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  • Урок английского языка в 9 классе по теме «Секрет успеха«У

Урок английского языка в 9 классе по теме «Секрет успеха«У

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Краткое описание: Методическаяразработка урока английского языка в 9 классе по учебнику К. Кауфман, М.Кауфман «Happy English.ru» по теме №5 «Прогулки по Голливудскому бульвару» Урок был дан для коллег-членов ШМО школы «Физикии лирики» в рамках обмена опытом работынад единой методической темой
предварительный просмотр материала

1.Начало урока. Оргмомент. Введение в языковую атмосферу, снятие речевого дискомфорта

  1. Приветствие.

2. Сообщение целей и задач урока.

Слайд 1

The topic of our lesson is "The secret of success"

3. Речевая зарядка.

Benjamin Disraeli, the famous English politician and prime-minister of England in Victoria time said," As a general rule the most successful man in life is a man who has the best information"

  1. Do you agree or disagree with Disraeli?

  2. What's your opinion about success? Use the word combinations written on the blackboard: I am sure that…/ I think that…/ In my opinion …

Last lesson we have read the text about Jack who works as a guide in Los-Angeles and dreams to be a famous Hollywood actor. What is the most important thing to be successful in Jack's opinion?

Does Emily agree with Jack? What is her opinion about it?

Слайд 2 таблица

  1. Обобщение мнений

To the end of this lesson we have to definite the most important qualities to be successful in your future carrier.

2.Повторение. Систематизация знаний.

1.Активизация изученной ранее лексики

- name the word according to its definition:

1. All the actors in the film. ( a cast)

2. No tickets left. (All tickets are sold out)

3. This term is used after the second World War to describe an important, popular and successful film or book and compares the effect of the film or book with a bomb. ( a blockbuster)

4. The first time the film is demonstrated. ( a premiere)

5. If a book or a film makes you fall asleep

you can say that it's …. (boring)

6. The name of a most famous film award. (Oscar)

7. The place where you can see a lot

of stars with the names of the celebrities. (the Walk of Fame)

- give the definition of the words:

1. L.A (the short name of Los Angeles)

2. Hollywood (the suburb of L.A., the place where the

biggest and most famous film studios are)

3. western (a typical genre of American films in which

the main characters are cowboys and Indians)

4. Kodak Theatre ( a famous theatre on Hollywood Boulevard

where the Oscar Night take place)

5. a celebrity (The person who is rich and famous)

2. Проверка домашней работы. Let's check your homework

Слайд 3 -задания на перевод

3. Основная часть урока.

Let's find together the answer to the question "What is the most important qualities to be successful in the carrier?"

As you know Jack complains that he has to work as a guide in LA and doesn't have a chance to star in the film in Hollywood.

But many well-known people from Hollywood didn't work as actors or film directors at first. They began their carrier as waitress, drivers, cashiers, post delivers etc.

Слайд 4 Who is this? What is he(she) famous for?

1) Развитие навыков аудирования

Do you know these people? Guess: who is this? What is he (she) famous for?

( звучит песня «Голливуд»)

Who is singing?

Слайд 5-Madonna Слайд 6-Sharon Stone

Слайд 7-Walt Disney Слайд8-Steven King

Слайд 9-Jack Nicolson Слайд10-Sylvester Stallone

Слайд 11- Try to match the star with his/her first job.

p.163 Ex.4. Use the word combinations written on the blackboard:

I am sure that…

I think that…

In my opinion … (1-2 min.)

2) Проверка догадок . Now listen and check yourself.

(прослушивание аудиозаписи)

Слайд 12 - занятия звезд до начала голливудской карьеры.

Now tell me please what things were the most important for these Hollywood stars to have a successful carrier?

(good looks , a bit luck , a big talent)

Now let's meet one more famous person. She is well known all over the world. But she isn't an actress or film director. What does she do? You'll find out after reading the text about her.

p.165 Ex.1


  • Where does the woman come from?

  • What jobs does the woman do?

  • What is she famous for?

3) Развитие навыков аудирования с полным пониманием с опорой на текст, беседа по содержанию услышанного и прочитанного текста.

p.165 Ex.2 - проверка понимания

  1. Развитие навыков чтения с полным пониманием

p.165 Ex.3, после прочтения текстов-ответы на вопросы

Слайд 14 Джоан Кэтлин Роулинг-автор книг о Гарри Поттере

p.165 Ex.4- проверка понимания

Now tell me please what was important for Johan Kathleen Rowling to have a big success? (a big talent, a hard work good looks and a bit luck)

4.Заключительный этап урока.

1) Подведение итогов урока

Our lesson is going to end. Today you have found out m any interesting facts about some celebrities from Hollywood.

Please think off carefully and in 1 minute you should tell me only one thing (only one quality) which is the most important for you personally to be successful in your future carrier.

(опрос мнений в быстром темпе)

Слайд15 - афоризмы об успехе и карьере

Look at the slide! These are words of famous and respectable people about carrier and success. Some of them are serious, some are a bit humorous. Just read them and try to remember. I hope they will help you to build your own carrier and get success.

2) Оценки (с комментариями)

3) Домашнее задание (инструктаж)

Стр. 168 упр. A,B.

The lesson is over. Good bye!


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