Разработка урока по теме Food

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предварительный просмотр материала

Урок в 6 классе

Тема « Food»

Цель урока: обобщить пройденный материал, повторить конструкции «Would you like», «I would like»;

учить строить связное высказывание на английском языке на уровне предложений, коротких рассказов.

Задачи урока:


организовать контроль усвоения языковых и речевых навыков чтения, говорения и письма по теме «Food»


развивать мотивацию к изучению иностранного языка, навыка языковой догадки, интеллекта, памяти, совершенствование внимания;

развивать способности самоконтроля и самокоррекции


воспитывать у учащихся культуру питания и стремление к здоровому образу жизни

Оборудование: компьютер, проектор

Ход урока

I.Организационный момент

1. Мотивация учебной деятельности ( слайд № 2)

  • Good morning, dear friends! Dear pupils and our guests!

  • Good morning, our teacher. We are glad to see you!

  • I am glad to see you! Sit down please. How are you?

  • We are fine, thank you. And how are you?

  • I am OK, thank you! That is good, because, today we have an unusual lesson. Today we are going to a competition lesson.

The topic of our lesson is "Health Foods".

Today we are going to revise and recollect the lexical material and to practice in reading, listening and speaking.

Who is on duty today? Who is absent today?

Well, let`s start our lesson.

2. Фонетическая зарядка( слайд № 3)

Repeat the twisters after me.

  • Clock, clock, clock,(слайд № 4)

  • A dog plays with a frog,

  • The frog plays with the dog,

  • Clock, clock, clock.

Why do you cry, Willy?(слайд № 5)

Why do you cry?

Why, Willy?

Why, Willy?

Why, Willy?


Father, mother,(слайд № 6)

Sister, brother,

Hand in hand

With one another

Good morning,(слайд № 7)

good morning,

Good morning to you,

Good morning,

good morning

I am glad to see you

Early to bed,(слайд № 8)

Early to rise

Makes a man

Healthy, wealthy

and wise.

Tick," the clock says.(слайд № 9)

"Tick, tick, tick

What you have to do,

do quick!

Flowers here,(слайд № 10)

Flowers there,

Flowers growing


II. Основная часть.

1.Dear pupils, let us revise the words on the topic «Food»

На доске высвечиваются слова и картинки (слайд № 11,12)

Meat Sweet Sausage Potatoes Mushrooms Chicken Ice-cream Pepper Cucumber Yoghurt Sugar Chocolate Bacon Orange Honey Mineral water Fizzy drink Juice Coca-cola Milk

Tea Coffee

Read these words and translate them into Russian

Далее убираются слова и остаются одни картинки

Tell me, what food can you see here?(слайд № 13)

Учащиеся называют продукты, которые видят на картинках

And now can you guess, what words are these?

Учащиеся составляют слова из слогов, написанных на доске. Правильно составив слово, они говорят, чтобы они хотели съесть или выполнить. (слайд № 14 , 15)

ice let

porr tail

cut cream

bis ets

cock ade

sand cuit

lemon idge

swe wich

Have you ever been to the café? What do you like to eat there?

Now let`s read and translate dialogue «In the Сafe». Devide into parts.

Учащиеся читают по ролям предложенный диалог

In the Сafe(слайд №16)

Waiter : What would you like, my friends?

Ann: As for me, I would like an ice cream and a glass of orange juice.

Mike: I would like an ice cream and a glass of orange juice.

John: And I would like a cake, a bar of chocolate and a glass of mineral water.

Helen: I would like yoghurt and a glass of orange juice.

Ann: We would like two ice creams, three glasses of orange juice, a bar of chocolate, one yoghurt and a glass of mineral water.

Waiter : Here you are.

Далее учитель обращает внимание учащихся на употребление конструкций(слайд № 17 )

Would like [wud]

I would like - Дайте, пожалуйста; мне хотелось бы

What would you like? - Что пожелаете?

Here you are - Вот, пожалуйста (когда вам подают что-либо)

Now , Devide into groups and make up your own dialogue , using these words (Fruit salad,Vegetable salad, Orange juice, Tea, Mineral water, Chocolate)

and constructions( слайд № 18)

Учащиеся разбиваются на группы и составляют свои диалоги

Right you are

Now let`s read and translate the text (слайд № 19)

British Meals

Most families have three meals a day. Breakfast is from 07.00 to 9.00

A typical English breakfast consists of а plate of cereal, a slice of toast, a glass of orange juice and a cup of coffee or tea. The traditional English breakfast consists of eggs, bacon, sausages, fried bread, baked beans and mushrooms. Many English people now take such a full breakfast only on Sunday.

Lunch is between 12.00 and 14.00. It usually consists of a light meal of soup, sandwiches or salad, cheese and fruit and a cup of coffee or tea. The main cooked meal is usually in the evening (at about 19.00). An evening meal may have the main course of meat or fish and vegetables followed by pudding, fruit and cheese.

