- Учителю
- План-конспект урока английского языка 'Why do people travel?' (8 класс)
План-конспект урока английского языка 'Why do people travel?' (8 класс)
План- конспект урока в 8 А классе
Дата: 17.03.12
Школа: №139
Класс: 8 "А"
Время начала урока:12:40-13:25
Учитель: Галеева Д.Р.
Тип урока: Урок усвоения новых знаний.
Тема урока: Why do people travel?
УМК: Учебно-методический комплект "English" для 8 класса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, лицеев, гимназий, колледжей авторов О. В. Афанасьевой и И. В. Михеевой.
ТСО: -
Раздаточный материал: кроссворд, карточки с таблицами, карточки с заданиями (Приложения1-7)
1) практический аспект:
- развитие навыков устной речи, чтения;
2) воспитательный аспект:
-воспитание уважения к культуре и обычаям страны изучаемого языка,
-воспитание уважения к общечеловеческим ценностям;
-воспитание толерантности к другим странам, народам, культурам.
3) развивающий аспект:
-развитие механизма вероятностного прогнозирования,
- развитие логического мышления,
-развитие внимания, памяти и речемыслительной активности учащихся;
-повышать познавательный интерес к английскому языку, привить интерес к путешествиям;
-развивать способности к логическому изложению, к догадке, развивать способность осуществлять продуктивные и репродуктивные речевые действия, развивать коммуникабельность;
-oвладеть лексическим материалом и расширить кругозор по теме "Путешествие";
-формировать лексические и грамматические навыки говорения, обучать умению строить высказывания по модели;
-развитие письменной монологической речи с опорой на вопросы
Методы: лексико-переводной метод, коммуникативный, сознательно- практический, drilling.
Приемы: опрос, индукция, анализ синтез, сопоставление, систематизация.
Этап урока
1. Организационный момент
-речевая зарядка
-сообщение темы, ознакомление с задачами урока
-девиз урока
- Good morning, my dear boys and girls.
- I`m glad to see you here.
- How are you today?
- I`m very well, thank you. And now it`s time to start our lesson.
Dear friends, let's try to guess the topic of our lesson.
I've prepared a crossword puzzle (Приложение 1) for you. If you guess all the words correctly, you
Will be able to name the topic of our lesson.
- Right you are!
Now you see that the topic of our lesson is
and we are going to speak on this topic today as much as possible, to remember the new words, to listen to the tape and translate some sentences and do many other interesting things.
The motto of our lesson is
"The more you live,
the more you travel,
the more you travel,
the more you see,
the more you see,
the more you learn."
Please, don't forget about these words during our lesson and at the end of it you'll try to explain why it is good to have them as a motto.
- Good morning, Dina Rustemovna!
-We are glad to see you, too.
-We are fine, thanks. And how are you?
30 сек.
4 мин.
30 сек.
1 мин.
2. Основная часть.
-лексическая тематическая разминка.
-формирование лексических навыков говорения
- презентация новой лексики
-тренировка употребления новой лексики в речи
-просмотровое чтение
- Look at the blackboard. Here you can see some opinions about travelling. Read, translate and express your own attitude towards them, please:
"I like to travel! It`s just great! Travel offers sense of freedom!" Renee, 19
"Travelling becomes more and more dangerous ..." Elizabeth, 64
"Usually I travel to relax and to learn something new ..." Stuart, 28
"I`m sure that most people travel out of snobbery ..." Mary, 35
- So you see that many men - many minds. And what do you think about travelling?
Do you like to travel?
Why do you travel?
Do you believe that travelling is dangerous?
Is it expensive?
Is it your hobby?
1. -Now let`s try to answer the question of the lesson. (Приложение 2) Here you can see some sentences. They are not complete. You should complete them with phrases given in the table.
2.-Agree or disagree with the following statements. Work in pairs. The models may be helpful. (Приложение 3)
3.-Now try to express your own opinion and say why people travel. All you need is to complete the sentences in your cards.(Приложение 4)
4.-There are 2 cards with different opinions. Find 4 words in each card which cannot go with the word "travelling". (Приложение 5)
5.- Read the text and fill in the blanks the suitable words. (Приложение 6)
- Modern life is impossible without travelling.
