- Учителю
- Урок в 9 классе по теме It Is a Wonderful Planet We Live On
Урок в 9 классе по теме It Is a Wonderful Planet We Live On
It Is a Wonderful Planet We Live On
Урок - конференция
Цели урока:
а) познавательный аспект:
- совершенствование лексических навыков говорения по теме It Is a Wonderful Planet We Live On;
- расширение словарного запаса учащихся по данной теме;
б) развивающий аспект:
- развитие умения извлекать нужную информацию из предложенного материала;
- развитие творческих способностей учащихся;
- развитие логического мышления и языковой догадки;
в) воспитательный аспект:
- осознание экологических проблем и воспитание гуманного отношения к окружающей природе;
- воспитание патриотизма по отношению к малой Родине
Оборудование: компьютер, компьютерный проектор, тексты для чтения, запись песни "Don't kill the Earth".
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент
Т: Dear ladies and gentlemen! We are pleased to see you at our conference. The main question we are going to discuss today is the environmental problems.
Many years ago people lived in harmony with nature, because industry was not much developed. But progress does not come to a standstill. The nature has always been serving the Man. We take from the nature as much as we want. But we never give back much in return.
Nowadays people can not ignore the problem of environmental protection. We are concerned about what is happening to our planet and to all living creatures inhabiting it. Let's discuss the main problems our planet suffers from at our conference. Look at the plan of our work.
(запись на доске)
1. The most serious environmental problems in Kamenka District.
2. The Voronezh State Nature Reserves.
3. What we should do to keep our native place clean.
II. Конференция
T: We are happy to welcome at the conference our guests. They are journalists from the newspapers "Rossiyskaya Gazeta", "Kommuna" and "V Okruge".
Журналисты задают вопросы учащимся об экологической ситуации в Каменском районе. (Продумать ответы на данные вопросы было домашним заданием.)
Reporter 1: Kamenka District is a wonderful place to live in. Are there any ecological problems in it?
Student 1: Our settlement is very attractive. It is lying mainly in the agricultural area. There are a lot of deep lakes and green meadows, large fields and high hills in it. Kamenka is always in blossom. Every family has roses, tulips, daisies in their gardens.
But some people throw litter wherever they like: on the road, in the forest, in the meadows, in the fields. They don't understand into what danger they are getting.
The students of our school get special environmental education at Ecology Lessons. We take care of the school yard. We put litter away from the park. The members of the school ecological organization try to explain people the importance of keeping the district territory clean.
Reporter 2: Water is very important for life on the planet. There is a beautiful pond in your settlement. Is it in danger at present?
Student 2: Our pond is very picturesque. Water is not polluted in it. But there is some litter near the pond. Every spring voluntary organizations clean its beaches. And our students help them.
Reporter 3: As you know, air pollution is getting worse. Why is it polluted nowadays?
Student 3: Kamenka District is located in the central part of Voronezh region. Voronezh is a big industrial city which produces planes, machinery, and a lot of other things. There are many factories and plants in it. Voronezh is a big transport centre. Cars, buses, factories pollute the air. It is dangerous for our health.
Reporter 1: What places in your district are in danger nowadays?
Student 4: On the territory of our district there is a holy spring. Its water is fresh, pure and tasty. People from different places come and take water from it. But it's necessary to reconstruct it and to keep the holy spring clean.
Reporter 2: A lot of plants and animals are disappearing nowadays. What plants and animals are in danger in your district?
(Учащиеся рассказывают о растениях и животных, занесенных в Красную Книгу Воронежской области.)
Student 5: The steppe marmot <����������
� Подведение итогов урока.
T: What do we have to do to keep our native land clean?
Student 1: Do not break trees!
Student 2: Plant trees and white-wash them.
Student 3: Don't throw litter!
Student 4: Recycle glass bottles, newspapers, cans!
Student 5: Be good friend to fish, birds, and animals!
Student 6: Take care of birds and animals in winter!
Student 7: Don't pollute water!
Student 8: Keep the land clean! Etc.
T: Let's sing the song "Don't kill the Earth" as the call to people to save the planet. (Исполняется песня)
T: Thank you for your work. I think you understand that our task is to do as much as we can to help the nature. At home you will write a letter to your pen-pal about the environmental situation in our district.