- Учителю
- Конспект вне классного мероприятия на тему 'Путешествие в страну английского языка '
Конспект вне классного мероприятия на тему 'Путешествие в страну английского языка '
Цель внеклассного мероприятия:
-способствовать развитию коммуникативных умений:
участвовать в беседе, выражать свое мнение,
делать краткое сообщение по теме;
-способствовать развитию языковых знаний и умений
развивать лексику по теме: «Travelling to the Englandland»;
- способствовать развитию творческих способностей учащихся
Тип урока: комбинированный.
Планируемые результаты (предметные):
адекватно произносят и воспроизводят изученные лексические единицы; используют изученный грамматический и лексический материал при составлении монологического высказывания; понимают на слух текст.
Универсальные учебные действия (метапредметные):
Личностные:проявляют познавательный интерес к учебной деятельности, изучению иностранного языка; руководствуются значимыми учебными мотивами; оценивают свои поступки; определяют границы собственного знания и «незнания».
Регулятивные: учитывают правила и используют грамматические модели при составлении монологических и ответах на вопрсы; адекватно воспринимают оценку учителя и одноклассников; различают способ и результат действий; оценивают правильность выполнения действий на уровне адекватной ретроспективной оценки.
Познавательные: осуществляют качественную характеристику объекта; слушают и отвечают на вопросы учителя; делают выводы и обобщения; аргументированно доказывают свою точку зрения.
Коммуникативные: понимают на слух речь учителя и одноклассников; осознанно строят речевые высказывания; договариваются и приходят к общему мнению в совместной деятельности; осуществляют взаимопомощь в совместном решении поставленных задач.
Образовательные ресурсы: презентация по теме урока, индивидуальные карточки
Формы образовательного процесса:- коллективные;- индивидуальные;- самостоятельные.
Технические средства: мультимедиапроектор.
Наглядно-образные средства: карточки с индивидуальными заданиями.Использование аутентичного материала. Достопримечательности Лондона представлены в виде презентации. (изображения Лондона, карта города, ) способствуют созданию ситуацию общения, приближенной к реальной, что в свою очередь повышает интерес, активность школьников в деятельности данного мероприятия.
Ход внеклассного мероприятия
Painter : Good morning, children! Did you recognize
me, I am a painter . I am very glad to see our friends, our guests!
Pappets: Good morning, children! Let us introduce ourselves, I am Rax I am Tom . we are very glad to see our friends, our guests!
(Познамить и приветствие)
1. Начало мероприятия Let`s continue our meeting
Видео из Лондона
Puppets: Friends, you watched the video and now try to guess the title of the meeting -
Pupil 1:The title of our meeting II think is London, Лизун
Pupil 2: I think is "Travelling to the English country". Демушкин
PAINTER: Yes, the title of our meeting is "Travelling to the Englishland"
СЛАИД №1 "Travelling to the Englishland"
PAINTER: Tom, Rax what will we do at our meeting?
Puppets: We will learn more about London and Englishmen, to speak about English traditions, to watch some places of interest. As you know London is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It has a lot of interesting historical and modern places to visit and find outand do a lot of interesting things.
PAINTER: What are we going to do today?
Pupil 1:We are going to travel (Тесля)
Pupil 2: will learn the words (Лизун)
Pupil 3:write , speak, listen ((Врублевский)
Pupil 4:and learn more about England, London (Левченко)
Pupil 5: We`ll watch video (Макашова)
Pupil 6: We`ll play games (Головач)
Pupil 7: May be we`ll guess something about English and Englishmen(Задорожный)
PAINTER: Let's read the motto of our meeting "It's better to see something once then to hear about it a hundred times". Please, give a Russian proverb to these words. (Пойдо -Березовский "Лучше один раз увидеть, чем сто раз услышать").
PAINTER: That's why today at the meeting we'll try to do so.
"It's better to see something once then to hear about it a hundred times"
Pappets: My friends and me are sure you know and like English very much.
Do you like to travel? As for us we like to travel very much. Let's
travel together! Let's visit an unusual country, its name is English-
Painter: But in what way will we travel?