The evening meal is usually called 'tea', 'dinner' or 'supper'. They have supper a little later. Supper is a light meal eaten late at night, perhaps, after a visit to the cinema or theatre. A typical British meal for dinner is "meat and two vegetables". The vegetables like potatoes, carrots, peas, cabbages and onions are still very popular in England.

Answer the questions ( на доске появляются вопросы)

What are three main British meals ?(слайд № 20)

When do British people have three main meals a day?(слайд № 21)

What is a typical English Breakfast?(слайд № 22)

What is the traditional English Breakfast ?( слайд № 23)

What is a typical British lunch?(слайд № 24)

What is a traditional British Dinner?(слайд № 25)

Read the text again and mark the sentences as true (T) or false (F) (слайд № 26)

  1. Most English families have five meals a day.


2. A typical English breakfast consists of plate of cereal, a slice of toast, a glass of orange juice and a cup of coffee or tea.


3. The traditional English breakfast consists of eggs, bacon, sausages, fried bread, baked beans and mushrooms.


4. Lunch usually consists of a big hamburger, a glass of cola, and an ice-cream.


5. The main lunch meal is usually in the morning (at about 9.00).


6 The evening meal is usually called 'tea', 'dinner' or 'supper'.


Complete the sentences(слайд № 27)

  1. Most families have … …

  2. A typical English breakfast consists of … …

  3. The traditional English breakfast consists of … …

  4. Lunch consists of… ….

  5. An evening meal may have … ….

  6. The evening meal is usually … ….

  7. A typical British meal for dinner is … …

  8. The vegetables like … … are still very popular in England.

Do you like to take part in different competitions?

  • Yes, of course.

  • I see you are interested in taking part competitions. Let`s have a competition then. You will do different tasks. I hope it will be interesting, funny and useful. Let`s form two teams. Count to "A" and "B".

We have two teams now.

At our lesson we have an interesting competition between the teams. I will give the cards to you for correct answers. You must collect as much cards as possible. The team which collect more cards is a winner. Let`s begin.

Назовите все названия продуктов, которые начинаются на ту же букву, что и ваше имя. (слайд № 28)

Tips: My name is Svetlana. I like sweets.

Найдите в каждой строке лишнее слово.(слайд № 29)

1.Water, tea, sweet, juice.

2. Ice cream, chocolate, pepper, honey.

3. Grapefruit, orange, lemon, rice.

4. Potato, bacon, carrot, tomato.

Fill in the gaps with "some" or "any". (слайд № 30)

I have… tea in my mug.

2. My aunt doesn't read … newspapers.

3. Kate has … interesting book.

4. Do you have … questions?

Can you count?(слайд № 31)

Распределить исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные «продукты».

Onion, tea, potato, banana, honey, pepper, water, ham, mushroom, juice, tomato, cucumber, butter, bread, orange, lemon.

And now I prepared some riddle and you guess what is this.(слайд № 32)

  1. You often drink it with milk (coffee).

  2. English people call tea with it Russian tea (lemon).

  3. You usually eat soup with it.

  4. It is a vegetable. It is orange. It is sweet. It is good for vegetable soup or salad. (carrot)

  5. It is white or brown. It is good to eat with meat soup or vegetable soup. It may be toast. (bread)

  6. It is very tastу thing. Everybody usually buys it for birthday party. (cake)

  7. It is white. It is oval. It is good to eat for breakfast. It comes from a hen. (egg)

  8. It is a drink. It is white. Children like to drink it. It comes from a cow. (milk)

Найдите слова, обозначающие продукты питания. Слова можно читать в разных направлениях( слайд № 33, 34)L








































































Another task. Put the proper word in the gap(слайд № 35).

  1. My father drinks ______ with milk.

2. Would you like a _______ of tea?

  1. Cats like to drink _______ .

  2. All children like to eat this tastу fruit. It's a ______.

  3. My sister likes to _____ ice-cream.

  4. What color is this apple? It's _____.

Translate into Russian(слайд № 36)

1.There is very little bread on the table.

2. I want to make salad. How many cucumbers

do I need?

3. There aren't any cakes in this shop.

4. There are no bad students in my class.

5. How many people are going to eat this


Translate into English.(слайд № 37)

1.На столе очень мало хлеба.

2. Я хочу приготовить салат. Сколько огурцов мне необходимо?

3. В этом магазине нет тортов.

4. В моем классе нет плохих учащихся.

5.Сколько людей будет есть этот торт ?

III. Подведение итогов

Dear children! We have worked a lot and I think we can sum up the results. Please, count you cards. Ok. The winner is the team «A» today you've got excellent marks. The team «B» have worked very well too. You've got tens.

Dear friends! You`ve worked hard today. You`ve spoken English, written, read and guessed different riddles, and you have got good results.

Рефлексия (слайд № 38)

Leave a tip for me

Red apple - The information is interesting, I can easily use it in practice.

Green apple - The information is interesting, but I have some problems to use it in practice

Blue apple - The information is difficult to understand

Our lesson is over. Good-bye.(слайд № 39)


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