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  • Система уроков по теме 'Food' для 6 класса

Система уроков по теме 'Food' для 6 класса

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Lesson 1.

Theme: Time to Eat


  • practical: to introduce some information and new vocabulary on the topic; to develop pupils' reading comprehension and writing skills;

  • educative: to cooperate pair and group work; to help learners consolidate and develop their vocabulary by active using of the words given;

  • developing: to teach pupils to analyze, compare, identify; to foster students' spoken habits;

  • cultural: to expand pupils' knowledge of food origin.

Level: Pre-intermediate.

School supplies: PPT for teacher, PPT for students, HO1 "Food origin", HO2 "A dish and a country", HO3 "Vocabulary of the lesson", HO4 "Grammar task", PPT for relaxation.


I. Starting the lesson.

Greeting. Motivation.

T. - Hello, my dear friends. Glad to see you. I'm sure you are looking forward to learn something new. First of all let us pronounce our chant to build up our self-esteem:

P1. I'm a talented student.

P2. I'm a good student.

P3. I'm a clever student.

P4. I'm the most hardworking student, etc.

T. That's good. I'm sure you're trying to be the best students in the world.

II. Introducing the theme and expected results.

T. I'd like to introduce you the topic of the lesson and my expectations from your work at this lesson. During this lesson you'll learn some new words, find out and remember some facts from the topic, talk about the ways of cooking dinner or your favourite dish. So, what's our today's topic? (Pupils give their ideas)

Yes, that's right. Today we are going to speak about «Preparing food or cooking». Before the end of the lesson you'll know much about cooking. Also I'd like to get acquainted with the origin of the most popular dishes. But the best will be to begin our lesson.

III. Warming up.

The students put the words from the box into these categories using the computers.

1) Apparatus, machines;

2) Dishes for eating;

3) Dishes for cooking and baking;

4) Others.

Refrigerator (fridge), freezer, cup and saucer, electric mixer, cook book, toaster,

dishwasher, teapot, washing machine, coffee pot, knife, fork, cooker, glass, oven,

frying pan, plate, mug, spoon, can opener, tin-opener

(app.1 "For Teacher" , lesson 1, slide 2; app.2 "For Students" , lesson 1, slide 2)

IV. Main part.

Interactive exercise. Work in pairs

The students decide whether these foods come from an animal or plant origin. If it comes from an animal, they decide if the animal lives on the land or in the water. And after that the students put the words into the correct boxes.

Crab, chocolate, kebabs, hamburger, chicken, salmon, apple pie, orange juice, pears, peas, lamb, steak, chips, lemonade, strawberries.

plant origin

animal origin (land)

animal origin (sea)

(Pupils give their ideas)

  • We think that orange juice comes from a plant origin.

  • We think that a crab comes from animal origin. It lives in the water, etc.

(app.1 "For Teacher" , lesson 1, slide 3)

Doing a quiz.

T. Look at your monitors. Fill in the blanks with a correct word.

1) Orange juice is a ________________ .

a) drink b) soup c) meal

2) Pizza is a favourite dish in _______________ .

a) France b) Spain c) Italy

3) Breakfast is a _____________ meal.

a) evening b) night c) morning

4) Porridge is eaten in ________________.

a) France b) Ukraine c) Britain

5) Hamburger is ____________________.

a) fish and chips b) a chop in a bun c) a sausage in a bread

6) Yorkshire pudding is a _________________.

  1. dish b) bus station c) street in London

7) Pork is ____________.

a) fish b) fruit c) meat

(app.1 "For Teacher" lesson 1, slide 4; app.2 "For Students" , lesson 1, slide 3)

Interactive exercise. Group work

T. Write the name of the dish and match it with the country.

This is a kind of soup. To cook it you need onions, carrots, potatoes, beetroots and cabbages. What is it?

It's _______________________________



This flat bread is very tasty. You can find sausage, tomatoes, mushrooms and cheese on the top of it. What is it?

It's _______________________________


This dish is eaten in the morning. Milk and sugar can be added to it. What is it?

It's _______________________________

This dog can be delicious. It is usually eaten with ketchup, mayonnaise, sausages and vegetables. What is it?

It's ______________________________

Great Britain


Let's have a break. Listen to fascinating music and watch beautiful pictures of nature.

