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  • Открытый урок и презентация по теме 'Религии мира'

Открытый урок и презентация по теме 'Религии мира'

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Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение

гимназия №2

Открытый урок в 10 классе по теме

«Религии мира»

Учитель: Головачева В. Ф.

г. о. Краснознаменск

2015 г.

Открытый урок в 10 классе по теме «Мировые религии»

Цель урока: формирование представления о мире, как о едином пространстве во всем многообразии языков и культур.

Задачи урока:

  • познавательный аспект:

развитие социокультурной компетенции учащихся через знакомство с основными религиями мира;

  • учебный аспект:

- знакомство с новым страноведческим материалом;

- реализация приобретенных знаний;

- развитие навыков аудирования, чтения, говорения (монологическая речь);

- развитие лексических навыков говорения;

  • воспитательный аспект:

- воспитание чувства толерантности к людям других культур и вероисповедания;

- воспитание взаимоуважения и умения работать в команде;

  • развивающий аспект:

- развитие памяти;

Оснащение урока: компьютерная презентация по теме «Мировые религии», мультимедийный проектор, интерактивная доска, компьютер, магнитофон, диск, раздаточный материал (обобщающий тест по теме).

Ход урока

1. Оргмомент

Приветствие. Сообщение цели урока

Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls! Glad to see you again. Today we're going to speak about world's major religions. The aim of the lesson is to learn the main things about four great religions of the world: Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Buddhism, to define what they are based on and to understand the differences and similarities between them. So, let's begin.

2. Warm-up («Разогрев» или введение в тему урока)

Teacher: many people all over the world are religious. Look at the symbols of the four main religions, the names of their sacred texts and the pictures of their sacred buildings. Say which religion they represent. Используется интерактивная доска).

Sacred texts

  1. The Bible 3. The Koran

  2. Tripitaka 4. The Torah

Sacred symbols

The crescent and star the cross the wheel of life the star of David

Sacred buildings

A mosque a synagogue a church a pagoda

3. Фонетическая зарядка

  1. Отработка произношения лексики

Teacher: read the words after the teacher:

Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism

Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists

Jesus Christ, Muhammad, Abraham, Moses, Sidhartha Gautama

Nazareth, Bethlehem, Mecca, Israel, Nepal

the Bible, the Koran, the Torah, Tripitaka

a church, a mosque, a synagogue, a pagoda

the cross, the crescent and star, the star of David, the wheel of life

Lent, Easter, Christmas, Ramadan, Passover (Pesach), Sabbath

  1. Read the words again and say which category they can be refered to:

a) the names of the religions, b) the names of their founders, c) the places of worship, d) the names of holy books, e) the names of the followers of the religions, f) the festivals, g) the symbols of the religion, h) places of birth.

4. Компьютерная презентация «Основные религии мира»

  1. Проверка понимания материала презентации и текста домашнего задания.

  1. Match the names of the religions with the facts about them

  1. Christianity

  2. Islam

  3. Judaism

  4. Buddhism

1. The followers of this religion do not believe that the world was created by God.

2. In these religions men and women usually don't worship together.

3. This religion is the youngest of the four.

4. This religion has more followers than the others.

5. According to this religious teaching people can achieve happiness on earth.

6. Followers of this religion eat a special type of food during their holiday.

7. Followers of this religion try to visit the place where the creator of their religion was born.

8. Followers of this religion are allowed to eat only after sunset during one of their holidays.

9. Men following this religion cannot be bareheaded.

10. A key concept of this religion says that one of their holy men sacrificed his life for them.

  1. Answer the questions about the four major religions.


  1. Who is the founder of Christianity? Where was he born? How did he die?

  2. Who are Christians? Why are they called like that?

  3. Where do they worship and in what shape are most Christian places of worship built?

  4. What parts does the Bible consist of?

  5. What are the main Christian holidays?


  1. What is the Muslim Holy Book called? What does this name mean?

  2. What is a mosque and what is a minaret?

  3. How often do Muslims pray and what do they use for praying?

  4. Why is Mecca such an important place for Muslims?

  5. What is the main Muslim festival called?


  1. Who is Abraham and who is Moses?

  2. Who created the universe according to Judaism?

  3. Who are rabbis?

  4. What is the Sabbath and how is it celebrated?

  5. What do the followers of Judaism celebrate during the festival called Passover?


  1. How old is this religion and where did it originate?

  2. Is Buddha a god? What do we know about him?

  3. What can be seen in all Buddhist temples?

  4. What is the cycle according to Buddhism? How can it be broken?

  5. What is Nirvana? Why do people try to reach it?

6. Group work. Речевая практика.

Write out of the text "World's Major Religions" the key words and phrases describing one of them. Speak about this religion adding some more details if you know any.

Работа в группах. Каждая группа выписывает ключевые слова по одной из религий и спикер группы делает развернутое высказывание об этой религии.

После этого один ученик (желающий) из класса дает сравнительную характеристику всех четырех религий.

7. Контроль полученных знаний в виде тестирования (компьютер).

8. Домашнее задание: AB ex.3,4, p.22

9. Подведение итогов урока. Рефлексия.


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