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  • Разработка урока Один день в США

Разработка урока Один день в США

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предварительный просмотр материала

Разработка открытого урока учителя английского языка Кузнецовой Марины Витальевны.

Тема урока: «One day in America».

Ход урока.

Мобилизующее начало:

My dear students! I'm pleased to meet you! I hope, that our meeting will be pleasant for everybody. (слайд: You should follow after these rules at our lesson!)

1. Don't be shy!

2. Be friendly!

3. «Be chatty»!

4. Be hard-working!

5. Be confident and artistic!

6. Don't be sad!

7. Be happy, creative and fun-loving!

T: But ,of course, I'd like to know about you as much as possible. Let's speak about ourselves. At first I want to tell you about myself. I'm a teacher of the school №6.

I love my profession very much, because I love you.

Let's speak about yourselves: 1. What is your favorite subject at school? 2. What is your hobby? 3. What is your favorite activity? 4. What sort of music do you like? 5.What is your favorite band or a singer? 6.Who is your best friend? 7.Which foreign country would you like to visit?

T: I have an interesting suggestion. Let's spend one day in America!

Цель урока:

Познавательный аспект- совершенствование речевой и социокультурной коммуникативных компетенций по теме «Америка», повышение мотивации к стране изучаемого языка.

Развивающий аспект-развитие креативных способностей учащихся.

Воспитательный аспект - воспитывать интерес к стране изучаемого языка.

Задачи урока:

1.Развитие навыков диалогической речи, умения отвечать на вопросы;

2. Обогащение словарного запаса учащихся лексикой;

3.Развитие коммуникативных умений в речевой деятельности;

4. Формирование чувства ответственности при работе в группе;

5. Приобщение учащихся к культуре, традициям и реалиям Америки.

( слайд о задачах урока на двух языках).

T: My dear, we are going to make a trip around America. But we learn British language. You can mix American English with British English, can't you? Let's check up it.

( слайд Your task is: try to match these words: American English with British English).

1. Movie 1.Holiday

2. Vacation 2. Maths

3. Soccer 3. Film

4. school student 4. Lift

5. math 5. Trainers

6. elevator 6. Football

7. sneakers 7. Pupil

T: Your are the best students, who know American and British English perfectly!


T: I'll be happy if your answer the questions, which are connected with knowledge about America before our trip. I suggest playing the game:

Let's play the game: «What? Where? When?»:

1. Who discovered Ameica?

2. Who is the first president of the USA?

3. What is the capital of the USA ?

4. What is the largest state in the USA?

5. What is the largest city in the USA?

6. What is the centre of cinema production in the USA?

7. Who is the president of America at present days?

8. What is the name of the tallest buildings in the USA?

9. What is the name of American flag?

10. What is the full name of the USA?

T: Thank you very much. You are the cleverest students!

Imagine that you have

Call you pen friends from America and ask them to help you. ( Работа в парах).

( Диалог №1):

Mr Brown: Hello!

You: Hi! This is ( your name) from Russia. Is that Jessica?

Mr Brown: No sorry. She isn't in at the moment.

You: OK. I'm Jessica's pen friend. Could I leave a message for her?

Mr Brown: Yes, of course.

You: Could you ask her to ring me back this evening, please?

Mr Brown: Right. I'll tell her.

You: Thanks very much. Good-buy.

Mr: Brown: Buy.

(Диалог №2):

Kate: Hello.

You: Hi. This is ( your name) your pen friend from Russia.

Kate: Oh! I haven't seen you for ages.

You: How are you?

Kate: I'm OK! And you?

You: I'm fine, thanks!

Kate: What are you doing?

You: I'm finding information about the population of the USA. I'm going to your country with our teacher and my classmates.

Kate: Oh! It's fantastic! Could I help you?

You: Of, course! Kate, How many people live in the USA ?

Kate: Our country is the fourth country in the world.239 million people live in America.

You: What is the official language in the USA?

Kate: It's English. But we speak American English.

You: Yes, I know. G.B. Show wrote: "We are two countries separated by a common language. Thank you very much. Good - buy!

Kate: Buy! I'll be very glad to see you.

(Слайд с флагом, статуей…)

T: At last, my dear, we are in America! You know this is the flag of America. Why does the flag have 50 stars. What do they symbolize? Why does the flag have13 stripes? What do they symbolize?

( на доске флаг Америки)

T: The first American flag was made by Betsy Ross during the War for Independence on January the first 1776.

(на доске статуя Свободы)

T: Do you know what it is? The Statue of Liberty stands in New York. It was put up in 1886.The Statue was given to the USA by the people of France as a symbol of friendship between the two countries.

(на доске Вошингтон).

T: Pay attention, please! We are in the capital of the country- Washington. It was chosen by George Washington as the best place for the nation's capital.

(Нью- Йорк).

T: We are in New York. It is known as the "City that never sleeps".

(Лос- Анджелес).

This is the city of cinema production-Holliwood. Who knows, what is situated near

Hollywood? There's a wonderful fairy land called Disneyland.


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