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  • Открытый урок по английскому языку 'What shall we do tomorrow?'

Открытый урок по английскому языку 'What shall we do tomorrow?'

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предварительный просмотр материала

Theme: What shall we do tomorrow?

Aims: To introduce the new vocabulary and grammar, fixing it through exercises; to practice reading; to practice speaking skills using the definite patterns; to prepare for the explanation of the proverb; to teach the pupils to behave in a proper way.

Results: they can use Will/Will not

The methods of the lesson: group work, question - answer, individual work

The type of the lesson: mixed

The Procedure of the lesson

  1. Organization moment

Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls! How are you?

Pupil: We are nice, thank you. And you?

Teacher: I'm well, thanks. Are you ready for the lesson?

Pupil: Yes, we are.

Teacher: Who is on duty today? Who is away?

Pupil: I'm on duty today. All are present.

Teacher: thank you, Arman.

  1. Warm-up

Teacher: Arman will play football tomorrow. What will you do?

Pupils: I will listen to music tomorrow.

  1. Presentation of the new theme:

  1. Pre-rule activities

Put the flashcards with the words will, will not, won't and the guide-words tomorrow; next week, next year, in a minute, in an hour on a show board. Now, make up some sentences using other words.

Pay attention of your pupils to the different (positive and negative) meanings of sentences because of the words will and won't, to the place of these words in sentences.

Change the place of the flashcard (and symbols) with will making an interrogative sentence.

Let some pupils do it themselves, using the flashcards and symbols.

Practice the pronunciation of these sentences in such a way: you, you - pupils, together, only pupils, pupils one by one.

  1. Pair activities

Teacher: So you know what our boys and girls can promise to do or not to do tomorrow. And would you like to know what they will do tomorrow indeed? So ask them please. Use a pattern of exercise 35, page 78.

Pupils. Will you read a book (play volleyball, write a letter and so on) tomorrow? (Yes, I will. No, I won't)

  1. Reading activities

  1. Silent reading (Textbook activities)

Teacher: Now, boys and girls, open your books exercise 36, page 79. Read the text about two nice rabbits.

  1. Grammar task.

  1. Choose the sentences in the Future Indefinite Tense, stick them and translate.

  1. It's not snowy today.

  2. I'll go and see my friend Small White Rabbit.

  3. I'm Small White Rabbit, your old friend.

  1. Answer the question:

Why is small's coat grey? (Find the sentence in the text.) Why does Small White Rabbit think it's autumn now.

  1. Speaking activities

Teacher: Real friends can do much. Have you got a friend?

Pupil: Yes, I Have.

Teacher: Are they real friends? Say, please, what your friends will do for you.

Pupils (using pictures and structures).

  • She will share sweets (Chocolate) with me

  • He will play hockey with me.

  • He will clean the room with me.

  • She will feed the fish for me.

  • She will write a letter to me.

Prepare the flashcard with some sentences (perhaps with the translation) for less prepared pupils in order they will be able to read them, to understand and then to pronounce something.

Teacher: Now you know what real friends will do for you. There is an English proverb: "A Friend in need is a friend indeed". The translation of this proverb is "Друг познается в беде". Can you explain this proverb?

Pupils say some explanation.

Teacher: Do you know other Kazakh or Russian or proverbs or saying about friends and friendship?

Pupils say, «Дос - ажарың, жолдас - базарың», «Дос жылатып айтады, Дұшпан күлдіріп айтады», «Дружба дружбой, а служба службой» и др.

  1. Reflexive

Share your pupils into two groups.

Group 1. In winter we can skate. (Clap.)

We will skate, will skate. (Clap- Clap- Clap- Clap)

Group 2. In winter they will clap. (Clap-Clap-Clap)

  1. Homework

The homework is exercise 38, page 81. Think of your own end of the story in exercise 39, then tell it to your friends.


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