- Учителю
- План - конспект внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку, 4 класс
План - конспект внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку, 4 класс
Fairytale Party.
1. Ведущий: Dear friends. We are happy to see you here at our Fairy tale party. We are very excited and we hope you to enjoy this holiday. Let's begin!
2.Ведущий: Дорогие ребята, учителя, родители. Мы предлагаем вам посмотреть детские сказки на английском языке. Мы надеемся, что, вы, испытаете удовольствие, вместе с нами окунувшись в этот удивительный сказочный мир.
Ведущий 1: Hi!
Ведущий 2: Hellо!
Ведущий 1: And how are you?
Ведущий 2: We are glad to meet all you!
Ведущий 1: It's a holiday today!
Ведущий 2: It's a very funny day!
-Once upon a time there lived a princess. She had everything she wanted: beautiful clothes, wonderful food, rich parents and a magic mirror. But she hadn't got any book, that's why she was always sad and unhappy. One day she decided to talk to her magic mirror and ask it some questions.
-Magic mirror, tell me, why is my life so boring?
(The voice of magic mirror):
-Because you didn't travel to the fairy country of books, you didn't know any fairytales…
-Please, mirror, send me to this country, please, do it!!!
-All right, close your eyes and repeat after me:
"Magic country, one, two, three,
Magic country, I'm here…"
- Look! Here is a Magic book of Fairy tales.
Sit down, please. It'll tell you the first fairytale. And you listen to it, dear guests.
So, once upon a time there lived Puff-the-Ball. He had a grandmother and a grandfather. He loved them, but one day he ran away. (Далее ребята 3б ( Подсвирова Л.С.) класса показывают сказку "Колобок").
Thank you very much, dear children. I liked your tale very much. Are there any other tales in your book?
Look! The Magic book of Fairy tales has disappeared. Somebody has stolen it. What shall we do?
Fairy: Oh! I think children can help us to return the book. It always comes back to those people who know fairy tales well. So let's go on. The title of the next tale is "Buzzy-Wuzzy Busy Fly" (3а Навроцкая О.И.)
And now, dear Princess, listen to another fairytale "Twelve Months". (3a Лисицына И.А., Зубарева Н.Д.)
-Princess: Isn't it enough to return the book?
-Of course, not! We'll see one more now. It's "The Elephant's Child" (3б Навроцкая О.И.)
Thank you, thank you very much! Can you name the next tale, please! Fairy:
-All right. One, two, three …
Red Riding Hood you will be! (3б Лисицына И.А.)
Fairy: And now, let's look at the tale "A Cat Wants to Have Friends" (3в Навроцкая О.И.)
Princess: Let me guess! Now we are going to watch a tale about Little Red Hen
Fairy: Right you are! 3в ( Подсвирова Л.С.)
Fairy: We need one more tale to save our Magic book. What would you like to see?
Princess: I'd like "The House in the Wood" (3в Лисицына И.А.)
Princess: Wow!!! Look! The witch and the cat are coming here! They are bringing back the BOOK!
The witch and the cat: We are so sorry!
-Thank you very much, I liked your tales and your magic country. I'd like to read many books in future. But it's time to say good bye
-Yes, come to our library and you'll discover the magic land there. You can read…
And now let our children dance. It will help the Princess not to be boring. (танец)
Ведущий 1:
Ну, что ж, друзья! Пора прощаться!
Сказать:Good bye, my dear friends!
Ведущий 2:
Хотя нам жалко расставаться,
Но в мире есть всему конец.
Оба: GOOD-BYE!!!
Все: Good - bye!
Сценарий мероприятия
для 3 классов
Fairytale Party
Навроцкая О.И.