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- Конспект урока по профессиональному английскому языку на тему 'Advertising'
Конспект урока по профессиональному английскому языку на тему 'Advertising'
Зам. Директора по УР
Чинюкина О.В.
«______»__________________2015 г
The plan of t he lesson
Teacher: Melnikova K.S.
Subject: Professional English Group: FL 38
Theme: advertising. The degrees of comparison of adjectives
The aims of the lesson:
Practical: to assimilate the new material on a theme "Advertising" and to fix the grammatical themes (Adjective and its comparison forms)
Educational: to develop students' mental abilities, creative thinking, and imagination;
Up-bringing: to bring up interest to the subject; to form conscious relation to the subject;
Type of the lesson: the lesson of suistanble integrated application of knowledge ways of activity
Form of the lesson: reading, listening, speaking, writing
Relations with other subjects: English Grammar and Phonetics, Practice of Speech, Home reading;
Link to practical education: to develop students' special competence and professional competence
Equipment: Inter active white board, book, copy
Literature: Ю.Голицынский. Spoken English-С.Петербург, Каро,2000.
R.Murphy. Essential Grammar in Use. A self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students of English. - Cambridge, 2000.
Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig "New English File", Pre-Intermediate. Student's book, workbook, teacher's book. - Oxford University Press, 2005.
The beginning of the lesson____________________________________________________________________________________
Classroom expressions. Good morning, everybody. How's life? How're the things with you? Now we can get down to work. I'm waiting for you to be quiet. First of all today I'd like to begin with presentation of our lesson plan. Teacher introduces the topic by focusing on famous logos.
Teacher: Look at these logos/ pictures, name the company and try to define the product they make. (slide 1)
Today we have an open lesson which is called "Advertising". At the lesson we'll talk about the advertisement and how it is demanded in our country. (slide 2)
Speech and oral exercises_________________________________________________________________________________
Here you can see some quotations made by some famous people about advertising. Read them. And pay your attention to the last one.
"Many a small thing has been made large by the right kind of advertising." (Samuel Johnson)
I'm going to ask you to comment how you understand this quotation.
This quote means that if you advertise something well, even unimportant things can seem important and attractive.
If you want to speak about advertising, it'll be very useful to give the definitions of this word and some other related words. (slide 3)
Students are giving the definitions of the words
Teacher: Can you tell me what do the words "the advertisement", "the commercial", "the advertiser" and the "advertising" mean?
An advertisement - is a paid announcement, as of goods for sale, in newspapers or magazines, on radio or television, etc.
A commercial - is the synonym of the advertisement.
An advertiser - is a person, company, organization that advertises something, especially in the media.
Advertising is the act or practice of calling public attention to one's product, service, need, etc., especially by paid announcements in newspapers and magazines, over radio or television, on billboards, etc. (slide 4)
is a form of intended to an audience (viewers, readers or listeners) to purchase or take some action upon products, ideas, or services. It includes the name of a product or service and how that product or service could benefit the consumer, to persuade a target market to purchase or to consume that particular . These messages are usually paid for by sponsors and viewed via various media. Advertising can also serve to communicate an idea to a large number of people in an attempt to convince them to take a certain action.
Finding the goods and products in the pictures.
Teacher: Look at the picture and find as many names of products and goods as you can. (slide 5)
Answering questions (slide 6)
Students, let's look at the board and answer the questions
Do we need the advertisements? Why? Why not?
How often do you watch the advertisements?
What kind of advertising do you think is the most effective: print, television, transport, outdoor, Internet?
Does advertising affect on the choice of products you buy?
b) The results of the research of the most frequently advertised product in our country and the product which is sold in the most amount in our country/
Teacher: Kirill, I know that you have found the research result of the most frequently advertised product in our country. Let's have a look at it. (slide 7)
Andrey: 1) Carbonated soft drink Coca-Cola
2) Chewing gum - Orbit
3) Chocolate - Snickers
4) Chewing candy - Skittles
5) Chocolates -M & Ms
6) Automobile Corporation - Toyota
7) Chips - Lay's
8) Chocolate bar - Twix
9) Shampoo - Wash and go
10) Washing powder - Tide
Teacher: Almira, you have found the research result of the best-selling products in the world. Let's listen to you.
Natural gas
(slide 8)
Introduction a new material_________________________________________________________________________________
Speaking. Imagine that you are a civil servant. (slide 9)
Teacher: We can see or listen to the advertisement on TV, radio, billboards on the street. And, of course, for showing the advertisement the advertisers should follow the laws, and now let's imagine that you are civil servants who work in the government and you are going to make some laws for the advertisement. For example, the advertisement should be shown only in the limited period of hour a day from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Complete the sentences
Teacher: Look at the sentences and choose the right variant. (slide 10)
When I first started working in business, advertising was much less important/ the most important than it is nowadays and our budgets weren't anything like a big/ bigger as they are now. Companies now realize that marketing is more complex/ complexer because there are so many different kinds of media. For example, the internet is one of the fastest/ most fast ways of launching a new product, especially to young people. At the click of a button you can send out adverts. It's also cheaper/ cheapest than the television reaches the higher/ highest number of people at once but in many cases Internet advertising can be just as effective than/ as TV. For example, by choosing the right websites you are more/ most likely to reach your target market.
