• Учителю
  • Внеклассный урок по английскому языку на тему Kazakhstan is my Country

Внеклассный урок по английскому языку на тему Kazakhstan is my Country

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Краткое описание:
предварительный просмотр материала

Theme: "Kazakhstan is My Country".

Aims: To develop communicative skills and abilities, to develop the students' interest in the subject of English, to educate the feeling of love and responsibility to our country.

Connection of the subject: English, Kazakh, Geography, History and Music.

Visual aids: an interactive board, cards.

</ Steps of the competition

  1. Presentation (таныстыру.)

  2. 1st round is Baiga

  3. 2nd round is Poliglot

  4. 3rd round is Doda.

  5. 4th round is Kokpar

Procedure of the competition.

  1. Presentation:

Good morning dear teachers and students! Welcome to our competition "The Leader of the XXIst century! The theme of our competition is "Kazakhstan is My Country." That's why we shall speak about our country, our Motherland.

Today we gathered here to choose the best student's groups of the school. Our intellectual

Game consists of 5 stages.

The juries are…1.



The jury will count the correct answers at first every participant has to introduce

Yourself in short. The 1st participant is … … etc.

The 1st round of our competition is Baiga. You must answer the questions as quick, as possible and who answer the first will get 10 points.

After the 2nd game that pupils who has gathered less than others must leave our game. Good luck! Now let's begin.

The first round is Baiga.

  1. Where is the Republic of Kazakhstan situated?-It is situated in the central Asia.

2. How many people are there in our country? -There are about 16 million..

3. What is the official language of the country? - (Kazakh)

4. Name the main rivers of the country? - The Ile, the Syr- Darya, the Ural.

5. Name the biggest lakes. - They are Balkash, Alakol, Sasikkol, and Markakol.

6. Who is the head of our country? - N. Nazarbayev

7. What is the oldest name of the capital of Kazakhstan? - Akmola, Tselinograd.

8. What birds are used in Kazakh national hunting? - Eagle.

9. What part of the country do you live in? - (in North Kazakhstan.)

10. Which holiday do people celebrate on the 16th of December?

- (The Independence Day.)

The 2nd round is Poliglot.

Give the translation of he words into Kazakh and Russian.

  1. Independence - тәуелсісдік - независимость

  2. Achievement - жетістік - достижение.

  3. Prosperity - гүлдену - процветание.

  4. Customs and traditions - әдет-ғұрып- обычай традиция.

  5. Anthem - әнұран - гимн.

  1. Solar system - күн жүйесі - ден системы

  2. Population - халық - народ.

  3. Agriculture - ауыл шаруашылығы - сельскохозяство.

  4. Environment - қоршаған орта - мир окружение.

  5. State - государствa - мемлекет.

Let's count the points. We must say good bye to our participants, who has

less points than others, two participants will leave our competition.

And now let's begin our third round which is called "Doda".

At the blackboard you see some questions about 3 subjects: geography,

Music, history. Choose the subject which you like.


10 points: - What large city of Kazakhstan? (Almaty)

  1. Points: -How many lakes are there in Kazakhstan? ( about 5,000)

30 points: -How many regions are there in Kazakhstan? (14)

  1. Points: -When did Kazakhstan become an Independent State? (1991. 16.12.)

50 points: - What countries does Kazakhstan border on? (Russia, China, Kirgyzstan, Usbekistan, Turkmenstan. )


10 points: - How many letters are there in the English alphabet? (26)

20 points: - What is the capital of the USA? (Washington)

30 points: - Whish is the shortest month in a year? (February)

40 points: - The Kazakh national drink? (kymyz)

50 points: - Name the days of the week? (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday).


10 points:- Who are the authors of the new anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan?

(N. Nazarbayev, J. Najmedinov.)

20 points: - what month is Kazakh New Year celebrated? (On 22nd of March)

30 points -When was the first President of the Republic elected? (In 1991)

40 points -When do people of Kazakhstan celebrate the day of Constitution?

(The 30th of August)

50points - What musical instruments do Kazakh people play? (Domdyra, kobyz)

The 4th round is Kokpar.

The task is to answer the questions as quickly as you can..

  1. Is Kazakhstan multinational state?

  2. At what age do people vote in Kazakhstan? 18)

  3. When is the Capital City Day? ( 6 July )

  4. Whо was Abay Kunanbayev? (A poet, composer.)

  5. What chambers does Kazakhstan parliament consist of? (The Senate and Majilis)

  1. What is the state language of Kazakhstan? (Kazakh).

  2. What is the highest mountain peak in Kazakhstan? (Khan Tangry)

  3. What is the symbol of freedom in Kazakhstan? ( an eagle)

  4. When was the Declaration of Independence proclaimed? (16th of December 1991

  5. In what month is celebrated Kazakh New Year? ( in March)


Now it's time to say results of our competition, while our juries count your scores,

You may sing a song.

The members of jury make a conclusion. Rewarding the best student's group.

Thanks a lot to our participants. Also thanks to our juries. Our competition lesson is over! Good bye!

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