Presenting the vocabulary of the lesson

T. Now we're going to learn some new words. Look at the board. I'm sure you guess the meaning of words using pictures.

The students look through the presentation and fill the table.



To grill

To fry

To steam

To roast

To boil

To stew

To bake

(app.1 "For Teacher" lesson 1, slide 5-11)

Training the usage of the vocabulary

T. Say what we can do with these foods. Use the verbs from your table. How often do you eat these dishes?

(Pupils give their ideas)

  • We can grill meat. I seldom eat grilled meat.

  • We can fry fish. I eat fried fish every day, etc.

(app.1 "For Teacher" lesson 1, slide 12-22)

Grammar Task

Look at the blackboard. This is Bill Brown. He offers to look through his family album. Help him to comment on photos properly. Open the brackets and use the correct form of the verb.

  1. This is my father. He (to cook) meals every Sunday.

  2. Look, this is my sister. She (to eat) an apple at the moment.

  3. This is our family. We usually (to drink) orange juice in the morning.

  4. These are my cousins. They (to have) a birthday party.

  5. It's me. I'm having a lunch. Tomorrow I (to have) lunch break at one o'clock.

  6. It's me and my mum. We (to make) a huge cake now.

  7. These are my friends. They (to go) to McDonald's tomorrow.

(app.1 "For Teacher" lesson 1, slide

V. Summing up. Reflection

T. Dear children, you have done a great work at the lesson. How do you appreciate your work? What didn't you understand? Who was the best?

Now, please, take a pen and put a mark for your work during the lesson.

It's high time to pay and receive compliments.

Ps. (face one another) You were super! - So were you!

You were enthusiastic! - So were you!, etc.

VI. Homework

Learn new words and find proverbs on the topic.

The lesson is over. See you on …!

Lesson 2.

Theme: In the Kitchen


  • practical: to practise new words related to food; to operate the words and word combinations on the topic;

  • educative: to cooperate pair and group work; to help learners consolidate and develop their vocabulary by active using of the words given;

  • developing: to develop the habits and skills of listening and writing the text;

  • cultural: to develop quickness of understanding, language guess work and logical thinking.

Level: Pre-intermediate.

School supplies: PPT for teacher, PPT for students, PPT for relaxation, HO1 "A letter to English pen friend"


I. Starting the lesson.

Greeting. Motivation.

T. - Good morning, children! I'm glad to see you! We continue to speak about food and today we are going to cook different dishes. There are many kinds of food and we can eat everything we like. You certainly know the well-known Ukrainian proverb «Всяк на свій смак». Can you give the English equivalent to it? What proverbs about food could you find?

(Pupils give their ideas)

  • Tastes differ

  • Every man to his taste.

  • There is no accounting for tastes.

  • One man's meat is another man's poison, etc.

II. Introducing the theme and expected results

Today we are going to play lexical games, to work on the word on the topic and we shall learn how to make a recipe. Besides you will read an interesting text about Ukrainian traditional dishes. So, let's start our work.

III. Warming up

Interactive exercise. Brain-storming.

Remember the vocabulary that can be associated with words "Making food"

(Pupils give their ideas)

  • To grill

  • To slice

  • To bake

  • To chop

  • To peel

  • To roast, etc.

IV. Main part.


Interactive exercise. "Microphone"

T. - I'd like you to share your opinions about your favourite food. Use the following statements:

I like … more than … But my favourite dish is ….

As far as I see, you like different kinds of food. No wonder, tastes differ.

Vocabulary practice.

How often do you cook meal? What dishes do you help your mum to cook? I want you to pretend a cook.

Now look at the monitors and read the list. The following task will be - match the nouns to the verbs.





















(app.1 "For Teacher" lesson 2, slide 2; app.2 "For Students" , lesson 2, slide 2)

A good cook should know all the ingredients. What ingredients do you need for cooking these dishes? Use the expression "I can't make ... without ...."

(Pupils give their ideas)

I can't make a roasted chicken without oil, salt and pepper.

I can't make a cake without flour, eggs and cream, etc.


Let's have a break. Listen to fascinating music and watch beautiful pictures of nature.


T. We are going to cook a salad "Fantasy" today. We do it in groups.

Pre-listening activity

Every group try to guess what products we need for this salad.

