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  • Контрольная работа по 1 модулю 8 класс английский в фокусе

Контрольная работа по 1 модулю 8 класс английский в фокусе

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Фамилия Имя _____________________________Класс__________Дата_____________

Вариант 1

I Fill in and translate: caring, optimistic, sensitive

1.Tony's ________________. He always looks on the bright side of life.


2.Fred's _____________and ________________. He always understands how others feel and doesn't get annoyed with people easily.____________________________________________


II Translate

1.Когда ты улыбаешься, люди думают, что ты дружелюбный и легок на общение.


2.Британцы могут называть тебя ласкательными словами, такими как дорогуша, друг, сынок. ____________________________________________________________________


III Write a postcard for your friend, which had an accident

IV Complete the phrasal verb with the correct pre"">1.Do you get _________ well with classmates?

2.It has taken me a long time to get____________ the flu.

3. The teacher had difficulty getting her ideas ____________to the students.

V. Fill in the gaps with the correct pre"">1.I'm very good_____ English.

2. Mr. Brown is very popular ________the students.

3.You shouldn't be jealous _________your little sister.

4. Vicky is very nervous ___________starting at her new school.

5. Jack isn't very patient ____________selfish people

Фамилия Имя _____________________________Класс__________Дата_____________

Вариант 2

I Fill in and translate: easy -going, sociable, stubborn

1.Georg's__________________and _______________. He rarely gets upset and he likes meeting people. ___________________________________________________________________________

2. Kate's _________________. She always wants to do things her own way.


II Translate

1.Разрядить обстановку - это значит, сказать или сделать что - нибудь, чтобы перестать чувствовать смущение или дискомфорт с кем- либо, кого ты не знаешь. ______________



2. Не обижайся, это вполне нормально.____________________________________________

III Write a postcard for your friend, which is moving to another place

IV Complete the phrasal verb with the correct pre"">1.Come on! The sooner we start, the sooner we will get it___________.

2. This noise is really beginning to get me____________.

3. George gets _________with everyone.

V. Fill in the gaps with the correct pre"">1.Iren is very fond _________her young niece

2. Jack is proud _________his sister's achievements

3. They are very close _______ their partners.

4. Larry is keen_____Geography.

5. Jess is very nervous ____________learning the poem.


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