Подходит к карте Британских островов. (СЛАИД)
Look at the map, please. England is situated on the British Isles
How can we get there? We have no ship, we have no
train, we have no plane.
Oh, I know. I have a magic umbrella. Here it is.
But it wiill work if you say correctly the colours. What colour is this? (цвета зонта)
Children. It's red.
Painter. Right! What colour is it?
С h ild re n: It's blue (yellow, green...).
Painter: Thank you, children! You did well this work let`s play a game
Painter: I`m going to divide you into two groups. Then I`ll in whisper the colour in your ears. Your task is to in whisper each other and then come and choose the right colour of the pencil. 1,2,3....
PAINTER: Now, please, solve this little "coloured" crossword
СЛАИД puzzle
I puzzle.
По горизонтали:1. Розовый. 3. Го-
ЛУбОЙ. 4. Белый.
По вертикали: 1. Красный. 2. Желтый
To solve it you must remember the
names ofthe colours.
Все поют песенку «Цвета». "Colours"
1. 1 sее green, I see yellow,
I see funny fellow,
I see white, I see black,
I see this, and I see that, and that.
2. I see pink, I see brown,
I stand up, I sit down.
I see red, I see blue,
I see you, and I see you, and you.
Painter: Thank you, children! Let's continue your journey.
But do you know how to greet the people we'll meet?
С h i l d re n: Good morning! Hello! How do you do? Glad to see
Pappets:: Well, I see, you know how to greet. So, let's
go on traveling. Close your eyes. ( вращает зонтик.) One,
two, three. Fly, umbrella, with the children and me.
Painter: Let's sing the song "Brother John"!
Are you sleeping, are you sleeping,
Brother John, brother John?
Morning bells are ringing,
Morning bells are ringing:
Ding, ding, dong!
Ding, ding, dong!
Painter: Wake up
Pappets: \ Painter: Now we stop at the station "Riddles"
To continue our journey we have to guess some riddles
Listen to them attentively
P u p i l I.(Леньковская) I am green. I can jump. I can swim. I cannot fly. I can-
not walk. I live in water. What am I? (A frog)
Рu pil 2. (Задорожный)I am orange. I live in the forest. I can walk, run,jump.
I cannot fly, swim. I like hares. What am I? (A fox.)
P up i l 3.(Врублевский) I am grey. I can run. I cannot fly. I cannot swim. I live
in the house. What am I? (А mouse.)
Р u p i l 4. (Лукьянов)I am brown. I can walk,jump, climb, run. I cannot fly.
I live in Africa. What am I? (А monkey.)
Песня Can you Jump (из Song)
Pappets: \ Painter: Good! Well done!
Painter: Thank you, children! Let's continue your
journey. Go to sleep! (вращаетзонтик.) One, two, three. Fly,
umbrella, with the children and me. Wake up, children! Now we are
in " the town of masters"
Pappets: Children, what professions do you know?
C h i ld re n . A driver, a chemist, a pilot, a stewardess, a teacher,
a seller, a singer, an actor, a translator, a businessman, a doctor.
Выходят ребята, на груди у них эмблемы профессий.
Pupil 1:(Тесля) Good day! I am а taxist. One day I had an unusual
passenger, one American tourist, she wanted to get to the airport. She
didn't speak Russian at all, only English. But I know English, I un-
derstood her. It's necessary to know foreign languages, do you agree
with me?
P up il 2. (Макашова)1аm a businessman, I must visit many different countries, and in the majourity of them people speak English, so it is necessary to know English.
Pappets: \ Painter: Thank you, children. Very good. Let's continue
our journey.
Painter: Go to sleep! ( вращает зонтик.) One, two, three
Fly, magic umbrella, with children and me! Wake up, children.
Pappets: We are so hungry may be we will speak about food Let's speak of
"English meals".
P up i l 3. (Задорожный, Левченко) I'll tell you about traditional "English breakfast", People have fried eggs, bacon, sausage, tomato and mushrom
Then there's toast and marmalade. (Слаид Картинка с едой)
Pupil 4. (катя Лизун) (пачки из под чая) Britain's favourite drink is tea. It's also a meal inafternoon. You can drink tea at home or in the hotel. The English know how to make tea and what it does for you. 7 cups of tea wake
you up in the morning; 9 cups will put you to sleep at night. If you
hot, tea will cool you off, and if you are cold, it will warm you up.
