- Учителю
- ПЛАН-КОНСПЕКТ УРОКА английского языка, 5 класс, тема 'Хобби'
ПЛАН-КОНСПЕКТ УРОКА английского языка, 5 класс, тема 'Хобби'
Кузнецова Алия Муллаяновна, учитель английского языка
МОБУ СОШ №4 имени А.Я. Першина г. Благовещенска
Класс: 5а
Тема урока: «Хобби - Hobby»
Учебник: Биболетова М.З., Денисенко О.А., Трубанева Н.Н. Английский язык: Английский с удовольствием (Enjoy English): Учебник английского языка для 5 класса общеобразовательных учреждений. - Обнинск: Титул, 2012
Цель урока: развитие навыков говорения по теме: «Hobby» систематизация речевых коммуникативных действий обучающихся на основе лексического материала по теме.
1) образовательные:
- совершенствовать лексические навыки;
- совершенствовать навыки монологической и диалогической речи;
- совершенствовать навыки аудирования;
- совершенствовать грамматические навыки: Present Simple/Present Continuous;
2) развивающие:
- развивать навыки орфографии;
- развивать память, логическое мышление;
- развивать языковую догадку учащихся;
3) воспитательные:
- воспитывать толерантное отношение к интересам одноклассников;
- научить правильно организовывать свой досуг.
Тип урока: комбинированный урок.
Формы работы: Фронтальная, парная, групповая.
Оборудование и оснащение урока: УМК, компьютер, проектор, презентация.
Планируемые результаты:
Личностные - формирование мотивации к изучению АЯ, развитие навыков коммуникативной компетенции, стремление к совершенствованию речевой культуры, развитие таких качеств, как целеустремленность, креативность, инициативность, трудолюбие, дисциплинированность; Метапредметные - развитие коммуникативной компетенции, включая умение взаимодействовать с одноклассниками;
Предметные - вести мини-диалог, расспрашивать собеседника и отвечать на его вопросы в пределах изученной тематики и усвоенного лексико-грамматического материала, рассказывать о своих интересах, воспринимать на слух и полностью понимать речь учителя, одноклассников.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент.
Слайд 1.
T: Good morning, my dear children! I'm glad to see you!
P: Good morning, teacher! We are glad to see you too!
T: Sit down, please! Let's begin our lesson. What is the date today? What is the day today? What is the weather today? Who is on duty today? Who is absent?
P: Today is … Today is …It's … I'm on duty today. Everybody is present.
II. Постановка цели и задач урока. Мотивация учебной деятельности учащихся.
Слайд 2.
T: Look at the blackboard, look at the pictures, read the poem and try to guess what the topic of our lesson is and what we'll talk today about.
I like swimming,
You like dancing,
He likes cooking best of all.
We like running,
And they are fond of volleyball.
P: We are going to talk about hobbies.
Слайд 3.
Certainly. You're right. We will have a talk about different hobbies.
T: So I suggest to you working in groups. Я предлагаю вам поработать в группах, но вам надо определить, каким образом мы будем оценивать ваши правильные ответы и рассуждения.
P: Группе можно давать жетоны.
T: А с какой целью?
P: В конце урока мы подведем итоги и узнаем, какая группа работала лучше всех и кто был самым активным в каждой группе.
During our lesson you will work and get counters for each right answer. So we'll be able to find out which group is the most active and who is the smartest and the most intelligent student of you.
III. Фонетическая зарядка
T: Let's start with the phonetic drill. Let's turn back to our poem. Which sound do we pronounce more often here?
P: [ᵑ]
T: Can you name any hobbies with this sound?
P: Reading, swimming, listening ect.
Слайд 4.
T: Look, listen and repeat.
Gardening, dancing, reading, travelling, collecting, playing, watching, listening
IV. Речевая разминка
T: Can you tell me what a hobby is.
P: A hobby is something you like to do in your free time. Hobbies make your life more interesting.
Слайд 5.
T: What hobbies do you know?
P: Reading, swimming, listening ect.
T: What is the most popular hobby?
