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  • Урок английского языка в десятом классе « Добро пожаловать в Австралию»

Урок английского языка в десятом классе « Добро пожаловать в Австралию»

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Урок английского языка в десятом классе

Тип урока: обобщающее повторение

Тема: « Добро пожаловать в Австралию»

Урок в 10 классе по теме «Добро пожаловать в Австралию» проводится с применением компьютерных технологий. Урок является завершающим уроком по теме, поэтому главной целью урока является проверка знаний учащихся по теме и умение оперировать ими в измененной ситуации.

Задачи урока: 1. формирование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся, их умений рассказывать о стране изучаемого языка.

2. формирование социокультурной компетенции учащихся, расширение их кругозора о культуре, традициях, социальной жизни Австралии.

3. формирование компесаторной компетенции школьников, их умения пользоваться имеющимися лексическими, грамматическими и другими средствами при озвучивании довольно сложных высказываний на английском языке.

4. формирование учебно-познавательной компетенции учеников, развития их любознательности, повышение уровня мотивации.

Задачи урока решаются при помощи презентации, выполненной в виде научно-популярного фильма об Австралии. (Презентация разрабатывается учителем или учащимися в компьютерной программе Power Point).

Учащиеся играют роль дикторов телевидения, озвучивая фильм, повествующий о географическом положении Австралии, ее городах, достопримечательностях, экономике, политическом устройстве и т.д.

Опыт показывает, что дети с большим интересом относятся к данному виду работы, урок проходит живо, на высоком эмоциональном уровне. Данный вид урока можно рекомендовать на заключительном этапе работы над любой темой страноведческого характера.

Оборудование: 1.компьютер

2. видеопроектор

3. экран

4. презентация (приложение 1)

5. листы с заданиями для работы над незнакомой лексикой (приложение 2)

Ход урока

Этап урока




Формы работы

1. Начало урока

2 минуты

Организация урока, создание языковой атмосферы

Учитель: Hello, boys and girls! Is everybody present in class? OK, let's start anyway. Our topic is "Welcome to Australia". We have a final class in this topic today so I'd like you to show what you know about Australia. We prepared a film about this country and you have to sound it. Please, imagine you are broadcasters and make a sound track for the film. You can use the Russian subtitles and activity sheets with the new words. I do not want you to interpret the text. I would like you just to convey the most important information of every slide.

Беседа учитель-класс

2. Работа над лексикой

5 минут

Отработка незнакомой лексики

Учитель: Let us begin with the new words. Please, repeat after me and try to memorize.

Хоровая работа

3. Ролевая игра «Диктор телевидения»

35 минут

Контроль знаний учащихся по теме, их умений оперировать ими. Развитие коммуникативных навыков учащихся, расширение их кругозора о стране изучаемого языка.

Контроль знаний учащихся по теме, их умений оперировать ими. Развитие коммуникативных навыков учащихся, расширение их кругозора о стране изучаемого языка.

Учитель: We are beginning our work on the film now. Look at the screen and try to tell some information to every slide. At the same time you can see and enjoy the beautiful nature of Australia.

Учащиеся озвучивают фильм. Их примерные высказывания в соответствии с титрами:

-Australia is an island, a country and a continent. It is situated in the southern hemisphere. That's why Australians have winter when we have summer.

- The Commonwealth of Australia is located on the Australian continent, on the island of Tasmania and other islands. Its territory is 7.7 million square kilometers. The population is 17.6 million people, mainly immigrants from Great Britain and Ireland. The native population represents 1.5 per cent. The rural population-85.4 per cent. The official language is English. The most believers are Christians.


- Government.

Australia is a constitutional monarchy. It is a part of the Commonwealth.

It is a federation including six states and two territories.

Canberra is the capital.

The head of the state is the Queen of Great Britain represented by governor-general.

The legislative power is Parliament.

- History.

Australia was used by Great Britain as an exile place.

In 1901 the federation was formed from six former English colonies.

After the second World War Australia began to play a more important role economically and politically in Asia-Pacific region.

- Canberra is Australian capital with the population of 310.000.

It has an international airport.

The construction of Canberra began in 1913 planned by architect Griffin.

Canberra is a residence of Australian government since 1927.

- The National Library of Australia.