  • Make a list of products you need for this dish.

While-listening activity

  • Listen to the recipe of the salad and check your lists of products. How many products are agreed with the recipe? What are they?

Salad "Fantasy"

Boil 2 eggs. Then peel 1 orange. Next, chop eggs, oranges and cheese. Slice ham.

Take a plate. Put sliced ham on it.

Mix eggs, cheese, oranges with soured cream.

Don't forget to salt.

Enjoy your meal!

Post-listening activity

It's high time to cook our salad. Each group will do a mini-project.

Group 1

You will make a shopping list.

Shopping list

  • 2 eggs

  • 1 orange

  • Some cheese

  • Some ham

  • Some soured cream

  • Some salt

Group 2

You will cook products.

  • First, boil 2 eggs

  • Then peel eggs and an orange

  • Next, chop eggs, an orange and cheese

  • Then slice ham

Group 3

You will cook a salad.

  • Take a plate

  • Put a sliced ham on it.

  • Mix eggs, an orange, cheese with soured cream.

  • Don't forget to salt.


T. Imagine you have a pen friend in England. Write down the recipe of salad "Fantasy" and send to him.

Dear ________ ,

How are you? I have got a tasty ___________. Cook it!

Salad "Fantasy"

First .......

Then .......

Next ........

Take .......

Put ........

Then .......

Don't forget to .......

Enjoy your meal!

Yours, ________________

V. Summing up. Reflection

T. - Let's sum up the lesson and do it in a form of a poem which is called "cinquain"

1 line: Theme (the main word) Food

2 line: 2 adjectives tasty, delicious

3 line: 3 verbs (action of the main word) to cook, to buy, to like

4 line: a sentence (quotation on the topic) We are what we eat

5 line: synonym/antonym of the main word Dish

  • Thanks a lot for your work, dear boys and girls. Did you enjoy the lesson? Great!

  • Take the pen and put the mark to your classmate sitting next to you.

VI. Homework

Write the recipe of your favourite salad.

Lesson 3.

Theme: Healthy Food


  • practical: to enrich pupils' knowledge in vocabulary;

  • educative: to cooperate pair and group work; to practise completing the questionnaire;

  • developing: to develop students' skills of extensive and intensive reading; to practise writing short notes;

  • cultural: to broaden pupils' knowledge about Ukraine cuisine.

Level: Pre-intermediate.

School supplies: PPT for teacher, PPT for students, PPT for relaxation, HO1 "Components", HO2 for group work, HO3 "Tasks".


I. Starting the lesson.

Greeting. Motivation.

T. - Good morning, children. I'm glad to see you.

I hope you are in a good mood and everything is ready for the lesson. I'd like to start our lesson with these English proverbs:

  • One man's meat is another man's poison.

  • Bread today is better than cake tomorrow.

  • Eat to live, not live to eat.

(app.1 "For Teacher" lesson 3, slide 2)

Try to guess the topic of our lesson.

(Pupils give their ideas)

You are right. Food was, is and will be an important thing for us. It keeps us living, gives energy. But it can be harmful.

II. Introducing the theme and expected results

So the topic of our today's lesson is "Healthy food". By the end of the lesson you should be able to distinguish healthy and unhealthy food; you'll learn a lot of new information about the traditional meal in our country, in Britain and in the USA.

III. Warming up

Let's make a class survey.

  • Who likes bananas and apples?

  • Who doesn't like milk?

  • Who likes garlic and onion in soup?

  • Who likes pizza with tomatoes?

  • Who likes fish?

  • Who likes holubtsi?

  • Who likes baked potato with fat?

  • Who has tea and sandwiches for breakfast?

  • Who likes hamburgers?

  • Who likes milk porridge?

  • Who drink a glass of juice in the evening?

Now, let's tell about your classmates' likes and dislikes.

IV. Main part.

Look at your monitors. In each list of words find the general word and odd one out (exception) - delete.

  • Orange, tangerine, lemon, peach, pudding, apricot, fruit, grapes.

  • Mutton, pork, cheese, beef, meat, steak, bacon, veal.

  • Dinner, breakfast, vegetables, lunch, supper, meal.

  • Beans, beet, carrot, cucumber, vegetables, plum, onion, garlic.

