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  • Практическое занятие на тему 'Some words about my friend'

Практическое занятие на тему 'Some words about my friend'

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Краткое описание: Данный материал подготовлен для обучающихся 1 курса колледжа. В уроке повторяются такие грамматические темы как: повелительное наклонение, глагол to be, его устойчивые выражения и построение различных типов предложений с ним. Студентам предлагается текст ( к тексту можно
предварительный просмотр материала

Lesson I

The imperative mood

+ _

Open! Don't open!

Bring! Don't bring!


Affirmative sentence

Interrogative sentence

Negative sentence

I am a student

Am I a student ?

I am not a student.

You are a student.

Are you a student?

You are not a student.

She is a student.

He is a student.

Is she a student?

He a student?

She is not a student.

He is not a student.

We are students.

Are we students?

We are not students.

You are students.

Are you students?

You aren't students.

They are students.

Are they students?

They aren't students.

1. Translate:

Открой книгу, закрой дверь, принеси мне стул, дай ему ручку, читай текст, не открывай дверь, не бери его карандаш, иди к столу, не смотри телевизор вечером, закрой окно, не читай ночью, не опаздывай.

2. Fill in to be in the following sentences:

1. I... a first-year student. 2.He... a doctor and my brother ... a teacher. 3.They ...

students.4. Ann ... an architect. 5.Max ... an enginner. 6.You ... an artist. 7.We...

builders. 8. My father ... carpenter. 9. His mother ... a plaster. 10. They ... joiners.

11. ... he at home?- No, he ..... at home.12. ...your family large? - Yes,it ... .13.Tom ... at home. He ... ill. 14.The table ... red. 15.The room ... light.16.The books ... on

the desk. 17. This ... a cup. 18. Pete ... good at sport. 19. I ... fond of music.

3. Make these sentences interrogative.

Ex: It is a lovely day today.

Is it a lovely day today?

1.It is warm today. 2. It is time to go home. 3.It is late now. 4.It is difficult to study English. 5.It is Monday today. 6.It is easy to remember this poem. 7.He is a student. 8.They are enginneers. 9.She is a nurse. 10.It is a large flat. 11.It is a good picture. 12.It is a fine day today. 13.It is an exiting story. 14.It is dark now. 15.He is a nice poet. 16. The film is interesting. 17.The houseis large. 18.We are builders.

19.They are at home. 20.You are busy. 21.My friend is hungry. 22. I'm thirsty.

4. Make the sentences of the task 3 negative.

5.Find the conformity:

builder электромонтер

carpenter штукатур

joiner столяр

doctor стекольщик

engineer слесарь

artist сварщик

painter сантехник

nurse прораб

woker плотник

plaster плиточник

driver паркетчик

bookkeeper обойщик

seamstress начальник строительства

pharmasist монтажник

cleaner мастер

saleman геодезист

pilot бетонщик

cook верхолаз

janitor каменщик

concrete layer крановщик

steeplejack кровельщик

building surveyor маляр

mason, bricklayer повар

crane operator бухгалтер

roofer уборщица

house painter медсестра

foreman водитель

assembler художник

paper hanger живописец

parquet floor layer строитель

slater инженер

work superintendet рабочий

plumber продавец

welder пилот

fitter фармацевт

glazier швея

electrician дворник

construction site chief доктор

6.Write the antonyms.

Read, go, carry away, give, open, find, present, be late, put on, swich on, buy, clever, beautiful, good.

7. Compose the sentences:

1. I, at, am, home. 2.Dad, ill, is, not. 3.Are, they, fond, of sport. 4.You, well, are? 5.class, big, is. 6.I, a, first-year, am, student. 7. Earst, West, or, but, is, home, best.


1.Меня зовут … .2. Мне 15 лет. 3. Он - студент первокурсник. 4.Мой отец строитель. 5.Где Оля?- Она дома, она болеет. 6.Мои друзья увлекаются спортом. 7. Я интересуюсь музыкой. 8.Они заняты. 9.Какая сегодня погода?-

Жарко, светит солнце. 10.Твой отец дома? -Нет, он на работе. 11.Мы плотники. 12.Ты кровельщик?- Нет, я штукатур, а мой друг- столяр.

1.Мою маму зовут Наташа. Ей 38 лет. Она-доктор.2.Мой отец болеет, он дома.3.Я студент второкурсник, я увлекаюсь футболом. 4.Твоя сестра медсестра?- Нет, она геодезист. 5.Какая сегодня погода?- сегодня прохладно, моросит мелкий дождь.6.Мы опаздываем. 7.Дима занят, он не готов к ответу.

8.Мой брат стекольщик, а его друг сантехник. 9.Каменщик и плиточник-строительные профессии. 10. Стол - большой. Книги на столе.

1.Моего друга зовут Дима. Он студент первого курса. Ему 15 лет. 2.Мы занимаемся спортом. 3.Саша слесарь, а его друг- столяр, они готовы к работе.

4.Миша способный в математике. 5.Этот обойщик -хороший рабочий. 6.Сегодня холодно, идет снег. 7.Твой отец сварщик? -Нет, он- крановщик.

7.Ручки в сумке. 8.Жарко, нам хочется пить. 9.Ты дома? - Да, я болею.

10.Мой друг ошибается, Стив боится собак.

9. Translate: / use the proverbs in the situation/

1. Business is business.

2. False friends are worse than open enemies..

3. Two heads are better than one.

4. Every medal has its reverse.

5. Fields have eyes, and woods have ears.

10.Read and translate.

Ann is a first-year student. Her mother is a doctor, she is 35 years old. Her name is

Natalya Victorovna. Ann is a good student, she is never late, she is ready to answer any question.

Ann is fond of sport and she is interested in music. Her father's name is Vladimir

Vladimirivich, he is 40, he is a chief engineer.His hobby is fishing. He is often tired, because he works a lot, and he is often busy.

Now Ann is at home, she is ill, but she wants to come back to the college.

I am a second-year student.I am 15 years old. I am fond of computer. My mother is a teacher, she works at school. My father is a roofer, he is interested in building.

He is often at work and usually he is late to supper. My sister is married, she has two children, they go to the Kindergarten. They are chaming. They likes very much sweets. Our family is very friendly.

11.Correct the mistakes:

1.I are a builder. 2.He am a plaster. 3. They is joiners. 4.My mother are a nurse. 5.Pete and Max is plumbers. 6.We am first-year students. 7.Misha has 14 years.

8.You a workers. 9.Am you a glazier? 10. Are she a doctor? 11.Is you a fitter?

12. Are he a welder? 13. He are not a driver.14.His name Vladimir. 15.We students. 16.Peole clever. 17.The table red. 18.The class big.


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