- Учителю
- Ағылшын тілі пәнінен ашық сабақ: Health care and epidemics
Ағылшын тілі пәнінен ашық сабақ: Health care and epidemics
</ The theme of the lesson: Health care and epidemics
The objectives of the lesson:
a) educational: To enrich the pupils knowledge giving them more
information about some types of diseases and epidemics;
b) developing: To develop memory, logical thinking and developing
creative work with new technologies, to provide an opportunity of
free speaking.
c) bringing up: To make an interest to the subject, to teach to
work creatively, in group.
Visual aids used at the lesson: active board, cards with words
Interactive link: Ecology, biology, chemistry, industrial
lesson, languages.
The outline of the lesson:
I. The beginning of the lesson. (greeting, etc)
II. Checking up the home task
Check up pupils' vocabulary taken at the previous lesson with the
help of the crossword. P1 - P2 -P3 - P4 - etc
III. New theme of the lesson: Health care and epidemics
a) Teacher's short information about Health care and epidemics.
b) Introduction of new words according to the new text "Health care
and epidemics". Reading of the text and work with it. (Exercise 7
page 155)
IV. Classroom exercises:
Exercise 8 page 156 - orally.
Exercise 9 page 156 - orally.
Exercise 14 page 157 - in a written form. P1 - P2 -P3 - P4 - etc
V. Additional material to the theme:
I'll explain about H1N1 influenza and plague with the helping by
nurse of the lyceum Burambaeva Aiym.
a) Teacher's leading questions. Bloom's exercise:
VI. Now, let's do Exercise 14 page 157 in a written form,
P1 - P2 -P3 - P4 - etc
VII. The laws of the health.
VIII. Translate the sentences into Kazakh:
IX. Evaluation. Home task: Ex-11, 12 page 156.
To do the exercises.
X. The end of the lesson.
The course of the lesson:
I. Teacher: Good morning pupils! Sit down. I'm glad to see you.
Let's begin the lesson. I want you to be more active and show your
knowledge of English.
II. Let's check up your home task :
Revise all the new words taken at the previous lesson.
Solve the crossword:
1. h E a l t h
2. o P e r a t i o n
3. a n a e s t h e t I c s
4. a p p e n D i x
5. s u r g E o n
6. M e d i c i n e
7. s c I e n c e
8. s i C k
9. d i S e a s e
Teacher: I'll check your vocabulary with the help of guessing the
following crossword.
1. English equivalent of "денсаулық"
2. What's the English for "операция, ота"?
3. Анестезиялайтын дәрі-дәрмек.
4. Соқырішектің бөлшегі
5. What's the English for "хирург, оташы"?
6. English equivalent of "медицина"
7. What is it "ғылым"?
8. Synonym of "ill"
9. What's the English for "ауру"?
Teacher: What word do you see at the bottom of the crossword?
Pupils: Epidemics
III. Teacher: Yes, you are right. The theme of our today's lesson
"Health Care and epidemics". You already know about the cold
diseases in Kazakh, such as тымау, туберкулез, оба, шошқа тымауы
және т.б. Now, before reading, the text about the Health Care and
epidemics, let's take the new words.
a) New words:
Amount [ә'maunt], n - мөлшері, саны
Cure [kjuә] - емдеу
Contagious [kәn'teidjәs], adj - жұғатын, жұқпалы
Cough [kof], n - жөтел
Epidemic [epi'demik], n - эпидемия
Fever ['fi:vә], n - дене қызуы, безгек
Influenza [,influ'enzә], n - тымау, грипп
Inject [in'djekt], v - дәрі жіберу
Prevent [pri'vent], v - сақтап қалу, қорғау
Relieve [ri'li:v] - жеңілдету
Separate ['sepә,reit] - бөлу, айырып жіберу
Sneeze [sni:z] - түшкіру
Spread [spred], v - жаю, тарату
b) Let's read and work with text.
Exercise 7 page 155.
P1 - P2 -P3 - P4 - etc
1. Everyone suffers from disease at some time or another. However,
millions of people round the world do not have good health care.
Sometimes they have no money for medical treatment. Sometimes they
have money, but there is no doctor. Sometimes the doctor does not
know how to treat the disease, and sometimes there is no treatment.
Some people are afraid of doctors. When these conditions are
present in large population centers, epidemics can start.
