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- Урок на тему 'Идеальная школа'
Урок на тему 'Идеальная школа'
Открытый урок в 7 б классе по теме « School Education. A perfect school»
Задачи урока: Практические: развитие умений монологической и диалогической речи по теме "A perfect school",формирование общих аудитивных навыков, автоматизация лексических навыков, тренировка коммуникативного взаимодействия общающихся.
Развивающие: развитие умений воспринимать информацию на слух; развитие языковой догадки, логического мышления, воображения.
Воспитательные: формирование у школьников чувства гражданской ответственности, понимания значения образования и школы в жизни людей.
Оснащение: Учебник английского языка для 7 кл М.З.Биболетовой, Н.Н. Трубаневой «Enjoy English»; раздаточный материал; видео-презентация; компьютер, интерактивная доска, видео-приложения.
Ход урока:
Орг. момент: Приветствие:
Good morning, boys and girls! Glad to see you! You look nice today! What is the weather like today? Well, boys and girls, before starting our lesson, I have a question for you! Look! Who is this? I guess you don't know. It is an owl. Let's pronounce it. All together- an owl. (T-Cl)
What can you say about it?-(a bird, lives in the forest.) What can it do very well?
It can see in the darkness at night wonderfully. What is an owl associated with? What do you think?
An owl is associated with wisdom, science and knowledge. An owl is often used as a symbol or an emblem. Where can you see the emblem of an owl? Can you guess? Yes! An owl is an emblem of our school! So what shall we speak about today? P1P2
Yes, so the theme of our lesson is: Is our school perfect? This is the plan of our lesson.
2.Video (discussion)
3.Advantages and disadvantages
5.Musical pause
6.Project "A Perfect school"
II . Речевая зарядка:
Let's speak about our school.What is the full name of our school? What can you say about the building? Do you like your school? Why? What are your favourite subjects? Who are you favourite teachers? Why?
Now, I want you to watch a video and say what the girl doesn't like at school.
III. Видео (просмотр)
What can you say about the girl? What is her name? What form is she in? What does she like? What doesn't she like? What about you? Do you have any problems at school? Yes, I was sure, you have. Let's speak about good and bad things in our school.
IV. Look at the screen. Here you see the phrases. Let's divide into 2 groups. The first group will choose "what is good in your school", the second one will choose-"what is bad". I'll give you 1 min.
Will you read your chosen phrases. Let's check if you were right. Now using these phrases say why you think it is good in your school. Give your arguments.
You can begin: It is good in our school as we can…
It is bad that …
V. Well, as you see our school is not perfect. What would you like to change in your school?
Let's listen to your dialogues you have prepared at home. All the rest! listen to them attentively in order to be ready to express your opinions.
Dialogue 3
Well, whose dialogue did you like? Why?
VI. I see you are a bit tired .Let's have a short break and sing a song of a famous group "Beatles" "Obladi-oblada". Everybody can join us and enjoy the song.
VII. School is fun if you are optimistic. Let's dream of an ideal school. We shall do projects. I'll give you sheets of paper, where you should complete sentences to make your own thinking of a perfect school. I'll give you 5 min. Work in pairs. Who is ready? Защита проектов: P1 P2 P3
Well, I think some day our school will be a perfect one. At home you will do Ex. 59 p.73. You can choose any point you like. Your marks for today:… Our lesson is coming to the end.
VIII. Reflection
Now I want you to share your impressions of the lesson. What have you learnt, what was interesting , surprising or difficult for you at the lesson?
Today I've learnt
It was interesting
It was difficult
I understood
I could
I was surprised
Well, it was also very pleasant to work with you today. You were so clever, active, creative and hard-working. Thank you for the lesson. Good bye.