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  • Сценарий к видеопроекту Welcome to Great Britain (5-6 классы)

Сценарий к видеопроекту Welcome to Great Britain (5-6 классы)

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АВТОРЫ: Шкитина Л.В.; Черняева Е.А.,

учителя английского языка ГБОУ Школа 709, г. Москва

Звучит песня. «We're all going on a summer holiday»

Дети выходят под музыку на сцену.


Welcome to Scotland! It's a very attractive part of Britain. Welcome to Edinburgh! Let me introduce myself. I'm your tour guide. My name is Kate.

Туристы: Hi! We are tourists from Moscow, Russia.

Турист 1 Do you speak Russian?


Unfortunately, I don't. Just a little bit. Only some phrases.

Турист 2 Don't worry. We all speak English.


So, let's start. Edinburgh is an ancient city. The most interesting part of the city is the Old Town. It lies between the Edinburgh Castle and Holyrood Palace. The Castle hangs over the city like some Disney cartoon. But it is real. The Castle, in fact, is older than the city. It looks great in any weather. A line of streets, which runs from the Castle to Holyrood House, is called the Royal Mile. The Holyrood House is the Queen's residence when she is in Edinburgh. The Old Town is a striking contrast to the New Town. There are white and beautiful streets here.

Звучит волынка. Туристы танцуют, снимая виды Эдинбурга. В конце кадры с исполнителем.

Турист 3 Oh, Why is the bagpiper wearing a skirt?


It's not a skirt. It's a kilt, one of the most recognizable symbols of Scotland.

Турист 4 My teacher says that although the kilt is most often worn on formal occasions, Highland games</<font color="#a6a6a6"> and sports events, it has also been adapted as an item of informal male clothing in recent years.

Звучит зажигательная музыка, дети исполняют шотландский танец


Step aside please. We are at the monument to the great Scottish poet Robert Burns.

Турист 5 All of us know his poem "My heart's in the Highlands".

Дети читают стихотворение по две строки по очереди.


My heart's in the Highlands, my heart is not here,

My heart's in the Highlands a-chasing the deer -

A-chasing the wild deer, and following the roe;

My heart's in the Highlands, wherever I go.

Farewell to the Highlands, farewell to the North

The birth place of Valour, the country of Worth;

Wherever I wander, wherever I rove,

The hills of the Highlands for ever I love.

Farewell to the mountains high cover'd with snow;

Farewell to the straths and green valleys below;

Farewell to the forrests and wild-hanging woods;

Farwell to the torrents and loud-pouring floods.

My heart's in the Highlands, my heart is not here,

My heart's in the Highlands a-chasing the deer

Chasing the wild deer, and following the roe;

My heart's in the Highlands, whereever I go.

Экскурсовод: (хлопает в ладоши)

Well done! Your reciting is brilliant! Thank you very much.

Турист 6

By the way, Are we going to visit Loch Ness Center today?


Yes, of course. A helicopter is waiting for us.

Турист 7

Google says, it will take us only 45 minutes to get there.

Турист 8

As for me, I love travelling by air but feel scared even thinking of the monsters! Brrrrr

(музыкальная пауза. Песня про Л.Несское чудовище)


Don't be afraid of the Loch Ness monster. It's more a great mystery than a reality. Before leaving for London we are happy to spend some hours in Liverpool. The last tourist destination for today!

Турист 9

What is it famous for?

Турист 10

Don't you know? Liverpool Football Club was founded in 1892. Because of its successful history, Liverpool is often featured when football is depicted in British culture and has appeared in a number of media firsts.


It's the city of banana dogs and…

Турист 1

Sorry for interrupting you. Shame on you, guys. You have forgotten about the "Beatles".


The "Beatles"?


To make our way to Liverpool more pleasant, let's listen to my favorite song "Yellow submarine".

На экране мультик с песней. Дети выстраиваются в «ручеёк», танцуют и поют песню "Yellow submarine", уходя со сцены


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