2. People have all kinds of ideas about how to prevent and treat
diseases. Some people think that if you eat lots of onions or
garlic, you won't get sick. Others say you should take huge amounts
of vitamins. Some people want antibiotics whenever they get sick.
3. Doctors know how most epidemic diseases spread.
Some, like tuberculosis (TB), are spread when people sneeze and
cough. Others are spread through human contact such as on the
hands. You can even pick up a disease if you touch things in public
buildings. Other diseases are spread through insects.
4. One disease that causes frequent, worldwide epidemics is
influenza, or flu for short. The symptoms of influenza include
headache and sometimes a runny nose. About half of all flu patients
have a high body temperature, called a fever. Flu is very
contagious. One person catches the flu from another person.
5. Sometimes medicine can relieve the symptoms. If you take a
medicine it can make you cough less, make headache less intense,
and stop noses from running for a while. However, medicine can't
always cure the disease.
6. Some diseases can be prevented by vaccination. A liquid vaccine
is injected into the arm or taken by mouth and the person is safe
from catching that disease.
7. How can you prevent yourself from diseases? When someone you
know becomes ill, try to avoid physical contact with that person.
If you get sick yourself, it will be a good idea to keep your towel
and dishes separate from everyone else's. try not to touch things
that belong to others. Don't touch other people and don't shake
hands. Explain why, however, you don't want people to think you are
impolite. Wash your hands often if you are ill or if anyone around
you is ill.
IV. Here are short summaries of 7 paragraphs of the text. Put them
in the correct order.
Medicine can cure a disease, but not always - 5
The cause of epidemics - 1
Disease can be prevented by good health habits - 7
Different ways of treating diseases - 2
The symptoms of flu - 4
How are epidemic diseases spread? - 3
Vaccination - 6
Name the symptoms of influenza:
1) headache
2) runny nose
3) high body temperature/fever
4) cough
5) sneeze
V. Additional material to the theme:
I'll speak about H1N1 influenza and plague with the helping by
nurse of the lyceum Burambaeva Aiym.
'Influenza' A (H1N1) virus is a subtype of influenza A virus and
was the most common cause of human influenza (flu) in 2009. Some
strains of H1N1 are endemic in humans and cause a small fraction of
all influenza-like illness and a small fraction of all seasonal
influenza. H1N1 (pronounced "HEE-NEE" by healthcare professionals)
strains caused a small percentage of all human flu infections in
2004-2005.[1] Other strains of H1N1 are endemic in pigs (swine
influenza) and in birds (avian influenza).
Plague Introduction
Plague is a term applied to an infectious disease that spreads
easily and, without antibiotics treatment, can be fatal. The plague
has caused more fear and terror than perhaps any other infectious
disease in history. It has killed nearly 200 million people and has
produced monumental changes, such as marking the end of the Dark
Ages and causing the advancement of clinical research in medicine.
Although still debated by historians, the plague has been
responsible for multiple epidemics and at least 3 great pandemics
(epidemics that are spread over a large region or multiple sections
of the world).
The first plague pandemic spanned from the Middle East to the
Mediterranean basin during the 5th and 6th centuries, killing about
half the population of those areas.
The second pandemic struck Europe between the 8th and 14th
centuries, destroying nearly 40% of Europe's population.
The third pandemic started in 1855 in China and spread to every
major continent.
b) Teacher's leading questions. Bloom's exercise:
Main idea: epidemic diseases
- How are diseases spread?
- What are the reasons of epidemics?
- What kind of epidemic diseases did you learn?
- How can people prevent themselves from diseases?
P1 - P2 -P3 - P4 - etc
VI. Now, let's do Exercise 14 page 157 in a written form,
P1 - P2 -P3 - P4 - etc
Fill in a, an, the, or nothing
a. The doctor told my son to take 2 pills for _____ headache.
b. He had _____ stitch in his side. The doctor examined _____
stitch and said there was nothing to worry.
c. I have ____ boil on my hand.
d. ____ Influenza or flu is a contagious disease with fever.
e. There was ____ bruise on his forehead.
f. The wound seemed to be healing on the top but the body had ____
pain in his leg.
VII. There are some laws of health that people must follow:
• Eat less of everything
• Exercise more
• Don't eat at night
• Eat more fruit and vegetables
• Keep of a day regime
• Walk
• Healthy sleep
• Go in for sport
VIII. Translate the sentences into Kazakh:
1. Before you start working in the workshop, you should introduce
with industrial safety.
