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  • Урок английского языка по теме 'Телепатия' (New Millennnium English) 11 класс

Урок английского языка по теме 'Телепатия' (New Millennnium English) 11 класс

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Урок № 29 (3 урок в теме)

Тема урока: «Телепатия»

Учебные цели:

образовательные: развитие навыков аудирования с пониманием запрашиваемой информации; практика чтения текста научно-популярного характера и говорения - монологического тематического высказывания на основе зрительной опоры.

Воспитательные : формирование самостоятельности, творчества и умения работать в группе.

Развивающие: развитие слуховой памяти, речевых навыков. мышления, воображения.

Социо-культурная цель: Ознакомление с научными объяснениями сверхъестественных явлений среди животных.

Задачи: -познакомить с научным объяснением сверхъестественных феноменов, провести скрытую подготовку к формату ЕГЭ по аудированию и говорению, развивать умение строить логическое высказывание,

Оборудование: New Millennium English: учебник английского языка для 11 кл. общеобразоват. учрежд. Авторы О.Л. Гроза и др.Обнинск; Титул, 2007; компьютер, магнитофон, картинки, презентация.

Ход урока:

Этап Время


Режим работы



Речь учителя

Речь ученика

I этап



1 мин.

Good morning! Glad to see you! How are you today?

Look at the blackboard! Today we'll go on our Unit «Mysteries» and "Telepathy" is one its topics. Today we are going to learn some facts of telepathy in animals. We shall listen to the stories connected with telepathy, read a scientific article and speak on the given topic.

I am fine, thanks

I'm OK

T-S1,S2, S3

На доске тема "Telepathy", а также картинки с изображениями животных

II этап

Речевая зарядка

2 мин.

Look at the screen. Here are the words for revision and for our listening, reading and speaking today. Let's pronounce them in chorus:

I hope you will use these words in your answers.


Anticipate, anticipation, appreciative, audible, was made redundant, at random, do research, exhibit smth, investigate smth, premonition, to adopt.



На экране лексика для урока:

Anticipate-ожидать, предвидеть

Anticipation-предвидение; ожидание


Audible-слышимый, внятный

Was made redundant- был уволен по сокращению штатов;

At random- наугад

Do research- проводить исследование

Exhibit smth- показывать, проявлять ч-л;

Investigate smth- расследовать, исследовать, изучать ч-л

Premonition-предвидение, предчувствие

To adopt-брать на воспитание; принимать; усыновлять

III этап Основной

А) задание до аудирования

4 мин.

  1. By the way, I wonder if you understand how to explain the word telepathy? Think a bit.

-Right you are. Both of you are true. Will you read what dictionary says:

- Anyhow, thanks for your answers. They were quite right.

  1. As you remember, your hometask was to do ex.1 on p.60, i.e. to prepare short comments on the picture. What do you think the pet is doing? Will you please start ?

I think everyone of you is right to a certain extent. The cat anticipates that its host is going to carry it away from home and it makes him scared.

Now, we are going to listen to a radio programme about unusual behavior in animals and your task will be to choose in ex.2B those statements that refer to the stories. Open your copybooks, write down the number of the exercise and put down 4 numbers.

S1 : I think, it's the way to transfer ideas to other people;

S2: To my mind, it's transition of our thoughts to other people and to animals as well.

1: In the picture you can see the cat that is angry with its owner because of the box he is holding.

S2: To my mind in the picture the pet is afraid of smth in this case.

S3: It seems to me,in the picture this person may be a thief and the cat knows it and is going to attack the man.




T-S1, S 2, S3


1)Уч-ся определяют понятие «телепатия»;

2) в презентации читаем что такое «телепатия» из словаря;

Telepathy from the meaning "distant" and ", ", is the purported transmission of information from one person to another without using any of our known sensory channels or physical interaction. Earlier was used the expression thought-transference.

Уч-ся высказывают свои предположения по поводу рисунка.

В) аудирование с пониманием запрашиваемой информации

5 мин.

So, start listening. While listening, pay attention to the words once again.

Now, let's see what statements refer to the stories.

If you have finished, please, swap your answers to do the checking.

You can put a mark to your neighbor.

Look at the screen.



Уч-ся слушают текст 2 раза и делают упр. 2b.

На экране появляются правильные ответы:





С) задание после аудирования

3 мин.