- Tasmania is an island at the south-eastern coast of Australia. It is one of Australian states. Its territory is 68.000 square kilometers and population is 451.000.

Hobart is the capital.

- Sydney is the city located in the south-east of Australia, capital of New South Wales.

Population is 3.5 million people.

It is the port on the Port-Jackson Bay.

It is the biggest economical centre of the country.

Many industries are developed there.

The sights: Opera House (1959), Art Gallery of New South Wales, Military-Memorial Art Gallery.

Sydney was founded in 1788 (the first European settlement in Australia).

-Opera House, Sydney at night, view of Sydney from a skyscraper, Town Hall building.


Melbourne is the city in the south-east of Australia, it is the capital of Victoria.

Population is 3.1 million.

Port in the Port-Philip Bay.

Melbourne is an industrial centre.

Sights: National Victorian Museum, Museum of Contemporary Arts, Universities. It was

founded in the middle of 1830-s.

Olympic complex (1956).


Australia is washed by the Pacific Ocean in the East and the Indian Ocean in the North, West and South.

There are big islands near Australia: Tasmania and New Guinea.

The Great Barrier Reef is located along the north-eastern coast of Australia.

There is the Great Dividing Range in the East of the country.

In the centre of Australia there is lowland with the lake of Eire. In the West there is flatland with table mountains.



-Australia is the hottest dry land in the southern hemisphere.

Its biggest part is located in tropics. Average temperatures of July are 12 to 20 degrees C, January - 20 to 30 degrees C.

The biggest rivers are Murray, Darling.

The central part of Australia is desert.

-Wild Life

Marsupial mammals.

Best known national parks and reservations Mount-Buffalo, Kostsushko and South West.

Popular animals- emu, parrot, kangaroo, koala and dingo.


Australia is an agricultural country with high developed economics.

The most developed industries are chemical and food industries and mechanical engineering.

-Agriculture is also high developed, especially stock breeding, fruit-growing and vine-growing.


The length of railroads is 37.3, highways-810.

The most important ports are Sydney, Melbourne and Newcastle.


Export: products of agriculture and mineral resources.

Trade partners: Japan, USA, East Europe countries, New Zealand.

Money unit- Australian dollar.

- Aboriginal art

-A typical house in ">-The sacred mountain Ires-Rock.


По цепочке

Заключительный этап урока

3 минуты

Подведение итогов, оценка работы учащихся

Подводятся итоги работы учащихся над темой, оцениваются их знания и умения.

Беседа учителя с учениками

III. Заполните пропуски, используя следующие слова: usually, often, sometimes, hardly, ever/never.

  1. Children in the outback____________ see a teacher.

  2. They__________ talk to the teacher by radio.

  3. The post__________ comes once a week.

  4. The letter - boxes are_________ 5 or 6 kilometres from the houses.

  5. Children__________ drive cars on the sheep stations.

  6. Children__________ drive cars in the towns.

  7. People___________ see a doctor.

  8. Some people ________ go to towns.

  9. The summer temperature is_______ over 30° C.

  10. . It________ rains.

III 1) hardly ever; 2) usually; 3) usually; 4) sometimes; 5) often; 6) never; 7) hardly ever; 8) never; 9) usually; 10) hardly ever.

9. T: You know, of course, that Australia is an island continent, which was separated from the mainland long ago. And that's why there are a lot of interesting animals in Australia. Have a look at the grid. The names of some Australian animals are hidden here. You should find them. You may search for the words in different directions. You can find the names of six animals here.

( кроссворд на большом листе бумаги на магнитной доске).

Учащиеся находят название животного, обводят его маркером. Учитель показывает картину с изображением этого животного. Затем названия животных читаются хором. Режим T-CL.

10. T: Which animal of all these do you think is liked by everybody in Australia and in the world? (The koala)

P3,will you tell us a few words about this interesting animal?

The Koala

The koala is one of the best known and most loved animals in Australia. Koala lives in lightly wooded areas containing suitable food. They are very fussy eaters, feeding almost entirely on eucalyptus leaves. Koalas seldom drink, as they obtain enough water from the diet of leaves.

The koala sleeps in a fork of a tree for most of the day and moves about and feeds at night. It is most active just after sunset.

The koala is often incorrectly called a "Koala Bear". It is not related to the bear family at all.

A koala's average life span in the wild is about 12 years.


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