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  • Тест по английскому языку в 9 классе за первую половину 1-й четверти 25 вопросов по учебнику Аяпова

Тест по английскому языку в 9 классе за первую половину 1-й четверти 25 вопросов по учебнику Аяпова

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Control work №2 Grade: 9

  1. Составьте предложение

Been/eating/I/have/since/ low fat food/ only/April

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8






  1. Выберите эквивалент идиомы: «иметь много свободного времени»

  1. Button one's lips

  2. On the tip of one's tongue

  3. To have a sweet tooth

  4. To have time on one's hands

  5. Apple of one's eye

  1. Вставьте в предложение глагол в нужной форме What … your father do?

  1. Have

  2. Does

  3. Has

  4. Is

  5. Do

  1. Укажите предложение где есть Present Perfect

  1. I'm wearing dresses

  2. I have been doing it for an hour

  3. I have had the task an hour ago

  4. I'm going to do my homework

  5. He has a dog

  1. Дайте общее название данным словам an arm, a foot, cheeks, lips…

  1. Eating

  2. Health habits

  3. About me

  4. Health

  5. Parts of body

  1. Образуйте прилагательное при помощи суффикса responsibility

  1. -ible

  2. -y

  3. -tific

  4. -less

  5. -ent

  1. Заполните предложение одним из слов You've to take ___for yourself

  1. Treatment

  2. Help

  3. Care

  4. Existence

  5. Decision

  1. Дайте перевод слову «гибкий»

  1. Plain

  2. Flexible

  3. Slim

  4. Guilty

  5. Embarrassing

  1. Подберите правильно слово Running is an ___way to keep fit

  1. Strong

  2. Flexible

  3. Excellent

  4. Junk

  5. bad

  1. Выбери верный вариант How long ___you___ ___ in this room?

  1. Have sitting

  2. Has been sitting

  3. Has sitting

  4. Have being sitting

  5. Have been sitting

  1. Закончите предложениеe David's eyes hurt because …

  1. Has been waiting for the street

  2. Has been running

  3. Has been going to England

  4. Has been revising for exams all night

  5. Has been swimming

  1. Найдите неверный ответ Good habits:

  1. Go in for sports

  2. Eating fresh food

  3. Clean teeth

  4. Keep fit

  5. Eating junk food

  1. Выберите эквивалент к идиоме apple of one's eye

  1. Свет очей

  2. Не разговаривай

  3. Иметь много времени

  4. Быть сладкоежкой

  5. запамятовать

  1. Составьте слово e t h a e s t e

  1. Ethtesla

  2. Lethates

  3. Ateslteh

  4. Athletes

  5. athelets

  1. Правильный вариант даты: 1976

  1. One hundred seventy six

  2. One hundred and seventy six

  3. Nineteen and seven and six

  4. Nineteen seventy six

  5. Nineteen hundred and seventy six

  1. Прочитай текст и найди подходящее название:

Britain's first laughter therapist Robert Holden says: "Instinctively we know that laughing helps us fell healthy and alive. Each time we laugh we feel better"

  1. We lose an astonishing 385 laughs a day

  2. There were four groups

  3. The opinion of the first specialist

  4. This is laughter therapy in action

  5. The effects of the laughter

  1. Дополните предложение Do people generally___more or less than before?

  1. Reduce

  2. Laugh

  3. Do

  4. Relax

  5. research

  1. Образование глагольной формы Present Simple Passive

  1. Have worked

  2. Didn't work

  3. Don't work

  4. Be working

  5. Be worked

  1. Выберите правильный вариант модального глагола "I just ___ eat any more. It made me feel sick "

  1. Mightn't

  2. Couldn't

  3. Needn't

  4. Mustn't

  5. Didn't can

  1. Выберите предложение в Past Continuous

  1. The doctor advised me to keep to a diet

  2. I'm doing aerobics

  3. I have never broken my arms

  4. Her son had already taken the tablets

  5. The doctor was examining the patient

  1. Выберите предложение в Present Continuous

  1. The doctor advised me to keep to a diet

  2. I'm doing aerobics

  3. I have never broken my arms

  4. Her son had already taken the tablets

  5. The doctor was examining the patient

  1. Выберите неправильный ответ bad habits:

  1. Junk food

  2. Sleep to much

  3. Taking drugs

  4. Eating too much sweets

  5. Don't eat at night

  1. Определи название формы was taken

  1. Present Simple

  2. Past Simple

  3. Present simple passive

  4. Past Simple passive

  5. Past perfect

  1. Образуйте новое слово от «treat», употребив правильный суффикс

  1. Treating

  2. Treatence

  3. Treatment

  4. Treatness

  5. Treatsion

  1. Выберите правильно грамматическую форму This company ___ perfumes since 1976.

  1. Has sold

  2. Has been selling

  3. Have been selling

  4. Have sold

  5. Has been sold


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