4кл теперь я знаю

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предварительный просмотр материала

4 класс Теперь я знаю

Тип урока: обобщение и систематизация знаний

Цель: закрепить языковой материал модуля 6.

Задачи: повторить лексико-грамматические структуры модуля

повторить структуру 3 типов предложений в Past Simple

учить работать в парах

учить осуществлять самоконтроль

развивать навыки аудирования (восприятие текста на слух)

развивать навыки чтения (понимание содержания текста)

развивать навыки употребления лексико-грамматических структур

формировать способность к оценке своей учебной деятельности

прививать интерес к изучению иностранных языков

Оборудование: карточки с заданием.

Ход урока

I Мотивационно-целевой этап

1. Greeting (1min)

T:Good morning, children!

S:Good morning, teacher!

T:What's the date today?

S: Wednesday

2.aims (1min)

T:Today we'll prepare for the modular test!

3.Warm-up (3min)

T:Let's say the rhyme.

Chuckles painted the toy box brown,

Lulu helped and danced around,

Larry laughed and clapped his hands,

Chuckles stopped and dropped his paints.

(Дети повторяют стишок хором.)

T:Say it as quickly as you can.

(Дети повторяют стишок как можно быстрее хором и индивидуально)

4.checking h\w p 102, ex 3 (2min)

II Операцищнно-деятельностный этап

1. Vocabulary p.102, ex.1

(Ответы: 1) hare, tortoise; 2) race, fast; 3) rest; 4) winner.)

(Дети выполняют задание самостоятельно, а затем проверяют' все вместе).

T:Read and fill in the words. (cards)

Once upon a time, there was a very fast hare and a very slow tortoise. Let's have a race tomorrow. I can run fast. My grandfather is tired. He wants to rest on the bed. Did you have a race? Who was the winner ?

2.Grammar 2 (с. 102).

дети устно читают правильные ответы, учитель слушает произношение окончаний


T:Постройте отрицательное предложение!

1. Seva lived in Toronto last year. Seva didn't live in Toronto last year.

2. Katya talked to her friend last night. _______

3. Kira skated with her friend yesterday. _______

4. His grandma baked bread last Sunday. ______

5. We joined Playtime last year. __________

6. Gleb fixed his father's car last week. _________

7. I watched cartoons last night. __________

3.Break (2min)

T:Let's have a break.

Hands on the head,

Hands on the hips,

Hands on the table,

Hands like this.

Hands on the shoulders,

Hands up and down,

Hands behind the head,

And sit down.

4.Reading Упр. 4 (с. 103).

T:Find the answers

Дети выполняют задание самостоятельно, а затем проверяют все вместе.

1a 2e 3b 4c 5f 6d


A: When did you watch a video?

B: I watched a video on Tuesday. What about you?

A: Oh, I watched a video on Wednesday.

4кл теперь я знаю 4кл теперь я знаю

6.Reading Упр. 5 (с. 103).

(Ученики читают текст, закрывают учебник, учитель раздает карточки с заданием.)

Read and choose.

Last night Kate and her best friend, Jennifer, stayed/ was at home and played/ watched a funny film on TV. The film finished at/ in 10 o'clock. The girls was/were hungry, so they cooked a pizza for breakfast/supper. Then/First, they listened to their favourite CDs. It was/is a wonderful evening!

Ученики выполняют задание, затем открывают учебник, читают текст и проверяют свои ответы.

</ III Оценочный этап

1.Самооценка ученика. Выводы

Ученики подсчитывают количество правильных и неправильных ответов

T:Can you talk about past activities? Can you write what people did in the past?

Дети поднимают руки в качестве утвердительного ответа

2.Оценка учителя


IV Рефлексия

T: We'll finish for today. Goodbye!

Chuckles painted the toy box brown,

Lulu helped and danced around,

Larry laughed and clapped his hands,

Chuckles stopped and dropped his paints

Chuckles painted the toy box brown,

Lulu helped and danced around,

Larry laughed and clapped his hands,

Chuckles stopped and dropped his paints

Chuckles painted the toy box brown,

Lulu helped and danced around,

Larry laughed and clapped his hands,

Chuckles stopped and dropped his paints

Chuckles painted the toy box brown,

Lulu helped and danced around,

Larry laughed and clapped his hands,

Chuckles stopped and dropped his paints

Chuckles painted the toy box brown,

Lulu helped and danced around,

Larry laughed and clapped his hands,

Chuckles stopped and dropped his paints

Chuckles painted the toy box brown,

Lulu helped and danced around,

Larry laughed and clapped his hands,

Chuckles stopped and dropped his paints

Chuckles painted the toy box brown,

Lulu helped and danced around,

Larry laughed and clapped his hands,

Chuckles stopped and dropped his paints

Chuckles painted the toy box brown,

Lulu helped and danced around,

Larry laughed and clapped his hands,

Chuckles stopped and dropped his paints

Chuckles painted the toy box brown,

Lulu helped and danced around,

Larry laughed and clapped his hands,

Chuckles stopped and dropped his paints

Chuckles painted the toy box brown,

Lulu helped and danced around,

Larry laughed and clapped his hands,

Chuckles stopped and dropped his paints

Read and fill in the words.

