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- Урок английского языка Грамматические открытия
Урок английского языка Грамматические открытия
Научить употреблять Present Perfect для выражения действия, совершившегося в прошлом, но имеющего непосредственную связь с настоящим моментом.
Научить употреблять Past Simple для выражения действия, совершившегося в прошлом.
Учить задавать вопросы.
Учить переводить с русского на английский язык, используя Present Perfect и Past Simple.
Оборудование урока: мультимедийный проектор.
Ход урока
1. Оргмомент.
Good morning now. Good morning now. Today we will speak about Present Perfect and Past Simple. Let's begin our lesson. Let's revise the poem:
Wake, body, wake, mind!
Work, play, seek, find,
Eat breakfast, dinner too,
Wash, brush, sing, dance, and do!
Who is on duty today?
2. Разговор с дежурным.
Дежурный идет к доске, и ученики задают ему вопросы о погоде, по пройденному материалу и по изучаемой теме.
3. Тренировка навыков орфографии.
Работа у доски.
Find and correct mistakes.
get - got - get (got - got)
cut - cat - cut (cut - cut)
drink - drunk - drank (drank - drunk)
say - sad - said (said - said)
feed - fed - feed (fed - fed)
catch - caught - cought (caught - caught)
see - saw - seеn (saw - seen)
run - run - ran (ran - run)
go - went - gone(went - gone)
have - hed - had (had - had)
4. Тренировка навыков чтения.
Find the rhyme.
The fox slept in the ---.
The --- slept in the mitten.
The frog slept on the ---.
The --- slept on the mat.
(box, kitten, log, cat)
I've broken my ---.
I can't drink tea.
I've broken my TV set -
I can't --- TV.
(cup, watch)
He's done his homework,
He's read about New ---,
He's cleaned his ---,
He's --- his cat.
(York, flat, fed)
Bob --- with Kate,
He dropped his ---,
He returned --- late,
The party was ---.
(danced, dropped, home, great)
5. Контроль домашнего задания.
6. Речевая разминка.
The next game to play is the game «Guess». I have a surprise in a box. You will try to guess what is in the box. You can ask only YES or NO questions.
- Is it big (small)?
- Is it red (blue, grey, brown, black …)?
- Does it live in the river (ocean, forest, farm, cage, hive…)?
- Can it run (swim, bark, fly, jump, sting …)?
- Is it a dog (a parrot, a crocodile, a fish…)?
Yes, it is a goldfish. Let's learn a poem about it.
A gold fish
Gold fish, gold fish,
Fulfill my wish:
Do my homework every day,
Dance with me and sing and play.
7. Активизация настоящего совершенного времени в устной речи учащихся. ( Выполнение заданий на мультимедийном проекторе)
8. Present Perfect or Past Simple. Make up sentences.
Worked, hе, last, garden, in, the, summer
Years, than, for, seen, I, three, more, Jill, haven't
Saturday, worn, dress, I, since, this, haven't
Of, the, ever, have, Harold, daughters, seen, you?
Yesterday, so, was, road, the, slippery
trip, from, Browns, haven't, yet, their, returned, the
Домашнее задание.