(To do the task is given 2 minutes and after that is checked up by the answers on the interactive board).
Finding the meanings to the words (slide 11)
Teacher: Today we have some new words which are concerned with our theme "the advertisement". Let's have a look on them and translate. There are also given definitions to these words, so let's try find them.
Sponsorship commercial promote misleading slogan endorse logo
Sponsorship - спонсорство
Commercial - реклама, рекламный
Promote - продвигать, содействовать
Misleading - ложная
Slogan - слоган, лозунг
Endorse - одобрить
Logo - логотип
an advert on TV or radio
financial support a company gives in order to get publicity for themselves
a short phrase that is easy to remember
to say publicly that you support or approve of something
giving the wrong idea or impression
special design/ symbol that a company puts on all its products or adverts
to try to sell a product, e.g. by special advertising
We know that pictures and slogans are often used in advertisements. And they're very important because they must attract our attention.
Now I want you to work with some very famous advertising slogans.
Watching TV, hearing over the radio and going along the streets of our city we find many slogans.
Maybe you remember some famous Russian slogans, for example: "Новое поколение выбирает Пепси" or "Не тормози, сникерсни".
So now look at this slide. Here you can see the names of some famous brands and some slogans. Your task is to match them.
I think it won't be so difficult because you have already herd or seen some of them.
That's why I give you some minutes to do this task. You can discuss it in a pair. (slide 12)
Listening conversation and answering questions (slide 13)
Teacher: We are going to listen to three conversations about the advertisements of different products. Before listening to them, let's read the questions which you have to answer after listening:
What type of product is advertised in each one?
A car; 2. A soft drink; 3. A washing powder
What brand was advertised?
Ford; 2. It doesn't say; 3. He doesn't remember;
Did the speaker enjoy the advert?
Yes, he enjoyed; 2. Yes, she enjoyed; 3. No, he didn't.
What adjectives did they use to describe the adverts?
(Eye-catching, attention-grabbing, recognizable, effective, persuasive, inspirational, dull, irritating)
CD 1, track 25)
Rest time
Teacher: Now I want to make a short test: "How well do you remember the adverts? (their melodies). Students, listen to the melodies of the advertisements attentively and raise your hand if you know whish product advertisement is the melody from
Soft drink Coca-Cola
Chewing gum Eclipse
Chocolate Raffaello
Internet Browser Google Chrome
Coffee Jacobs Monarch
The cat's food Whiskas
Coffee Nescafe
Teacher: Students, you have to divide into 2 groups and we'll play such kind of debate by proving the themes "Advertisement is good for people" or "Advertisement is bad for people". The first group will try to prove that "Advertisement is good for people" and the second group will try to prove that "Advertisement is bad for people".
(To do the task is given 5-7 minutes and after that one from each group comes ant tell their reports). (slide 14)
(slide 15)
Extra: *Making the advertisements (slide 16)
Teacher: Let's make the advertisements in pairs. You may choose any product, goods or company you want
and make the advertisements. You have 3-5 minutes. Don't forget about all features of a successful ad.
Use your imagination and creative skills as much as you can.
Giving home task
Students have to find modern proverbs and expressions (wisdoms) about the advertisement and also to write a short essay about advertising in your life, what it means for you, if it is important for you and if you follow some ad advice; also you should repeat the degrees of comparison of adjectives. (slide 17)
The results of the lesson
Giving marks to students, comment them.
Dear students! I'd like to thank you for your work. You were really great! May be, we haven't answered the main question of our lesson yet: advertisement is it good or bad? But I think advertising is a part of our life. We must admit the fact that sometimes adverts help us to choose something. Because of advertisement we have free television. I hope you have learnt much and perhaps will use your knowledge of English in the future.
Theme: advertisement. Degrees of comparison of adjectives
Look at the sentences and choose the right variant.
When I first started working in business, advertising was much less important/ the most important than it is nowadays and our budgets weren't anything like a big/ bigger as they are now. Companies now realize that marketing is more complex/ complexer because there are so many different kinds of media. For example, the internet is one of the fastest/ most fast ways of launching a new product, especially to young people. At the click of a button you can send out adverts. It's also cheaper/ cheapest than the television reaches the higher/ highest number of people at once but in many cases Internet advertising can be just as effective than/ as TV. For example, by choosing the right websites you are more/ most likely to reach your target market.
Theme: advertisement. Degrees of comparison of adjectives
Look at the sentences and choose the right variant.
When I first started working in business, advertising was much less important/ the most important than it is nowadays and our budgets weren't anything like a big/ bigger as they are now. Companies now realize that marketing is more complex/ complexer because there are so many different kinds of media. For example, the internet is one of the fastest/ most fast ways of launching a new product, especially to young people. At the click of a button you can send out adverts. It's also cheaper/ cheapest than the television reaches the higher/ highest number of people at once but in many cases Internet advertising can be just as effective than/ as TV. For example, by choosing the right websites you are more/ most likely to reach your target market.
