Разработка урока в 1 классе

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Дата публикации:
Краткое описание: Стержневой фигурой в совершенствовании деятельности школ и обеспечении успешности обучения учеников является учитель (Strong, Ward, Grand,2011).    Специфику иностранного языка как учебной дисциплины, по мнению И.А. Зимней, определяет тот факт, что ИЯ является одновременно и цел
предварительный просмотр материала

Demo lesson

Date: 25.04.2014.

Grade: 1b,v,d,g

Theme: Travelling


1. To check leaners' knowledge on pre-taught themes "numbers, colours, tableware"

2. To develop reading, speaking, writing, and listening skills in complex, ability to find analogies and prove a point of view.

3. To bring up positive attitude of students while working in groups.

Visual aids: papers, glue, PPT, mp 3, colour pencils, stickers, balloons


Good-morning, children! How are you? Today we have unusual lesson. Now you should guess who will be our guest. (listen to music from the tale "Pinocchio" ). Right! And say for what he is here. Children give their opinion. Ok , I help you. We shall help him to pick coins up in order to go to the theatre. Shall we help him?

And what should we review today? Our aims are to review lexical material, practice their pronunciation, skills of working in groups

Let's we are supported by the power.

Warming up:

"the words' bag"- each pupil should take any word and translate into Russian and Kazakh languages. Pupils choose and translate a word one by one. Now all together repeat after me the whole words.

(one, a cup, a fork, two,eleven,four, five, six,seven, a spoon,nine,

ten, a plate, a knife,red, green,yellow,blue)

Ok, let's begin!

Now we divide into 3 teams and we'll see who help him better and more.

Pupils divide into teams by different Pinocchio s (colours: green, pink, orange)

During our travelling Pinocchio's friends shall help us to find coins.

For each right answer you will get a coin.

Now his father Carlo will help. Listen to the task:

  1. "Сluster" (they make a cluster using printed words) "numbers", " colours", "tableware" They check themselves (printed answers on the blackboard)

A coin for….

  1. Next our Malvina helps: "Words' station" each team should do: 1- find extra word, 2-scramble words , 3-find the translation

Найди лишние слова, которые не относятся к цветовой гамме:










Составь слова по теме посуда:






Найдите перевод слов:

nine 10

eleven 9

five 7

ten 11

seven 5

Check the work using the right example.

A coin…..

Ok let's have a rest and dance a little

Pause: "Skeleton dance" -2 min Everybody repeat after skeleton on computer.

Look! P'ero is waiting for us..

  1. "Running dictation" colour the tableware who will be the best and whose picture be the most beautiful. From each team one pupil should run and bring colours and others paint the picture. Teams check each other and give the mark.

A coin….

OOO, I see Artemon with balloons.

  1. "Magic balloons" - in this task each team choose the boss of their team, then they choose the balloon and translate the word combinations. The boss pupils choose a balloon and read.

A coin…

  1. "Puzzle" - who is the first (Pinocchio ) Collect the pieces of papers and get the picture.

Do the conclusion, which team helped more. What have we done today on the lesson? Marks. Pupils give the mark to teacher. Good-buy!

Pupils' works

  • Cluster

  • Running dictation

  • Words' station

  • Puzzle

Some moments from the lesson


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