  • Coffee, milk, biscuit, tea, beer, drink, wine, juice.

(app.1 "For Teacher" lesson 3, slide 3; app.2 "For Students" , lesson 3, slide 2)

Presenting the vocabulary of the lesson

T. -Look at the spider gram.

Our body needs six things to grow and be healthy: carbohudrates, fats, fibre, minerals, proteins and vitamins. Carbohydrates give us energy. Fats give us energy and help to keep us warm. Fibre is very important for our body to work well. Our body also needs about twenty different minerals. Proteins help our body grow. Vitamins help to keep us healthy. It is important that our food has all of these things. But it is also important that we don't eat too much or too little.

(app.2 "For Teachers" , lesson 3, slide 4)

Interactive exercise. Work in pairs

Match the English words with their Ukrainian equivalents.













Interactive exercise. Work in groups

Group 1 Red - Stop and think

Write the name of the products or dishes that can be eaten rarely.

Group 2 Yellow - Go carefully

Write the name of the products or dishes that can be eaten not very often.

Group 3 Green - Go right ahead

Write the name of the products or dishes that can be eaten every day.

The captains of the group make up the mind map on the blackboard.


Let's have a break. Listen to fascinating music and watch beautiful pictures of nature.


Now I'd like to offer you to read the text about Ukrainian cuisine. You think that you know everything about our traditional food. But I hope I can surprise you.

Pre-reading activity

Listen to the following list of dishes. Which of them is Ukrainian? Say "Hey-hop" if you hear the Ukrainian dish.

Pizza Cabbage soup Holubtsy

Macaroni Deruny Beefsteak

Borshch Varenyky Pudding

French fries

While-reading activity

Try to remember how many components borshch has up to.


Since old time Ukrainian national cooking is famous for great variety of tasty and useful dishes. They are good for health because combine almost everything the human body needs to be healthy. For example, the most popular soup, called borsch, has up to 20 components. A big plate of good borsch gives the person almost all elements and enough energy for a half of a working day or so. So many Ukrainians prefer to eat borsch before hard work.

Ukrainian traditional foods and drinks are very interesting from medical point of view. Doctors say-that a person, who keeps old Ukrainian traditions in meals, gets everything he needs for health and fruitful mental and physical work. Traditional combinations of products supply the body and brain with all necessary elements and help the body to process meals on the best way.

Post-listening activity

1. Ukrainian national cooking is ... .

a) spicy

b) delicious

c) famous

d) nutritional

2. How do people call the national soup ... .

a) soup with potatoes

b) green borsch with rice

c) borsch

d) soup with rice

3. When do the Ukrainians prefer to eat their national dish?

a) before hard work

b) before supper

c)'after lunch d) after dinner

4. Doctors say about the keeping old Ukrainian traditions in meals ... .

a) combines good and bad elements

b) gets everything bad he needs for health

c) gets vitamins for our health

d)gets everything good he needs for health

Keys: 1 c; 2 c; 3 a; 4 d.

V. Summing up. Reflection

- What was interesting for you at the lesson?

- What was difficult for you?

- It's a pity but our time is up. You worked hard. Your marks are…

- Remember the proverb "Eat to live, not live to eat"

VI. Homework

Make up six sentences what we should and shouldn't eat.

Lesson 4.

Theme: What's on the menu?


  • practical: to revise and enrich students' vocabulary on the topic;

  • educative: to cooperate pair and group work;

  • developing: to develop speaking skills of students through methods of interactive activity (pair work); to practise writing a menu.

  • cultural: to develop imagination and interest for learning.

Level: Pre-intermediate.

School supplies: PPT for teacher, PPT for students, PPT for relaxation, HO1 "Parts of the menu", HO2 "A Dialogue", HO3 "Phrase for the dialogue", HO4 "Home task".


I. Starting the lesson.

Greeting. Motivation.

T. - Good morning, pupils! Nice to see you again! How are you today?

By the way, what did you have for breakfast today?

Is it healthy? Why?

II. Introducing the theme and expected results

Today we are going to talk about visiting a café or а restaurant, to compose the menu, to read the dialogue and to make up of your own.