Now, let's find out whether your anticipations are right. Please, will your read your variant?

I hope everything is almost right.

S1: it's a)- the cat rushes to the phone when the owner rings,…

S2: 2 -b)- the cat manages to take the receiver off.

S3: 3-b)- the dog went to the window when its owner left work.

S4: 4- b)- when the dog's owner stopped working regular hours the dog still knew when she would be coming home.




«5» - no mistakes

«4»- 1 mistake

«3» - 2 mistakes

«2» - 3 mistakes

C) задание по чтению

3 мин.

3 мин.

Do you believe such stories?

Can we check that such stories are true?

I consider if you have a pet, you are sure to believe them.

Of course, there are some scientific explanations for animals' abilities. They are given in the article of Rupert Sheldrake, a psychologist. I'd like you to look through text to be ready to read out aloud. Pay attention to the words, that are on the screen. I'm giving you about 2 min. to look through the text.

If you are ready, let's start. I'd like you to read in chain, so be ready I will stop you.

S1: Yes, I do.

S2: No, I don't

S3: Yes, we can

S4: No, we can't



Уч-ся делают предположения;

На экране лексика из текста:

Perception -восприятие; perceptiveness -восприимчивость, unexplained - необъяснимый,

unfamiliar - незнакомый, species -виды,

enabling - позволяющий,

to detect -обнаруживать, выявлять;

to navigate -находить дорогу;

earthquakes - землетрясения;

to occur- случаться, происходить.

Уч-ся читают текст по цепочке;

D) Говорение

(Этап подготовки к тематическому описанию картинок)


3 мин.

Now , look at the photos where you can see these animals in different situations. I'd like you to imagine the situation like in these photos. Of course, it's not connected with telepathy, but it can be referred to premonition. Dogs usually worry about their hosts.

What is happening in the 1 and in the 2 pictures?

And now pay attention to the tips to make a successful description.

I'd like you to work in groups, using the plan on the screen. Here are some expressions for you to use them. I give you 2 min. to describe the pictures. In 2 min. one of your group will be presenting the description.

S1 -the dog is rescuing the man;

S2 - the man is drowning and the dog is drawing him to the bank or the shore.

S3 - the dog probably saved some people after the fire;

S4- it's the terrible scene after the fire and the dog looks very exhausted


T-S1, S2, S3


На экране картинки с изображением сцен с животными

Уч-ся получают выражения для описания; (на листочках)

План описания на экране:

- introduction

-when was taken the photo;

-what/who is in the photo;

-what is happening:

- why you took the photo;

- conclusion

E.говорение (тематическое описание с опорой на план)

5 мин.

And now, please, any representative from your group is presenting the description.

Do not forget about all the options.

T-Gr.1/ Gr2

group work


Отвечает представитель от группы

IV этап


а) обсуждение результатов

4 мин.

It was nice to hear your answers!

Look at the screen. We are to decide whose answer was more correct and had all the options of the plan.

Let's discuss. Can you decide yourselves whose answers were more precise?

Group 1

Group 2



На экране критерии оценивания:

1 - решение коммуникативной задачи;

2- логичность высказывания;

3 - разнообразие лексики и грамматики и средств логической связи

b) Подведение итогов;

описание случаев необычного поведения питомцев

5 мин.

And now before concluding of our topic today I'd like to learn if you have ever come across some kinds of your pets' unusual behavior?

Pupils describe the cases of unusual behavior in their pets.


T- S1,S2,S3

компьютер, экран

IV этап

Завершение урока

3 мин.

The lesson is coming to an end. Thank you for the answers. Your marks for today's lesson are rather difficult to put, because there were different tasks. Anyhow, the marks include definitions of telepathy, descriptions of ex 1, listening task, reading, making questions, speaking task. If you have a tick in each point , than you are successful to get a 5, if your number is minus 2 -3 ticks - it is 4, and if minus 4 - it is a 3 .

So for the whole work today you get the following marks: ____________________

Your home task is ex 4 c) and d) to give your own examples with the prefixes para /-pre



На экране этапы урока

1.Definition of the notion "Telepathy"

2.Description of ex.1 on p.60

3.Listening task

4.Reading task

5.After-reading task (questions)

6.Description of the photos

7.Telling your own stories about pets' unusual behavior

На экране

Good luck!


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