СЛАИД (картинки with tea)
P u p i l 5. (Головач) Children, do you like porridge? Do you know, that
the motherland of porridge is England. Englishman like it very much
And one more famous English tasty dish is pudding. The word "pudding" came to us from England.
Pappets: Now, you know traditional English meal
Painter: Let's continue our journey.Go to sleep! (вращаетзонтик.) One, two, three. Fly, umbrella, with the children and me. Wake up, children! Now we are
in "the world of pets"
Pappets: Do you have any pets at home?
Children.Yes, l have a cat .I have a dog. I have a parrot.
Р upil 6. (Тесля) Lots of families in Britain have got one or more
pets. Dogs are the favorite pets and there are about 6 millions of them in
Great Britain. The second favourite are cats (about 5 millions).
There are more than 12 millions pets in Britain. The English take
good care of their pets. They give them nice names.
Rover, Rax, Misty, Cindy (for dogs);
Snowy, Fluffy, Tom (for cats);
Polly, Chatterbox (for parrots);
Shipley, Shirley (for mokeys).
The English are pet lovers.
Рupil 6. (Катя Лизун)Читаетстихотворение
"I like dogs
I like dogs, all dogs,
Big dogs and small dogs,
Black dogs and white dogs
But I like best,
As you can see,
The dog who likes
To play with me.
Pappets: Thank you.
Painter:Let's continue our joumey. One,two, three. Fly, magic umbrella, with children and me! Wake up, children. We are on "the island ofthe proverbs".
Painter: Read, think and translate
1) One man's meat is another man's poison.
(Что полезно одному вредно другому)
2) Tastes differ.
3)Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
Painter: Good! How clever you are! Children, our journey approached to its finish.
Pappets: Oh, no we want to tell and then ask you some ques-
tion. (Работа по истории Лондона)
Pappets:The places of interest
1-Trafalgar Square
Trafalgar Square is the centre of London. It is the most beautiful place of London. There is the monument of Admiral Nelson. Four bronze lions look at the square from the monument. There are two beautiful fountains in the square.
2- The National Gallery is one of the best picture galleries of the world. Every day many tourists visit this fine building with tall columns.
The large clock in one of the towers is Big Ben. You can hear the sound of Big Ben every hour in London. The clock and the bell got there names after Sir Benjamin Hall. He was a tall man and his nickname was Big Ben.
3- Buckingham Palace, the Tower of London
Buckingham Palace is the official residence of the Queen of England. The ceremony of changing the Guard takes place in front of the Palace daily from April to August.
The Tower of London was used as a fortress, a royal residence, a palace, a prison and the King's zoo. Now it is a museum of amour and also the place where the Crown Jewels are kept. There are always black ravens in the Tower of London. People keep them in the Tower and look after them very well as they believe that London will be rich while the ravens live th ravens in the Tower of London. People keep them in the Tower and look after them very well as they believe that London will be rich while the ravens live there.
- Painter: I hope you refresh information and I would like to give the cards and now choose the right variant: (Учащиеся выбирают правильный ответ.)
1) The Tower of London is:
a) a trade center
b) a museum
c) a shop
2) Big Ben is the name of:
a) the clock tower
b) the architect
c) the church
3) Which bridge is in London?
a) Brooklyn Bridge
b) Tower Bridge
c) Boston Bridge
4) The Queen lives in:
a) the Tower of London
b) the Houses of Parliament
c) Buckingham Palace
5) The Parliament consists of:
a) two Houses
b) three Houses
c) four Houses
Pappets: We are tired.Let`s play
Painter: Let`s play the "Yes" and "No"game. I`d like to share the clssroom into two parts. If you are agree take the right side if no take the left part.
The first question
Is Belfast the capital of Russia? (no)
Do English speak English? )yes
Have you been to England?
Would you like to visit England?
Have you ever travelled by plane?
Painter: Thank you. How do you imagine Englishmen? What are they?