III. Warming up

Activity "Name 5"

T. - Name five:

- things to eat (e.g. bread, soup, pizza, sandwich, ice-cream);

- things to drink (e.g. water, juice, tea, milk, coffee);

- red fruits (e.g. apple, plum, strawberry, raspberry, red currants);

- yellow fruits (e.g. banana, lemon, pear, grapes, apricot);

- things made from milk (e.g. cheese, yoghurt, butter, cream, ice cream);

- things vegetarians do not eat (e.g. fish, eggs, sausages, ham, meat)

IV. Main part.

Vocabulary and grammar practice.

Interactive exercise. «Карусель»

Pupils in the inner circle say what we should eat.

Pupils in the outer circle say what we shouldn't eat.

(e.g. You should eat lots of fruit because they have a lot of vitamins which are important for our health. You shouldn't eat too much junk food as hamburgers or pizza.)

Presenting the vocabulary of the lesson

T. - What can you see on the menu? Match the words with their definitions.

1. starter a. a sweet dish at the end of a meal

2. main course b. the first dish in a meal

3. dessert c. the most important dish in a meal

(app.2 "For Teachers" , lesson 4, slide 2)

Vocabulary practice.

Interactive exercise. Work in groups

Choose the dishes from the list in the box according to your part of the menu.

Group 1 Starters

Group 2 Main course

Group 3 Desserts

Group 4 Drinks

(app.2 "For Teachers" , lesson 3, slide 3-6)


Before you order a meal at a restaurant we will look at the menu. What two things will you try to find out first?

Look at the menu and answer the questions

1. Which do you think is the cheapest item?

2. Which do you think is the most expensive?

3. Which starter would you have?

4. What about the main course and the dessert?

5. What would you have to drink?

Vocabulary and grammar practice.

Interactive exercise. «Броунівський рух»

Before going to a cafe or a restaurant, let's revise the table manners.

Pupils are walking the classroom and remind the rule of table manners to the classmates.


Let's have a break. Listen to fascinating music and watch beautiful pictures of nature.

Reading and acting the dialogue

At a Restaurant

W a i t r e s s. Good morning! Table for three?

M r. S m i t h. Yes, please.

W a i t r e s s. This way, please!

M r. W h a t e. Show us the menu, please.

W a i t r e s s. Here you are, Sir. What kind of soup would you like?

M r s. B l a c k. A clear soup for us.

M r. S m i t h. Any thick soup for me and for the other gentleman, too.

M r. W h a t e. And may I have a steak, please?

W a i t r e s s. What kind of meat: pork, mutton, or beef?

M r. W h a t e. A beefsteak, please.

W a i t r e s s. How do you like steaks?

M r s. B l a c k. I like mine rare (недосмажений).

M r. W h a t e. Make mine medium.

W a i t r e s s. And you, sir? I would recommend fish.

M r. S m i t h. No, thank you. My favourite dish is chicken.

W a i t r e s s. Any vegetables? We've got cabbage, potatoes and carrots.

M r s. B l a c k. I think I'll have some cabbage.

W a i t r e s s. And for dessert - some cakes?

M r. W h a t e. I'm fond of ice-cream.

M r. S m i t h. Three ice-cream, please!

M r s. B l a c k. Thank you so much! I've enjoyed the dinner very much. Everything

was delicious.

M r. S m i t h. Waitress, the bill, please!


Interactive exercise. Work in pairs

Make up dialogues combining phrases.

- Can I help you?

- What would you like?

- What can you recommend?

- What's in the…?

- I'd like…, please.

- Can I have…, please?

- Excuse me, this…is under-cooked (under-done).

- I'm sorry, but my…is over-cooked (overdone).

- I do apologize, madam.

- I'm so sorry, sir.

- Would you like some dessert?

- How about some coffee or a dessert?

- Oh, yes, let's have another look at the menu.

- Yes, what a good idea.

- I'm hungry as a hunter.

- Can I take your order, sir?

- Yes, I'd like to take …, please.

- And to follow?

- Have you decided on something, sir?

- Yes, … and … for me, please.

- How about the …?

- No sweet, thanks, just coffee.

- Have you chosen something, sir?

- Yes. I think I'll have the …, please.

- What would you like afterwards?

- I'd like some … if you have any

V. Summing up. Reflection

- Did you enjoy today's work? As for me, I did. I am satisfied with your results. I believe that you will use these skills some day in a real situation.

