- Учителю
- Урок-викторина по английскому языку 'In the world of sports'
Урок-викторина по английскому языку 'In the world of sports'
Запорізька загальноосвітня школа І-ІІІ ступенів Запорізької міської ради Запорізької області
До тижня англійської мови
"In the World of Sports"
5 клас
Вчитель англійської мови: Котій Наталія Володимирівна
Тема: «Спорт. Види спорту. Спортивні змагання»
Мета: активізувати лексику теми. Практикувати учнів в аудіюванні тексту з метою отримання загального уявлення та максимально повного уявлення всієї інформації, яка міститься в цьому тексті. Розвивати готовність до практичного застосування знань. Сприяти розвитку самостійного мислення, використовувати надбані знання в нових ситуаціях.
Обладнання: картки " Put a tick"; Quiz "Sports in my life"; предметні картки у вигляді м'яча для підрахування балів; картинки для лексичної гри, контейнери "kinder - surprise" з картками для завдання «Give one word for the following definition», anagrams; на дошці гра "Hurry up!"; Game «Put into one of three groups», "Sentence Game".
1. The class is divided into two teams. All the pupils listen to the text.
Sports in my life
I don't go in for one kind of sport or another but in order to kip fit I do my morning exercises to the radio almost every day. When I was a girl, sport was an essential part of my daily life. We had fine teams at school and many kinds of competitions took place there. I went in for athletics and my results weren't bad. Of all outdoor games I preferred volley-ball. All my family is fond of sport. My son and daughter go in for skating in winter and swimming and playing different games in summer. But the game which they like most is basket-ball.
One member of each team comes to the blackboard and does the following task:
1.1 In the following list put a tick for sports mentioned in the text
Who will be the first to put a tick, this team gets one point.
1.2. Quiz "Sports in my life".
1. What does teacher do to keep fit?
a) Does her morning exercises; b) sleeps; c) listens to the radio.
2. Was sport an essential part of her daily life?
a) Yes, it was; b) no, it wasn't.
3. What were her results in athletics?
a) They weren't bad; b) they weren't good; c) they were excellent.
4. What outdoor games did she prefer?
a) Basketball; b) volley y-ball; c) tennis.
5. Do the other members of her family keep fit?
a) No, they don't; b) yes, they do.
2. Lexical game. Do you know the names of different kinds of sport? Look at the pictures and try to guess some of them.
3. Give one word for the following definition. Use the pictures on the blackboard. Участники каждой команды подходят по очереди к учителю и достают из мешочка по одному контейнеру с карточкой. Команда получает очко, если даётся правильное слово к определению.
1. A game for two teams that you play with a ball and basket.
2. A game that you play on a board.
3. A game for two teams that you play with the sticks on the ice-ground.
4. A game for two people that you play with a small ball on a table.
5. An English favourite game is…
6. Popular outdoor winter sport.
7. This kind of sport includes things like running, jumping, etc.
8. Canada's national sport is…
9. Oxana Bayul is good in…
10. A person who trains sportsmen in this or that kind of sport.
11. A place where boys and girls go in for sports.
12. You can swim there in winter.
4. Anagrams.
Make up the words given in a jumbled form.
K c o h y e
N t i c e n
H e s c s
K i s t a g n
N i r n g u n
B o f a l t o l
5. Sentence Game.
take place
go in for
took part
Choose a word from the word square and make a sentence with a word. You get 1 point for a correct sentence.
6. Game "Hurry up!"
On one side of the blackboard the teacher writes a list of 20 known words, for team A, and the other side for team B. The teacher calls out one of the words, and one member of each team runs to the blackboard to cross out that word on the team's side of the blackboard. Who will be the first to cross out the last word, this team gets one point for that.
Team A
Team B
Figure skating
To go in for
To take part
Swimming pool
To take part
To go in for
Figure skating
Swimming pool
7. Game "Put into one of three groups".
Put each of these sports into one of three groups.
Volleyball, golf, judo, handball, weightlifting, fencing running, basketball, table tennis, swimming, cycling, boxing.
Sports played in teams
Sports that can be played against one and other person
Sports that can be played alone
8. A game "Snowball".
How many kinds of sports do you go in for?
T: I go in for running.
P1: I go in for running and swimming.
P2: I go in for running, swimming and boxing.
Who will be the last to call the sentence, this team gets one point.
9. Підведення підсумків.
Роздавальний матеріал
2. Quiz "Sports in my life".
1. What does teacher do to keep fit?
a) Does her morning exercises; b) sleeps; c) listens to the radio.
2. Was sport an essential part of her daily life?
a) Yes, it was; b) no, it wasn't.
3. What were her results in athletics?
a) They weren't bad; b) they weren't good; c) they were excellent.
4. What outdoor games did she prefer?
a) Basketball; b) volley y-ball; c) tennis.
5. Do the other members of her family keep fit?
a) No, they don't; b) yes, they do.
7. Game "Put into one of three groups.
Put each of these sports into one of three groups.
Volleyball, golf, judo, handball, weightlifting, fencing running, basketball, table tennis, swimming, cycling, boxing.
Sports played in teams
Sports that can be played against one and other person
Sports that can be played alone
3. 1. A game for two teams that you play with a ball and basket.
2. A game that you play on a board.
3. A game for two teams that you play with the sticks on the ice-ground.
4. A game for two people that you play with a small ball on a table.
5. An English favourite game is…
6. Popular outdoor winter sport.
7. This kind of sport includes things like running, jumping, etc.
8. Canada's national sport is…
9. Oxana Bayul is good in…
10. A person who trains sportsmen in this or that kind of sport.
11. A place where boys and girls go in for sports.
12. You can swim there in winter.
1. A game for two teams that you play with a ball and basket.
2. A game that you play on a board.
3. A game for two teams that you play with the sticks on the ice-ground.
4. A game for two people that you play with a small ball on a table.
5. An English favourite game is…
6. Popular outdoor winter sport.
7. This kind of sport includes things like running, jumping, etc.
8. Canada's national sport is…
9. Oxana Bayul is good in…
10. A person who trains sportsmen in this or that kind of sport.
11. A place where boys and girls go in for sports.
12. You can swim there in winter.