С h i l d re n. Hardworking (Лизун), polite МАкашова, people of principleВрублевский, snobs Леньковская.
Появляются силуэты Лондона.
Painter: Children, look, what city is it? What sightseeings do you know there?
Работа с названиями достопримечательностей Лондона.
Big Ben (Биг Бен)
The Houses of Parliament (Парламент)
Tower Bridge (Тауэрский мост)
Trafalgar Square (Трафальгарская площадь)
Buckingham Palace (Букингемский дворец)
British Museum (Британский музей)
St. Paul's Cathedral (Собор святого Павла)
Hyde Park (Гайд парк)
The Bank of England (Английский банк)
London University (Лондонский университет)
Painter: I hope you you recognized these pictures (слаиды сменяются)
C h ild re n. Big Ben. Tower. Westminster Abbey.
Pappets: Right you are! Let's ask the Englishman
to tell us about London.
Pupil 8.(Демушкин) With great pleasure! London is the capital of Great
Britain It is a very old city. It is 2 thousand years old. London is not
only the capital ofthe country, it is also a huge port. London is situ-
ated upon both banks of the Thames. There are 17 bridges above the
river. London has got three main parts: the City, the West End and
the East End. The City is full of banks, offices and firms. The East
End of London is the district of working people. There are factories,
and docks there. The West End is the cultural heart of London. There are
museums, galleries, theatres there.
Painter: Thank you very much. So, children, I think,
you know Englandland now.
Викторина с участием Pappets Rex and Tom join to us
1). What was the old name of London?(Londinium)
2). On what river is London situated? ( On the River Thames)
3). Where does the queen of England live?( Buckingham Palace)
4). What is Big Ben? (a clock)
5). What is Westminster Abbey? (a royal church)
6) A tall monument to Admiral Nelson is situated here. (Trafalgar Square)
7) It was a fortress, a palace, a prison and a zoo. (The Tower of London)
8) The famous English architect Sir Christopher Wren built it in the 17th century after the Great Fire. (St Paul's Cathedral)
9) The political centre of London. (Westminster)
10) One of the most famous and beautiful churches in London. (Westminster Abbey)
11) The Queen of England lives in this building.(Buckingham Palace)
Все участники говорят: If you know English:
Pupil I. You can read the papers, magazines, original books,
written by great writers. (Леньковская)
Р u p i l 2. You can watch satellite TV programmes.(Пойдо Березовский)
P u p i l 3. Travel in the different parts of the world.(Демушкин)
P u p i l 4. English is necessary while looking for a good job. (Пырсикова)
Pupil 5. Speaking English you will have no problems looking
for a room or a meal anywhere in the world.(Левченко)
Pu p il 6. You will talk and make friends with people from dif-
ferent countries.(Букреев)
P up il 7. You can be a member of the international friendship
camp both in Russia and abroad, where you can find many new for-
eign friends.(Врублевский)
Painter: Thank you very much. You did good work and now we can sing with us.
Bce поют песенку "The More We аre Together".
The more we get together,
Together, together,
The more we get together,
The happier we are.
for your friend is my friend,
And my friend is your friend.
The more we get together,
The happier we`ll be.
Pappets: What did we do during our journey ?
Pupil 1:We travelled around the Englishland, (Тесля)
Pupil 2: learned the words, (Лизун)
Pupil 3:wrote , spoke, listened ((Пырсикова Врублевский)
Pupil 4:and learned about England, London (Зодорожный)
Pupil 5: We watched video (Макашова)
Pupil 6: We played games (Головач)
Pupil 7: Guessed about English proverbs and Englishmen(Задорожный)
Pupil 8: Thanks to English language we learnt English proverbs (Дёмушкин).
Мы узнали английские известные пословицы, и все это
благодаря волшебнику - английскому языку.(Букреев)
Pupil 9 :we have learned about the professions (Лукьянов),
Pupil 10 :. Learned English words (Леньковская),
Pupil 11: learned about English traditional food (Лизун)
Pupil 12 : I found out information about English pets (Тесля)o домашних животных, которых любят англичане (Пырсикова)
Pupil 13: We watched the places of interests
P u p i l 8. Study English, English is a very beautiful language! (Тесля)