- People are fond of traveling. They spend their holidays traveling.
- I like travelling , because it is very interesting to see new places, another towns and countries.
- I travel for relax.
- I visit other counters for getting more useful information about this country, his nation, languages.
-Sometimes travelling is very dangerous. For example, when you travel by plane.
- Travelling by air is the most expensive.
-Yes, travelling is my hobby, I'm fond of it. As for me, I prefer travelling by car. I think it's very convenient.
- I like to fly. If I travel by train or by plane my friends see me off at the railway station or in the airport.
- People like to travel with friends.
-Usually they travel for pleasure.
- When they travel they like to go sightseeing.
- Businessmen usually travel from curiosity.
-No, you`re wrong. They don`t travel from curiosity, they usually travel on business.
-Most people like to travel with friends and parents.
-Usually they travel to see the beauty of the world.
-Travelling can be useful, fantastic, enjoyable. Travelling can't be pretty.
8 мин.
4 мин.
4 мин.
3 мин.
3 мин.
10 мин.
3. Заключение
-подведение итогов
-домашнее задание
-выставление оценок
-Children, do you remember the motto of our today's lesson? Let's read it again. Say after me, please.
Do you think it's good to travel a lot?
Why do you think it is nice to travel?
Do you think it is necessary to know a foreign language while traveling?
By the way, do you know where Russian people like to travel?
We also have many tourists from other countries in our republic, haven't we?
So, boys and girls, our lesson is coming to an end. We haven't wasted our time, haven't we? We've learned a lot, we've done a lot, and we've discussed o lot.
Thank you very much.
Your homework is to write a topic, based on the answers. There are the questions in front of you.
(Приложение 7)
Your marks are…
I'm very pleased with your work.
See you on Tuesday. Good bye!
-Of course, travelling gives us a good opportunity to see the world.
-It is nice to travel because it broadens our outlook and gives us life experience.
-And still travelling leaves unforgettable impressions.
-Russian people prefer to go somewhere to the South for holidays. The Black Sea, Turkey, Asia.
-Yes, we have. They are from Germany, India, Turkey, China, America and other countries.
- Good bye!
6 мин.
30 сек.
30 сек.
Я считаю, что урок прошел успешно. Все запланированные задания были выполнены. Учащиеся также хорошо усвоили пройденный материал. Трудностей в общении с детьми не возникало. Хочется отметить повышенную активность учащихся на уроке.
"I like to travel! It`s just great! Travel offers sense of freedom!"
Renee, 19
"Travelling becomes more and more dangerous ..."
Elizabeth, 64
"Usually I travel to relax and to learn something new ..."
Stuart, 28
"I`m sure that most people travel out of snobbery ..."
Mary, 35
Приложение 2
приложение 3
приложение 4
Приложение 1
1) You have to buy it, if you want to go by bus, or by plane, or by train.
2) A grey animal, likes cheese, bread, but it's bigger than a mouse.
3) A means of transport which you can see at the railway stations.
4) Carrots, cabbages, cucumbers and sugar beets are…
5) Name the antonym to the word
6) What do burglars always try to do?
7) What can birds and planes do, but animals can't?
8) Where can you see a lot of planes?
9) What do monkeys like to eat?
10) When you are going somewhere you take a lot of bags with you. What is it called?
Приложение 7
Answer the questions:
1. To what places do people usually go when they travelling?
2. What makes people go travelling?
3. Do more people go travelling on business or for pleasure?
4. What are the most popular means (methods) of travelling?
5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of going by air, by sea, by train, by car, by bus, on foot?
6. In what way have the means of travelling changed since old times to nowadays?
7. How often do you go travelling? To what places?
8. What makes a journey enjoyable or hateful?
9. What do you usually take with you when you go travelling? What do you bring home from a travel?
10. Where would you go if you had a chance? Why?