Theme: advertisement. Degrees of comparison of adjectives
Look at the sentences and choose the right variant.
When I first started working in business, advertising was much less important/ the most important than it is nowadays and our budgets weren't anything like a big/ bigger as they are now. Companies now realize that marketing is more complex/ complexer because there are so many different kinds of media. For example, the internet is one of the fastest/ most fast ways of launching a new product, especially to young people. At the click of a button you can send out adverts. It's also cheaper/ cheapest than the television reaches the higher/ highest number of people at once but in many cases Internet advertising can be just as effective than/ as TV. For example, by choosing the right websites you are more/ most likely to reach your target market.
Theme: advertisement. Degrees of comparison of adjectives
Look at the sentences and choose the right variant.
When I first started working in business, advertising was much less important/ the most important than it is nowadays and our budgets weren't anything like a big/ bigger as they are now. Companies now realize that marketing is more complex/ complexer because there are so many different kinds of media. For example, the internet is one of the fastest/ most fast ways of launching a new product, especially to young people. At the click of a button you can send out adverts. It's also cheaper/ cheapest than the television reaches the higher/ highest number of people at once but in many cases Internet advertising can be just as effective than/ as TV. For example, by choosing the right websites you are more/ most likely to reach your target market.
Если у вас стрессы, приобретайте универсальный кактус!
Если у вас аллергия, приобретайте универсальный кактус!
Если вы быстро утомляетесь, приобретайте универсальный кактус!
Если вам не с кем общаться, приобретайте универсальный кактус!
Универсальный кактус очень неприхотлив. Принеся кактус домой можно поставить его на подоконник и благополучно забыть о нем на две недели. Поливать растение нужно 1-2 раза в месяц, а подкармливать и того реже - 1 раз в год. Такой режим поможет вас сэкономить энергетические и денежные затраты.
Темно-зеленый цвет кактуса и его продолговатая форма успокаивают нервную систему.
Если у вас плохое настроение или вы утомились после напряженного рабочего дня, подойдите к кактусу и выскажите ему все, что у вас наболело. Это благодарный и безответный слушатель, поэтому вы можете говорить ему все что вам угодно вплоть до ругательств и угроз. Однако при этом не размахивайте сильно руками вблизи растения.
Если у вас аллергия на цветочную пыльцу, не беспокойтесь. Универсальный кактус никогда не зацветет, сколько бы вы ни старались.
Если у вас есть компьютер или телевизор, благодаря кактусу вы можете продлить время пребывания перед их экранами. Нужно просто поместить растение вблизи вышеназванных объектов, и оно будет поглощать вредные для человеческого организма излучения.
Что касается размножения универсального кактуса, то через год у вас уже будет 5 новых кактусов!
Если вы еще не приобрели кактус универсальный, не отчаивайтесь! Это можно сделать в нашей фирме по адресу:
Если у вас стрессы, приобретайте универсальный кактус!
Если у вас аллергия, приобретайте универсальный кактус!
Если вы быстро утомляетесь, приобретайте универсальный кактус!
Если вам не с кем общаться, приобретайте универсальный кактус!
Универсальный кактус очень неприхотлив. Принеся кактус домой можно поставить его на подоконник и благополучно забыть о нем на две недели. Поливать растение нужно 1-2 раза в месяц, а подкармливать и того реже - 1 раз в год. Такой режим поможет вас сэкономить энергетические и денежные затраты.
Темно-зеленый цвет кактуса и его продолговатая форма успокаивают нервную систему.
Если у вас плохое настроение или вы утомились после напряженного рабочего дня, подойдите к кактусу и выскажите ему все, что у вас наболело. Это благодарный и безответный слушатель, поэтому вы можете говорить ему все что вам угодно вплоть до ругательств и угроз. Однако при этом не размахивайте сильно руками вблизи растения.
Если у вас аллергия на цветочную пыльцу, не беспокойтесь. Универсальный кактус никогда не зацветет, сколько бы вы ни старались.
Если у вас есть компьютер или телевизор, благодаря кактусу вы можете продлить время пребывания перед их экранами. Нужно просто поместить растение вблизи вышеназванных объектов, и оно будет поглощать вредные для человеческого организма излучения.
Что касается размножения универсального кактуса, то через год у вас уже будет 5 новых кактусов!
Если вы еще не приобрели кактус универсальный, не отчаивайтесь! Это можно сделать в нашей фирме по адресу:
Алматинский государственный гуманитарно-педагогический колледж № 2
Творческий урок на тему:
" The ways of advertising "
Разработан: Мельниковой К.С.
Группа: И 38
Дата проведения: 17.02.15
Алматы, 2015
Творческий урок на тему: " The ways of advertising ", гр. ПД 25
Дата проведения: 22.05.14, преподаватель: Мельникова К.С.
Творческий урок на тему: " The ways of advertising ", гр. ПД 25
Дата проведения: 22.05.14, преподаватель: Мельникова К.С.
Конкурс чтецов стихотворений на английском языке