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- Урок по английскому языку для 3 класса «My Favourite Season»
Урок по английскому языку для 3 класса «My Favourite Season»
Урок по теме: « My Favourite Season»
-совершенствовать навыки употребления в речи лексико-грамматического материала (лексика по теме «Seasons and the weather» и структуры It is sunny, It's rainy in autumn. The weather is …, I like… , I can…) ;
-систематизировать знания учащихся по теме;
-активизировать употребление лексики по теме «Погода».
-обучать монологической речи;
-формировать устойчивый интерес к мотивации к дальнейшему изучению английского языка;
-вовлекать учащихся в творческую деятельность, развивать воображение;
-развивать навыки говорения, чтения, аудирования;
-создать условия для развития у обучающихся умений самоконтроля, взаимоконтроля, самооценки и самокорекции;
-воспитывать у обучающихся познавательный интерес к окружающему миру, любовь к природе;
-воспитывать потребность практического использования языка;
Оборудование и материалы:
1.Английский язык: учеб. Пособие для 3-го класса общеобразовательных учреждений с русским языком обучения / Л.М. Лапицкая (и др.). - Минск: Выш. шк., 2009.
2.Английский язык 3 кл. рабочая тетрадь /Л.М. Лапицкая (и др.).
3.Звуковое пособие - audio guide(English 3)
4.интерактивная доска.
5.раздаточный материал.
The plan of the lesson: "My Favourite Season"
The stages of the lesson
Teacher's activity
Pupils' activity
Greeting. Introductory phrases.
Good afternoon -
I'm glad to see you too.
How are you?
Good afternoon to you, we're glad to see you!
P-s answer
Warming up activities.
Look at the window! What season is it now?
Yes, it's spring, and how many seasons do we know? Let's name them. Good. Look, we've got four seasons, but I can't decide, what season is the best. Because all of them are beautiful, have their positive features, and I can't make a choice! I need your help! Will you help me?
Let's recollect our song about seasons.
Great job!
You know, that every season has its own weather. What's the weather like in spring? Summer? Autumn? Winter?
Well done!
P-s answer
P-s answer
P-s sing song (PB ex.1 p. )
The pupils describe weather of different seasons.
Checking home task
And now let's play a little. At home you had to write riddles about seasons and weather. Let's guess them.
The pupils read and guess their riddles about seasons.
Работа с текстом на слух
Oh, I've almost forgotten, I've got some letters from our friends (they've wrote us about their favourite season). Let's read them together.
The first letter:
Do you recognize our friend? Yes, this letter is from Lucky. Listen to it very attentively (учитель зачитывает текст письма). Hm, smth is wrong with this letter, I can't understand what season Lucky likes. Why do you think so?
P-s answer
Работа с лексико-грамматическим материалом
We've got another letter. This letter is from … But I can't read this letter. Look, there are so many mistakes! Help me to read the letter! (учитель раздает карточки с письмом, дети выполняют задание индивидуально)
Well done, boys and girls! Maybe Susie isn't as good pupil as you're. So, learn new words and don't forget to do your homework!
P-s name from whom this letter is and correct the mistakes. Then they correct sentences on the board.
Построение предложений
Continue reading our friend's letters. This letter is from…
Yes, but Mr. Compy's forgotten to separate words in the sentences! Let's help him! (учитель раздает карточки с письмом, дети выполняют задание в парах)
P-s name from whom this letter is and separate words in the sentences.
Then they correct sentences on the board.
Warm Up
Yes! Great job!!! Let's have a rest and dance a little! Stand up, please.
Pupils sing and dance.
Чтение и восприятие речи на слух
And we have one more letter for today. This letter is from Peter. He sent this letter to all of you. Open your books at page 144 , ex. 1b Read and guess what season Peter likes.
Now listen to his audio message and answer - What mistake does Peter make?
P-s read and find the answer.
P-s listen and correct the mistake.
You see, all your friends have got their favourite seasons. Now it's high time to speak about your favourite seasons. But first of all let's recollect what can we do in different seasons (WB ex.3 p.109)
Well done! And now imagine your favourite season - the weather, the nature, imagine what you can do in your favourite season! I'll give each of you a piece of paper and you should draw your favourite season and then tell me about it, but you have only 3 minutes for drawing (while you can hear the music) (учитель крепит готовые рисунки на плакат о сезонах года)
Thank you for your stories. All seasons are beautiful. Each season is fun. Do you agree?
P-s do the exercise in WB, then write answers on the board
P-s draw their fav seasons and describes them.
Setting homework.
All right, children.
Your home task will be to do
Ex.4 p. 107, ex.2 p.108 (WB)
Pupils write down the homework.
2 min
Giving marks.
Children, you have worked well today. Your marks are …
(If pupils have questions they may ask them).
1-2 min
Now think over the lesson and answer: Was it difficult for you? Was everything clear? Was it interesting? Do you want to have such lesson once again?
If it was difficult stick a cloud, if it was clear - a sun, If it was interesting - a flower , If you want to have such lesson once again - a leaf.
Thank you for your work
Pupils analyze the lesson and stick different subjects on the board.