. Dear veterans! Thank you, for no war we live in,
For not hearing the noise of terrible years,
For giving your life away for us to live!
What have you learnt at this lesson?
What new informations have you learnt?
Did you enjoy your work?