Once upon a time, there was a very fast ______________ and a very slow _________________

Let's have a __________________ tomorrow.

I can run ____________________

My grandfather is tired. He wants to _________________ on the bed.

Did you have a race? Who was the____________?

Read and fill in the words.

Once upon a time, there was a very fast ______________ and a very slow _________________

Let's have a __________________ tomorrow.

I can run ____________________

My grandfather is tired. He wants to _________________ on the bed.

Did you have a race? Who was the____________?

Read and fill in the words.

Once upon a time, there was a very fast ______________ and a very slow _________________

Let's have a __________________ tomorrow.

I can run ____________________

My grandfather is tired. He wants to _________________ on the bed.

Did you have a race? Who was the____________?

Read and fill in the words.

Once upon a time, there was a very fast ______________ and a very slow _________________

Let's have a __________________ tomorrow.

I can run ____________________

My grandfather is tired. He wants to _________________ on the bed.

Did you have a race? Who was the____________?

Read and fill in the words.

Once upon a time, there was a very fast ______________ and a very slow _________________

Let's have a __________________ tomorrow.

I can run ____________________

My grandfather is tired. He wants to _________________ on the bed.

Did you have a race? Who was the____________?

Read and fill in the words.

Once upon a time, there was a very fast ______________ and a very slow _________________

Let's have a __________________ tomorrow.

I can run ____________________

My grandfather is tired. He wants to _________________ on the bed.

Did you have a race? Who was the____________?

Read and fill in the words.

Once upon a time, there was a very fast ______________ and a very slow _________________

Let's have a __________________ tomorrow.

I can run ____________________

My grandfather is tired. He wants to _________________ on the bed.

Did you have a race? Who was the____________?

Read and fill in the words.

Once upon a time, there was a very fast ______________ and a very slow _________________

Let's have a __________________ tomorrow.

I can run ____________________

My grandfather is tired. He wants to _________________ on the bed.

Did you have a race? Who was the____________?

Постройте отрицательное предложение!

1. Seva lived in Toronto last year. Seva didn't live in Toronto last year.

2. Katya talked to her friend last night. _______

3. Kira skated with her friend yesterday. _______

4. His grandma baked bread last Sunday. ______

5. We joined Playtime last year. __________

6. Gleb fixed his father's car last week. _________

7. I watched cartoons last night. __________

Постройте отрицательное предложение!

1. Seva lived in Toronto last year. Seva didn't live in Toronto last year.

2. Katya talked to her friend last night. _______

3. Kira skated with her friend yesterday. _______

4. His grandma baked bread last Sunday. ______

5. We joined Playtime last year. __________

6. Gleb fixed his father's car last week. _________

7. I watched cartoons last night. __________

Постройте отрицательное предложение!

1. Seva lived in Toronto last year. Seva didn't live in Toronto last year.

2. Katya talked to her friend last night. _______

3. Kira skated with her friend yesterday. _______

4. His grandma baked bread last Sunday. ______

5. We joined Playtime last year. __________

6. Gleb fixed his father's car last week. _________

7. I watched cartoons last night. __________

Постройте отрицательное предложение!

1. Seva lived in Toronto last year. Seva didn't live in Toronto last year.

2. Katya talked to her friend last night. _______

3. Kira skated with her friend yesterday. _______

4. His grandma baked bread last Sunday. ______

5. We joined Playtime last year. __________

6. Gleb fixed his father's car last week. _________

7. I watched cartoons last night. __________

Постройте отрицательное предложение!

1. Seva lived in Toronto last year. Seva didn't live in Toronto last year.

2. Katya talked to her friend last night. _______

3. Kira skated with her friend yesterday. _______

4. His grandma baked bread last Sunday. ______

5. We joined Playtime last year. __________

6. Gleb fixed his father's car last week. _________

7. I watched cartoons last night. __________

Постройте отрицательное предложение!

