- Учителю
- Сценарий по английскому языку по теме 'Рождество Христово' (6 класс)
Сценарий по английскому языку по теме 'Рождество Христово' (6 класс)
Данцева Алла Анатольевна
МБУ «Школа№72» г. Тольятти
Учитель английского языка
Сценарий праздника Рождество Христово
«Дивная сказка рождества»
Сцена 1
(Музыка, радостные крики людей, появляются 2 ребенка)
Kid 1 Why are people so happy? What's happening?
Kid 2 Don't you know, it's Christmas - a great holiday, which people in many countries celebrate. Would you like to know more? Come with me.
(Они приходят к дому)
Kid 1 Let's look inside.
(Открывается занавес, за столом семья: мама, папа, брат и сестра). (Игра на бутылочках)
Father: On the 25th of December we celebrate Merry Christmas.
Christmas tree: I'm a Christmas tree. People always decorate me with wonderful lights & toys. Look, I'm so beautiful today.
Mother: We get together around a big holiday table.
Turkey: Hi! I'm a delicious turkey, a symbol of Christmas. People always eat my friend Christmas pudding & me.
Presents(2): We are presents. At Christmas people like giving us to each other. Look!
(Мама и папа вручают подарки детям, а дети им, целуются и кричат «Merry Christmas»)
Postman: I'm a postman. At Christmas I deliver millions of Christmas cards.
(Стучится в дом и передает открытки)
These cards are for you!!!
People in the house: Thank you. Merry Christmas.
Sister: People are very happy.
Brother: They wish each other love, health & happiness, dance & sing Christmas songs.
Santa Clause: Hello, my name is Santa. Santa Clause. At night I come down the chimneys & put presents into kids' stockings. I love kids very much.
Kid 2 But why do people do it? How did Christmas appear?
(Новая сцена. Ночь, появляется ангелок)
Angel: Everything about this divine holiday you can learn only at night, when the Christmas star comes down from the sky & tells the holly fairy -tale of Christmas.
(Звездочка спускается под музыку и начинает рассказ)
Star: Many many years ago there lived a Virgin Mary. And one day an angel came to her & said:
Angel: You'll have a baby, who will save the Earth from the sin.
Star: And on the 25-th of December, nearly 2.000 years ago Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was born.
Father: He grew up the best man on the Earth: kind, loving & honest.
Mother: And he died for people.
Sister: And, we, people, remember his rules & follow them.
Brother: Don't kill.
Mother: Don't steal.
Father: Don't lie.
Sister: Don't cheat.
Angel: Be loving & careful.
Star: Be kind - hearted & honest.
All: And you'll be happy.
Angel: He tried to make people happy.
Star: The entire world love & remember him & his rules.
Kid 1 That's why on the 25th of December people in European countries, like England, France, Germany, Italy, and people in America, Australia, Canada & in many other countries celebrate a great holiday - the birth of Jesus Christ.
(Все артисты поют песню мелодия Титаник)
Every night at Christmas I see happy people
And I wish my dreams would come true,
Friends gather together around Christmas table,
They wish health & lots things to do.
Christ's day it's a great holiday,
And I know I'll be happy my way.
Christ's tree, health, love, great harmony
And I wish people better to be.
Номинация «Рождественская песня» (Мелодия Belle)
Little Christmas star comes down from night sky,
People understand it's Merry Christmas time.
We love & celebrate that splendid holiday
We wish good luck and never sorrows cross my way.
We are together & we wish you brilliant days.
At Merry Christmas & all life have happiness.
We love & celebrate that splendid holiday
We wish good luck and never sorrows cross my way.
Jesus Christ, your favourite son, who saved the world.
He gave us all wonders of the Christmas, Lord.
He gave us Holly Bible we should follow by.
Oh, Jesus Christ, your rules & life goals will be mine.
We are together & we wish you brilliant days,
At Merry Christmas & all life have happiness.
We love & celebrate that splendid holiday
We wish good luck and never sorrows cross my way.