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  • Планирование урока по английскому языку на тему Еда и здоровье (10 класс)

Планирование урока по английскому языку на тему Еда и здоровье (10 класс)

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План - конспект повторительно-обобщающего урока по теме "Food and Health"


Цель: повторить, обобщить лексический и грамматический материал по теме «Еда и здоровье» посредством игры - соревнования между 2 командами.

Ребята работают в командах. Команды проходят различные станции (конкурсы) по теме.

После каждого конкурса команда, одержавшая победу в конкурсе, получает жетон. После проведения всех конкурсов команды подсчитывают количество жетонов и выявляют команду - победительницу.

Некоторые задания подразумевают индивидуальную работу, за которой следует обсуждение в команде и озвучивание согласованного варианта. Во время соревнования учащиеся представляют свои проекты, приготовленные дома.

Вводная часть

Организационный момент. Беседа учителя с учащимися.

T: Good- morning, children. How are you? Nice to see you.

What kind of holiday is it today? (Cosmonautics Day -Урок проведен 12 апреля)

Who was the first cosmonaut in the world? When did he fly into space? What other Russian cosmonauts do you know? What is very important for the person who wants to become a cosmonaut? Should spacemen eat the right food to be healthy?

They say there's nothing more important than health. Why?

Well, today we are having a competition between 2 teams on the topic "Food and Health" and the name of our lesson is "An apple a day keeps the doctor away". How do you understand this proverb?

Конкурсные задания

Let's start our competition. You'll have to do some tasks passing the stations and get some counters.

1) Station "Greetings"

Учащиеся представляют название, девиз и капитана своей команды.

2) Station "Words"

1. "A Chain of Words". Find the words. Which team will be the first?


(Key: 10 WORDS - cereal, lettuce, eyesight, toothache, egg, ginger, raspberry, yoghurt, treat, tummy)

2. "Word scrambles". (Перепутанные слова)

Who will be the first to find all the words?

ssveels, inermals, viinstam, igendistion, omastch, toathr

(Key: vessels, minerals, vitamins, indigestion, stomach, throat)

3. "Adjectives and their opposites".

Take envelopes, don't open them now. You're to make up the words and then find the pairs of the opposites. Let's start.

Учащиеся собирают слова (прилагательные) из частей, написанных на карточках. Затем составляет пары слов (антонимы). Команда, справившаяся с заданием быстрее, получает жетон.

sugary overweight fizzy skinny tasteless unhealthy wholesome still delicious salty


still- fizzy

unhealthy - wholesome


sugary -salty


3) Station "Health Tips".

1. Team battle.

Tell what you would do if you had some health problems.

Discuss and be ready to ask and answer questions. Each of you should be ready to answer. You may ask any person from the other team. You'll have half a minute to discuss.

(I feel a bit down in the dumps. What would you do if you felt … )

Команды получают карточки с заданиями. За каждый правильный вопрос и ответ команды получают жетоны.

  • You're underweight

  • You feel a bit down in the dumps.

Ask a person from the other team some advice:

- I … . . What would you do if you … ?

1)Your friend from the other team has some health problems:

  • underweight

  • feeling a bit down in the dumps.

Give some advice: If I … .

2)Your friend from the other team has some health problems:

  • can't keep emotions under control.

  • lack of boost.

Give some advice: If I … .

  1. You suffer from some problems.

  • You can't keep your emotions under control.

  • You don't have boost enough.

Ask a person from the other team some advice:

- I … . .What would you do if you … ?

2. Short dialogues.

Make up 3 short dialogues in your teams. Use the card and give some health tips to your friend.

You'll have half a minute to discuss. Получают жетоны за каждый правильно составленный диалог.

Student 1

You are overweight.

  1. Tell about your problem and ask your friend some advice.

  1. Respond (agree or disagree)

Student 2

Your friend has some health problem.

Listen to him/her and give some advice.

4)Station "Captains' contest"

Конкурс капитанов. Капитаны готовят монологи по рисункам о том, какую бы еду они предпочли и почему.

Look at the pictures and say what you would choose to eat and why. 2 minutes for you to prepare.

Во время конкурса капитанов команды выполняют задания следующей станции.

And we are at the next station.

5) Station "Find the mistake."

Correct the sentences. Who will be the first to find all the mistakes?


  1. If only I would eat less chocolate! (ate)

  2. I wish I am not overweight! (were)

  3. When your tummy start rumbling you go in search of a quick snack. (starts)

  4. Unless your friend doesn't see a doctor, she won't get better. (If или sees)

  5. He won't have a headache every day if he went to bed earlier. (wouldn't)

6) Station "Listening"

Аудирование. Учащиеся прослушивают интервью, в которых люди говорят о предпочтениях в питании.

Listen to the speakers and choose the correct answer. Do it individually and then come to an agreement in your team. Look through the task. Listen.

  1. The speaker knows that the food he/she likes is high in fat content.

  2. The speaker believes that his/her favourite cuisine is good for his/her health.

  3. The speaker excludes some products from his/her diet.

  4. The speaker's favourite cuisine is famous for its simplicity.

  5. The speaker's favourite cuisine includes such ingredients as cheese, tomato, wine, sauces, etc.

Key: (№4 is extra)

7) Station "For and against"

You know that many people, especially children, enjoy eating junk food. The task for one team is to prove that eating unhealthy food has positive sides and the other team should prove that it has negative sides. Choose the task. (Представители команд вытягивают карточку с заданием) You have 1 minute to prepare. You'll get a counter for every point.

8) Station "If - game"

Choose the statement. Work one by one. Continue the previous idea and make up a new sentence. Each correct sentence gets a point. You can help only one person with the idea. The team with the most points wins.

1 ученик команды вытягивает карточку, где написано начало предложения, продолжает предложение. Каждый ученик по очереди друг за другом составляет новое предложение на основе предыдущего. Команда, составившая наибольшее количество правильных предложений, выигрывает в этой игре.

Example: P1: If you eat junk food, you will feel sick.

P2: If you feel sick, you will have to stay at home.

P3: If you have to stay at home, you will be bored. …

  • If you eat a lot of carbohydrates, you will … .

  • If you eat healthy food, you will … .

  • If you eat a lot of fruit, you will … .

  • If you eat the wrong food, you will … .

9) Station "Projects"

Let's check your homework. You were to prepare your projects - advertisements of your own catering services of healthy food.

Команды представляют свои проекты о предприятиях здорового питания, рассказывают о преимуществах своего предприятия (кафе, ресторана и т.д)

Подведение итогов.

T: I guess all of you try to lead a healthy way of living and eat the right food. You know what to eat to be healthy. How many counters have you got? Выявляется команда - победитель.


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