- Учителю
Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
«Средняя общеобразовательная школа №21»
Методическая разработка уроков
по английскому языку
для 9 классов
тема: «Выбор профессии»
Составил: учитель английского языка
МБОУ «СОШ №21» Поштариков А.А.
Пояснительная записка к методической разработке уроков
для 9-х классов
В соответствии с Концепцией модернизации российского образования на старшей ступени общеобразовательной школы предусматривается профильное обучение, задача которого - создание в старших классах общеобразовательной школы системы специализированной подготовки, ориентированной на индивидуализацию обучения и социализацию обучающихся с учетом реальных потребностей рынка труда.
Методическая разработка уроков «Выбор профессии» разработана с учетом целей и задач, поставленных в Концепции профильного обучения и в соответствии с обязательным минимумом содержания основных образовательных программ. В программе изложены современные взгляды на проблему выбора профессии, которые должны помочь ребятам в выборе профессии.
Основная идея методической разработки: Разработка рассчитана для учителей, работающих на базе 9-10 классов, включающая планы-конспекты уроков по профильной ориентации. Каждая тема укладывается в один урок. В планах-конспектах уроков использованы различные типы заданий. В них входит деловые и ролевые игры, проблемно-поисковые задачи, элементы исследовательской и проектной деятельности, домашние задания.
Уроки разработаны на основе традиционной классно-урочной системы с учетом принципов дифференцированного обучения и модульной организации учебного процесса. Уроки сгруппированы в три самостоятельных, но логически связанных блока (модуля).
Эффективное использование планов-конспектов уроков предполагает осознание учителем целей урока и его места в учебном процессе, поддержку интереса и активности учащихся, опору на знания и жизненный опыт учащихся, контроль их деятельности.
Цель - формирование психологической готовности подростка к профессиональной карьере.
Основные задачи уроков: формирование адекватного представления учащихся о своем профессиональном потенциале на основе самодиагностики и знания мира профессий; ознакомление со спецификой современного рынка труда, правилами выбора и способами получения профессии.
Оценивание деятельности учащихся в рамках данного учебного курса. Специфика учебного материала и методика его преподавания требуют особых форм оценивания результатов работы учащихся. Возможными критериями оценивания в рамках уроков могут быть:
- точность определения понятий, сформированная компетентность в рамках изучаемой тематики;
- полнота ответов;
- умение аргументировать свою точку зрения во время дискуссии;
- овладение навыками рефлексии, самоанализа;
- активная позиция во время занятий.
Вариантами итоговой работы учеников по данной тематике могут быть разработанные проекты, презентации, нацеленные на решение изученной по данному курсу социальной проблемы.
урока по английскому языку в 9 классе
Тема: «Choosing a career. Would you like to be….?»
Цель: Содействовать учащимся в выборе будущей профессии, развивать навыки монологической речи по теме «Выбор профессии», совершенствовать лексические навыки и расширять лексический запас слов, стимулировать интерес к трудовой и учебной деятельности.
Образовательные: развивать навыки монологической и письменной речи; активизировать ранее изученную лексику в устной и письменной речи; развивать навыки и учения общаться на английском языке;
Развивающие: развивать интеллектуальные способности учащихся; формировать умения выделять главное, сравнивать и анализировать;
Воспитательные: развивать у учащихся самостоятельность мышления; содействовать профориентации учащихся; формировать потребности в практическом использовании языка;
Оснащение: раздаточный материал, план-карта, кроссворд, презентации учащихся, ТСО (компьютер, проектор, магнитофон).
I. Организационный момент.
T- Good afternoon boys and girls! How are you? I'm glad to see you. Today we are going to talk about the world of professions. Look at our plan-map.
Today we'll do some lexical exercises, then we'll the crossword to refresh some professions in our memory, after that we'll listen to the tape? Then we revise or grammar, next we'll check or home work? At last you'll get your home task for the next lesson.
T- I think, it's clear. Well, let's start.
II. Основной момент.
1. T-Our lesson, I'd like to begin with the words of wisdom. Look at the board.
"What is worth doing is worth doing well"
-Could you translate this rhyme?
-Using this we also refresh in our memory the construction: to be worth doing smth.
-I'd like you to use this construction in your own sentences.
-Thanks a lot. Let's go on!
2. My friends! Look at our screen, you see the poem "I want to be".
-I'd like you to read this poem. Any volunteers?
"I want to be"
Some people often say to me:
"Have you decided what you want to be?"
I usually answer "I don't know."
But it isn't really so.
I want to win an Olympic race.
I want to see the Earth from space,
I want to travel to Katmandu.
I want to reach and famous, too.
I want to be on Hollywood's screen.
I want to invent a new machine,
I want to be very clever and wise,
I want to win the Nobel prize,
But most off all, I want to be
Healthy, strong and nice.
T- Now I want you to translate this poem.
-Thank you! Well done.
3. T- There are many of professions all over the World. There is no need to name all of them. But, I'd like you to do the crossword with me. It's time for a guessing-game. What profession is it? I'll describe you a profession and you write the word in our crossword.
T-OK, let's start!
1. someone whose job is to design buildings?
2. someone who teach pupils/students?
3. someone who travels around the world and takes interviews?
4. someone whose job is to manage a company?
5. someone who design clothes?
6. someone who can count well and keeps money records of a business?
T- What word have you got in the middle of our crossword?
-I wish you all to have a good career and success in your future profession!
4. T- Let's go on.
-Now I'd like you to listen to the tape, the interviews with people talking about their jobs and match the professions with the speakers. ( тип задания может быть изменен на усмотрение учителя)
a) a flight attendant
b) a boxing manager
c) a band leader
d) a photo journalist
e) a language teacher
T- Thank you very much! You are great!