1. Seva lived in Toronto last year. Seva didn't live in Toronto last year.

2. Katya talked to her friend last night. _______

3. Kira skated with her friend yesterday. _______

4. His grandma baked bread last Sunday. ______

5. We joined Playtime last year. __________

6. Gleb fixed his father's car last week. _________

7. I watched cartoons last night. __________

Постройте отрицательное предложение!

1. Seva lived in Toronto last year. Seva didn't live in Toronto last year.

2. Katya talked to her friend last night. _______

3. Kira skated with her friend yesterday. _______

4. His grandma baked bread last Sunday. ______

5. We joined Playtime last year. __________

6. Gleb fixed his father's car last week. _________

7. I watched cartoons last night. __________

Постройте отрицательное предложение!

1. Seva lived in Toronto last year. Seva didn't live in Toronto last year.

2. Katya talked to her friend last night. _______

3. Kira skated with her friend yesterday. _______

4. His grandma baked bread last Sunday. ______

5. We joined Playtime last year. __________

6. Gleb fixed his father's car last week. _________

7. I watched cartoons last night. __________

Постройте отрицательное предложение!

1. Seva lived in Toronto last year. Seva didn't live in Toronto last year.

2. Katya talked to her friend last night. _______

3. Kira skated with her friend yesterday. _______

4. His grandma baked bread last Sunday. ______

5. We joined Playtime last year. __________

6. Gleb fixed his father's car last week. _________

7. I watched cartoons last night. __________

Постройте отрицательное предложение!

1. Seva lived in Toronto last year. Seva didn't live in Toronto last year.

2. Katya talked to her friend last night. _______

3. Kira skated with her friend yesterday. _______

4. His grandma baked bread last Sunday. ______

5. We joined Playtime last year. __________

6. Gleb fixed his father's car last week. _________

7. I watched cartoons last night. __________

4кл теперь я знаю 4кл теперь я знаю

4кл теперь я знаю 4кл теперь я знаю

4кл теперь я знаю 4кл теперь я знаю

4кл теперь я знаю 4кл теперь я знаю

Read and choose.

Last night Kate and her best friend, Jennifer, stayed/ was at home and played/ watched a funny film on TV. The film finished at/ in 10 o'clock. The girls was/were hungry, so they cooked a pizza for breakfast/supper. Then/First, they listened to their favourite CDs. It was/is a wonderful evening!


Read and choose.

Last night Kate and her best friend, Jennifer, stayed/ was at home and played/ watched a funny film on TV. The film finished at/ in 10 o'clock. The girls was/were hungry, so they cooked a pizza for breakfast/supper. Then/First, they listened to their favourite CDs. It was/is a wonderful evening!


Read and choose.

Last night Kate and her best friend, Jennifer, stayed/ was at home and played/ watched a funny film on TV. The film finished at/ in 10 o'clock. The girls was/were hungry, so they cooked a pizza for breakfast/supper. Then/First, they listened to their favourite CDs. It was/is a wonderful evening!


Read and choose.

Last night Kate and her best friend, Jennifer, stayed/ was at home and played/ watched a funny film on TV. The film finished at/ in 10 o'clock. The girls was/were hungry, so they cooked a pizza for breakfast/supper. Then/First, they listened to their favourite CDs. It was/is a wonderful evening!


Read and choose.

Last night Kate and her best friend, Jennifer, stayed/ was at home and played/ watched a funny film on TV. The film finished at/ in 10 o'clock. The girls was/were hungry, so they cooked a pizza for breakfast/supper. Then/First, they listened to their favourite CDs. It was/is a wonderful evening!


Read and choose.

Last night Kate and her best friend, Jennifer, stayed/ was at home and played/ watched a funny film on TV. The film finished at/ in 10 o'clock. The girls was/were hungry, so they cooked a pizza for breakfast/supper. Then/First, they listened to their favourite CDs. It was/is a wonderful evening!


Read and choose.

Last night Kate and her best friend, Jennifer, stayed/ was at home and played/ watched a funny film on TV. The film finished at/ in 10 o'clock. The girls was/were hungry, so they cooked a pizza for breakfast/supper. Then/First, they listened to their favourite CDs. It was/is a wonderful evening!


Read and choose.

Last night Kate and her best friend, Jennifer, stayed/ was at home and played/ watched a funny film on TV. The film finished at/ in 10 o'clock. The girls was/were hungry, so they cooked a pizza for breakfast/supper. Then/First, they listened to their favourite CDs. It was/is a wonderful evening!


Read and choose.

Last night Kate and her best friend, Jennifer, stayed/ was at home and played/ watched a funny film on TV. The film finished at/ in 10 o'clock. The girls was/were hungry, so they cooked a pizza for breakfast/supper. Then/First, they listened to their favourite CDs. It was/is a wonderful evening!


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