VI. Homework


Steve is opening his new restaurant today. Last week he sent his menu to the

printer. It has just come back and, unfortunately, it is full of mistakes. The printers

have put some dishes in the wrong sections. Help Steve by writing the menu correctly

Working at Steve's menu. What would you like to change in it?

Steve's Diner


Bottle of mineral water 1.50

Chocolate, strawberry or vanilla ice-cream 2.50

Bottle of house vine (red or white) 5

Chocolate mousse 4

Avocado vinaigrette 2.75

Main Courses

Apple pie with cream 4

Tomato soup 2.50

Cheeseburger with chips 5

Coffee or tea 1.25

Prawn cocktail 3.50

Vegetarian casserole 5.80


Coke or Pepsi 1

Four seasons pizza 4.95

Minestrone soup 2

Fresh fruit selection 2.95


Bottle of Champagne 25

Fried chicken and chips 5.50

Cheeseburger with mixed salad 5.25

Glass of beer 2

Steve's Diner


__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _

Main Courses

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _


__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _


__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _

Lesson 5. Vocabulary Test. Grammar Test.


• to check students' writing skills;

• to check the use of the topic's vocabulary and grammar .

Level: Pre-intermediate.

School supplies: HO1 "Vocabulary Test", HO2 "Grammar Test".


I. Starting the lesson.


  • Good morning, my dear friends. I'm glad to see you again. How are you today?

II. Introducing the theme and expected results.

  • I am very proud of you. During the lessons you were creative and hard-working students with lots of enthusiasm. Today you have to evaluate your stock of knowledge on the topic. I hope for the best results. Good luck!

III. Main part.

Vocabulary Test

I. Choose the correct word or phrase A, B, C, D to complete these sentences.

1. Ann__carrots in the back garden.

A) brings;

B) brings up;

C) grows;

D) grows up.

2. Shall we__a cake for your birthday?

A) boil;

B) bake;

C) grill;

D) cook.

3. The fish is delicious. You are an excellent __!

A) cuisine;

B) cooker;

C) chef;

D) cook.

4. Steve usually adds two spoons of__to one cup of tea.

A) coffee;

B) sugar;

G) salt;

D) pepper.

5. Every country has cooking__.

A) things;

B) menu;

C) equipment;

D) cookery-book.

6. My friend has decided to eat less meat as she would like to__.

A) be overweight;

B) go to the fast food restaurant;

C) lose weight;

D) do physical exercises;

7. Junk food lovers like to eat__.

A) freshly-squeezed carrot juice;

B) bacon and cheese sandwiches;

C) olive oil;

D) vegetables.

8. You can__an egg by cooking it in boiling water without its shell.

A) fry;

B) poach;

C) bake;

D) boil.

9. My favourite vegetables are__.

A) beans;

B) salmon;

C) prawns;

D) peaches.

10. There are no__at a fast food restaurant.

A) many people;

B) foods;

C) knives, forks, spoons;

D) tables, chairs.

(app.2 "For Students", Test )

Answers: 1 C, 2 B, 3 D, 4 B, 5 C, 6 D, 7B, 8B, 9A, 10C.

Grammar Test

I. These sentences are wrong. Rewrite them correctly. Be careful!

e.g. The traffics where I live aren't very heavy. -

The traffic where I live isn't very heavy.

1. These cheese smell delicious.

2. These coffee taste nice.

3. There are much of meat in the freezer.

4. There is many honey in the jar.

5. Is there some ketchup?

6. I didn't use much egg to make on omelette.

7. You didn't put many salts in the soup.

8. I'd like a few sugar please.

II. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. Pam __ (eat) her dinner and is ready to leave.

2. She never __ (eat) meat. She is a vegetarian.

3. __Anna ever__(cook) a foreign meal?

4. Mum_____(fry) fish when Dad __ (come) into the kitchen.

5. Bob and Ben__(drink) Coke while Beth__(bake) an apple pie.

6. Yesterday I __(be) at a fast food restaurant and they__(serve) hamburgers and French fries.

7. Restaurant people__(bring) "doggy bags" to those who can't finish all the food on their plates.

V. Summing up. Reflection

- Did you enjoy today's work? Were the tasks difficult for you?

VI. Homework

Project work.



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