P1, P2…
Well, OK. There are lots of hobbies in the world nowadays.
V. Совершенствование орфографических навыков.
Слайд 6
Look at the screen and make up the words on the topic "Hobbies"
den- gar-ing gardening
ing-vell-tra travelling
sp-ts-or sports
lec-ting- col collecting
ad-re-ing reading
da-ing-nc dancing
sh-fi-ing fishing
ing-lk-wa walking
Let's check your work. Well done. You are very clever pupils
VI. Совершенствование навыков аудирования.
-OK, the next task is for you. You will listen to short texts and guess what hobby is it? Is it clear?
Слайд 7
Some people like to visit different cities, towns and historical places. Some people even visit other countries. They can travel by car, by plane, by train, by bus or on foot. This hobby helps them to learn history, geography and traditions of different people and countries.
P: Travelling
Слайд 8
It is a very interesting kind of hobby. You can do it with your father or friends. It is good to sit at the river or lakes, to see the nature. You can go usually there in summer but some people like to go there in winter too. Your mother will be happy to cook fish for you and your family!
P: Fishing
Слайд 9
This hobby is popular with the people of all ages. People like to go to the stadium or to the sports ground. They are strong and healthy. Their hobby helps to develop their mind and body and teaches them to plan their time.
P: Sports
Слайд 10
People like to go to the library. Some of them have a good collection of books at home. And they are really proud of it. They can have different books: fiction, historical novels, books about animals and birds, books about different countries. Their hobby helps them to relax, to learn the world and understand people better.
P: Reading
- You did a good job. Thank you very much.
VII. Совершенствование лексических навыков, совершенствование навыков говорения
Слайд 11
Now let's talk about your hobbies. Open your textbooks at p. 155, ex. 59. Work in pairs. Ask each other the question: What is your hobby and why? Answering this question you should use:
I have got a lot of hobbies: … But my favourite hobby is … because it is …
VIII. Физкультминутка: Слайд 12
T: I think you are tired. Let's have a rest. Listen to me, look at me and do some exercises, please.
1, 2, 3 - I like boxing. Look at me!
1, 2, 3 - I like walking every day.
1, 2, 3 - I like dancing. Look at me!
1, 2, 3 - I like swimming in the sea.
IX. Проверка домашнего задания.
I think it is time to check your homework. You had to do ex. 21, p. 84 in your Workbooks.
X. Актуализация ранее изученных структур в речи. Слайд 13
What are the meanings of these word combinations?
Look at the pictures and make up as many sentences as you can. Use the word combinations.
to be interested in smth - интересоваться в чем - нибудь
to be fond of smth - любить что- то
to like to do smth - нравиться что-то делать
XI. Развитие грамматических навыков: Present Simple/Present Continuous.
Слайд 14
Look at your textbooks - page 157 ex. 64 - compete these dialogues using Present Simple/Present Continuous, explain your choosing.
XII. Развитие навыков монологической речи по теме « Хобби».
T: Each group has a picture of a hobby. Tell me about this hobby using the plan. Слайд 15
The plan:
1) I would like to tell you about my hobby.
2) A hobby is something you like to do in your free time. Hobbies make your life more interesting.
3) I have got a lot of hobbies: …
4) But my favourite hobby is …
5) It helps me… (to keep fit, to be healthy, to be sporty, to make new friends, to learn new things, to visit different places)
6) I think it is …
T: Very well.
XIII. Подведение итогов урока, выставление оценок, домашнее задание
- Your homework will be to write a composition about your hobbies using the plan.
The plan:
1) What is a hobby? A hobby is something you like to do in your free time. Hobbies make your life more interesting.
2) I have got a lot of hobbies: …
3) But my favourite hobby is …
4) It helps me… (to keep fit, to be healthy, to be sporty, to make new friends, to learn new things, to visit different places)
5) I think it is …
T: So, today you work very well. What was more interesting for you? What was more important for you? What new have you learnt today?
Let's score your work. Count your points and give you marks. The most active group the smartest students will get a excellent mark.
- Stand up!
- The lesson is over.
- Good buy.