- Учителю
- Разработка открытого урока по английскому языку на тему «Великие учёные России и их открытия»
Разработка открытого урока по английскому языку на тему «Великие учёные России и их открытия»
УМК БИБОЛЕТОВОЙ М.З. «Английский с удовольствием»/ "Enjoy English".
Учитель - Шепель Т.А.
Тема урока: «Великие учёные России и их открытия».
Цели урока: развивать навыки мышления, способности логического изложения, речевую догадку.
Учебный аспект: совершенствовать навыки монологического высказывания, аудирования,
закрепление грамматики - Past Simple, Past Progressive, Past Perfect.
Воспитательный аспект: воспитывать у учащихся интерес к научным открытиям российских учёных, воспитывать чувство гордости за российскую науку.
Место урока в цикле: урок обобщения и систематизации знаний.
Аспекты урока: лексика - слова, необходимые для раскрытия темы "Great Scientists and Their Discoveries", грамматика - употребление времен Past Simple, Past Progressive, Past Perfect.
Виды речевой деятельности: говорение , аудирование, письмо.
Задачи урока: систематизировать и обобщить имеющиеся у учащихся знания по данной теме, способствовать формированию целостного представления о развитии российской науки.
Оснащение урока; компьютер, проектор, карточки с заданием по грамматике, аудиозапись.
Teacher: Good morning, pupils and our respected guests! Today we are going to speak about a
very interesting and important theme - "Great scientists and their discoveries". You
know that science exploration brings progress. It develops the world we live in.
Today we'll discuss the life and research works of famous scientists not only of our
time but those who lived last centuries.
Look at the proverbs and the quotations of great philosophers, read them and say
which one you like best. ( WORDS of WISDOM)
Pupils : read the quotations and translate them.
Teacher: Read the words in transcription and spell them ( cards with words in transcription)
Teacher: Our next task is:
Look at some words and try to explain what parts of speech the following words are:
Pupils: e.g. - explore + exploration ( verb ----noun)
Biological - Biology ( adjective ---noun)
organization - organize ( noun ---verb)
activity - active ( noun ---adjective)
education - educate ( noun ----verb)
Teacher: Now we can focus on our main topic. Your homework was to prepare information
about the life and research work of famous scientists. You can see the portrait of
the scientist, tell us what you know about their life and work.
Be very attentive to the information of your friends , you'll do the task
after the reports.
Great Russian Scientists
Do you know their names?
What can you tell about their inventions?
Pupils retell their information according to the portraits.
1st Pupil-:M.V.Lomonosov is the father of the Russian science an outstanding poet of Russian
Literature. He wanted to study explore the world. When he was 19 he went on foot
to Moscow. After graduating from the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy he studied
Chemistry and mining in Germany. He was a physicist , a painter, an astronomer,
a geographer, a historian and a poet.
2nd Pupil: In November, 2011, all progressive mankind marked 300th Anniversary of the birth
of M.V.Lomonosov. Few people know that he was not only a scientist and naturalist
but a historian and a poet. Lomonosov's literary works had been little known about
abroad, particularly in England, until the 19th century, as they were not translated
into English before. Lomonosov's works in England were represented in Latin -
an international scientific language of that time. It was a "Concise Russian
Chronicler with Genealogy".
3ird Pupil: A.F.Mozhaisky, born in1845, was a great constructor an inventor of the first
airplane in Russia. The learnt the building of the bird's wings and flying kites
and used it in his research experiment. The flight of his "flying machine" was not a
success but it is interesting for us as the first attempt of designing the plane with
a man on board.
4th Pupil: A.F.Mozhaisky was not a pilot. He was an engineer in the Russian Military Fleet
but all his life he devoted to airplanes. He was allowed to build a plane with two
steam engines in1881. The official documents of this plane are not found.
His flight was a failure.
In 1955 the Leningrad Military Academy of the Red Army was named after
6th Pupil: S.P Korolev was the founder of Practical Cosmonautics. Academician Korolev
was the chief constructor of the first sputniks and spaceships.
Korolev was born in the Ukrainian small town of Zhitomir in a family of teachers.
He was good at maths, physics and literature. He read a lot of books.
In1923 he joined Pilot's Club where he learnt to construct gliders and to fly them.
After Kiev Polytechnical Institute he entered the Moscow Higher Technical School.
During the Great Patriotic War he constructed a jet engine for aeroplanes and rockets.
The first man-made sputnik of the Earth was a result of hard work of Korolev.
7th Pupil: Yuri Gagarin was a Soviet pilot-cosmonaut in the world. He was the first man
who made his historic flight into space. He orbited the Earth once, staying in space
for 108 minutes It happened on April12, 1961. He was born in a family of collective
farmers, in the village of Klushino near Gzhatsk. He was a pilot and was chosed by the
chief constructor Korolev for the Soviet space program. In commemoration of
Y.Gagarin and his flight we celebrate the Cosmonaut Day on April12.
8th Pupil: Lev Davidovich Landau is a great scientist, a physicists and the winner of the Nobel
Prize in 1962. His name is widely known in the world of science. At the age of 13 he
finished the gymnasium and went to the Technical School. He worked in laboratories
of Germany and England , in Cambridge.
9th Pupil: Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov was an outstanding scientist and a great human being.
He is the first inventor of the nuclear bomb in the world He was the hero of the
Socialist Labour and the State Prize for his research work.
10th Pupil: Andrei Sacharov was one of the best representatives of humankind. He led to
the hydrogen bomb but he understood the danger of wars and he struggled
against unjustice and for democracy. He was awarded the Nobel Prize
in 1975 for humanism.
11th Pupil: Zhores Alferov was born in1939 in Vitebsk. He was awarded a lot of international
Prizes for his research in physics. He investigated lasers, solar sells and in 2000
he was awarded the Nobel Prize - the greatest award of the world. His explorations
are known among the most famous scientists of the world. In the USA he was
give the Gold Medal of the Franklin Institute. He published four books and
hundreds articles in academic journals.
Teacher: Your next task will be to find True or False sentences. You have to remember the
material your lessons and use the texts you have just listened to.
1. Galileo made the first optical telescope and looked
through it at the Moon and planets in 1609.
2. The Earth is the biggest planet in the Solar System.
3. Tsiolkovsky worked out the theory of cosmic flights.
4. Lomonosov founded the first Russian University and was an outstanding poet.
5. Yuri Gagarin devoted his life to constructing satellites and rockets.
6. Russia was the first country in the world to send a man into space.
7. The first living being in space was a cat called Barsic, that orbited the Earth on the Soviet spaceship.
8. Mozhaisky was the first who designed the first airplane on August 1, 1882 and the experiment was successful.
Teacher: The next part of our lesson is Listening Comprehension. I will check up your
audio skills. Your task is to listen to the text and fill in the missing information.
Teacher: Our last task is to remember Grammar - Past Simple, Past Continuous and
Past Perfect (учащиеся объясняют употребление времен на русском языке,
pазличие в употреблении Past Simple и Pas Perfect)
Teacher: Our home task will be: Choose the right verb in the given sentences.
(задания-тесты на употребление времен)
I'm glad you have worked today , you have known the names of great Russian
scientist, their inventions and their scientific work. I think you are always be
proud for our remarkable country and our great people.
Today all of you have got "fives". Thank you.
Stand up. Good bye!