Шеберханада жұмыс жасауды бастамас бұрын қауіпсіздік ережесімен
танысу қажет.
2. When you are welding, you should to wear mitten, because the
sparks can hurt your body.
Дәнекерлеу кезінде қолғап киіп жұмыс жасау міндетті, себебі от
ұшқындары денені жарақаттау мүмкін.
3. Ацетилен генераторы ашық қалған жағдайда улы газ таралып,
адамның тыныс алу органдарын зақымдайды.
If the acetylene generator left open, it could hurt your breath
4. Дәнекерлеу кезінде от ұшқындары көзге қатты әсер етеді,
сондықтан маска кию қажет.
When you are welding the spark could hurt your eyes, that is why
you should wear a mask.
IX. Teacher: Very nice. We've got a lot of information about health
care and epidemics. Your home task is: Ex-11, 12 page 156. To do
the exercises.
Your marks for today's lesson: P1 - exc; P2 - good etc
X. Stand up! The lesson is over. You are free. Good bye! Thank you
to all of you!
New words:
Amount [ә'maunt], n - мөлшері, саны
Cure [kjuә] - емдеу
Contagious [kәn'teidjәs], adj - жұғатын, жұқпалы
Cough [kof], n - жөтел
Epidemic [epi'demik], n - эпидемия
Fever ['fi:vә], n - дене қызуы, безгек
Influenza [,influ'enzә], n - тымау, грипп
Inject [in'djekt], v - дәрі жіберу
Prevent [pri'vent], v - сақтап қалу, қорғау
Relieve [ri'li:v] - жеңілдету
Separate ['sepә,reit] - бөлу, айырып жіберу
Sneeze [sni:z] - түшкіру
Spread [spred], v - жаю, тарату
New words:
Amount [ә'maunt], n - мөлшері, саны
Cure [kjuә] - емдеу
Contagious [kәn'teidjәs], adj - жұғатын, жұқпалы
Cough [kof], n - жөтел
Epidemic [epi'demik], n - эпидемия
Fever ['fi:vә], n - дене қызуы, безгек
Influenza [,influ'enzә], n - тымау, грипп
Inject [in'djekt], v - дәрі жіберу
Prevent [pri'vent], v - сақтап қалу, қорғау
Relieve [ri'li:v] - жеңілдету
Separate ['sepә,reit] - бөлу, айырып жіберу
Sneeze [sni:z] - түшкіру
Spread [spred], v - жаю, тарату
Solve the crossword:
1. English equivalent of "денсаулық"
2. What's the English for "операция, ота"?
3. Анестезиялайтын дәрі-дәрмек.
4. Соқырішектің бөлшегі
5. What's the English for "хирург, оташы"?
6. English equivalent of "медицина"
7. What is it "ғылым"?
8. Synonym of "ill"
9. What's the English for "ауру"?
Solve the crossword:
1. English equivalent of "денсаулық"
2. What's the English for "операция, ота"?
3. Анестезиялайтын дәрі-дәрмек.
4. Соқырішектің бөлшегі
5. What's the English for "хирург, оташы"?
6. English equivalent of "медицина"
7. What is it "ғылым"?
8.Synonym of "ill"
9.What's the English for "ауру"?
Now, let's do the exercise 14 page 157 in a written form,
Fill in a, an, the, or nothing
a. The doctor told my son to take 2 pills for _____ headache.
b. He had _____ stitch in his side. The doctor examined _____
stitch and said there was nothing to worry.
c. I have ____ boil on my hand.
d. ____ Influenza or flu is a contagious disease with fever.
e. There was ____ bruise on his forehead.
f. The wound seemed to be healing on the top but the body had ____
pain in his leg.
Now, let's do the exercise 14 page 157 in a written form,
Fill in a, an, the, or nothing
a. The doctor told my son to take 2 pills for _____ headache.
b. He had _____ stitch in his side. The doctor examined _____
stitch and said there was nothing to worry.
c. I have ____ boil on my hand.
d. ____ Influenza or flu is a contagious disease with fever.
e. There was ____ bruise on his forehead.
f. The wound seemed to be healing on the top but the body
had ____ pain in his leg