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- Урок по английскому языкуКлонирование
Урок по английскому языкуКлонирование
Does human cloning already exist
1. Fill in the gaps in the sentences. Write no more than one word: cells, dead,human, publicity, nuclei, embryonic, organs
1. Gurdon had successfully transplanted the…from tadpole
2. To clone people, biologists face the challenge of harvesting precious …eggs
3. Zavos`s work was dismissed as …stunt
4. A team of biologists led by Dr.Mitalipov in USA, produced ….clones of a human being
5. In 1995 scientists James Robl and Jose Cibelli transplanted some of Cibelli`s …into a cow`s ovum
6 .Medically speaking, therapeutic cloning can provide new cells for …
7.Parents could be given a chance to clone their …child
2. Is it true or false
1. John Gurdon cloned an animal from a single cell for the first time in history
2. Dolly became the first animal to be cloned from an adult cell in 1997
3. In 2009 controversial doctor, Panayiotis Zavos, claimed to have implanted 12 cloned embryos into the wombs
4. Using a technique called somatic cell nuclear transfer biologists took the nuclei from human skin cells
5. James Robl and Jose Cibelli allowed the egg to reach the 32-cell stage before destroying it
6. Infertile or same-sex couples wanting genetic offspring, might clone themselves as a form of fertility treatment
7.When the first test tube babies were born in 1970-s,people feared the lab-grown child
3. Answer the questions
</ 1. What was the first cloned animal?
2. When did Robl and Cibelli transplant cells into cow`s ovum
3. How many babies are born using assisted reproductive technology each year
4. Who is Severino Antinori? What did he claim?
5. Do you want to be cloned? Why? Why not?
Useful vocabulary
Nuclei ядра(клетки)
Tadpole головастик,личинка
Enormity громадность,широта
Harvest заимстововать отд.клетки
Womb матка
Ovum яйцеклетка,яйцо
Fertilize щплодотворять,опылять
Foetus плод
Procedure процедура
Implication причастность,соучастие
Infertile бесплодный
Fertility плодовитость
off-spring отпрыск,потомок
test-tube-пробирочный ребенок