5. T- To know grammar is also important in knowing English. Let's revise our grammar.
T- The task is to pt the verbs in brackets in the Future continuous or Future perfect.
1. By the time I get my degree I ….. (to make) enough contacts in my field to find a good job.
2. At this time tomorrow he ….. (to sit) in an examination room to cope with his worries and fears.
3. By June 20014 Ann ….. (to finish) school - what a joy!
4. By the end of June we ….. (to take) the final exams and ….. (enjoy) ourselves.
T- Ok, you grammar is not bad.
6. T-Before to check our home work including to a presentation "What would you like to be?", I'd like you to ask some questions.
1. What professions are popular among the young people in our country?
2. What would you like to be when you graduate?
3. What type of professions would you like to have?
4. What do you think, who will help you to choose a profession?
-Thanks for your answers.
7. Now, what professions would you like to tell us?
- Don't be shy! You are welcome!
(рассказы и презентации учащихся о выборе своей профессии)
III. Заключительный момент.
T- Our lesson is over. And now I want you to show your attitude to our lesson. Please answer the question.
-What was easy or difficult to do for you?
-Thank you.
T- Your home work is to write a letter to your pen-friend about you future job.
-Thank you very much for your active and hard work at the lesson. It's very pleasant to work with you. Your mark is excellent. See you soon!
Конспект урока
по английскому языку в 9 классе
Тема: «Applying for a job. Some tips for the Applicants»
Цель: Содействовать учащимся в выборе будущей профессии. Формировать психологическую готовность подростка к профессиональной карьере.
-развивать у учащихся умение общаться на английском языке;
-продолжать знакомство с деловым английским;
-продолжать формирование базы для развития устной и письменной речи;
-развивать интеллектуальные способности учащихся;
-формировать умения выделять главное, умение сравнивать и анализировать;
-Развивать у учащихся самостоятельность мышления;
-Содействовать профориентации учащихся;
Дидактический материал:
Учебник "New Millennium" 9 класс, рабочая тетрадь, карточки с заданиями, резюме учащихся.
Оснащение: ТСО (магнитофон, проектор), кроссворд.
I. Организационный момент
T-Hello everybody! I hope that you will be interested in object of our discussion which is "Applying for a job. Some tips for the Applicants"
T- Now I'd like to begin our lesson with the funny businessman' quotation. Look at our board.
"Business in Russia is an exiting and gripping adventure with unpredictable consequences"
«Бизнес в России - это волнующее и захватывающее приключение с непредсказуемыми последствиями».
-Will you translate this quotation?
II. Основной момент
1. T- Look at the board, please. You see some words, which will be necessary during our lesson. Let's read them together.
a profession - профессия
an interview - собеседование
a resume - автобиография в табличной форме
a delivery - доставка, поставка
a customer - заказчик
an experience - опыт
to influence - влиять
an employer - работодатель
2. Т- Would you like to do the crossword.
-Yes, why not. Now, answer my questions.
1. Where do you study? (school)
2. After finishing the university? What would you like to get? (a job)
3. Where would you like to work? ( a firm)
4. To be hire on a job? What must you fill in? (a resume)
5. Where must you discuss your resume with more detail? (an interview)
6. What would be your advantage? (an experience)
7. What language/ as language of international communication must you know? (English)
8. Who must you discuss many questions with? (a customer)
9. What questions must you discuss? ( a delivery)
10. What is your future profession?
T- Thank you for your answers. Let's find out, what job we've got in the middle of our crossword?
3. T- There are lots of adverts we can see in magazines, newspapers, TV and so on about professions.
-Let's read some of then and answer the questions.
TF Consultancy is a business consulting company. Typing speed is at least 50 wpm, the ability to take shorthand dictation and knowledge procedures are essential requirements. The basic for the salary for the position is $ 14, 000 pa.
Enquires to T. Burger 525-5897
Wpm=words per minute - слов в минуту
Shorthand - стенография
Enquiry - запрос
Obtain - приобрести
1. What typing speed is required?
2. What other skills is required?
3. How can obtain more information?
Word Processor Operator
Application are invited for full-time operator to work in an office associated with the building industry.
Only experienced operators need apply.
Apply in writing to: The Personal Officer.
ABC Ltd.
38 Greenhill Rd.
Application - заявление
Full-time - на полную ставку
Personal - отдел кадров
1. Is this full-time or part time position?
2. Is it necessary to have experience for this job?
3. How should one apply?
T- Well done. Thanks a lot. We are going on our lesson.
4. T- When you apply for the job you need to provide a resume which gives the employer to get an important information about you.
-What kind of information do you think an employer might need to know about you?
- Let's read Emily Lewis' resume, and then answer the questions.
Emily Lewis
28 park Way
New York
Tel. 323-2958
April 3, 1980
1997-98: Cashier, TAFE College
1998- present: secretary of Office Manager,
Jones, Inc…,
New York
1997: certificate of Secondary, West Hill High School, New York
1999: Diploma of Secretarian Studies, Hamilton Secretarian College, New York
Typing (50 wpm) Bookkeeping
Gardening and tennis
1. Where does Emily live?
2. Where did she go to school?
3. What does she do at present?
4. How fast can she type?
5. What does she like to do in her spare time?
T- OK, I hope we've found out what general information is required to provide a resume. And we've also learnt how to fill only the important facts.
5. T- Now, I'd like you to tell me what personal qualities do you think are necessary to get a job?
Accurate- внимательный intelligent- умный
Ambitious- честолюбивый neat - аккуратный
Competent- знающий punctual- пунктуальный
Energetic- энергичный reliable- надежный
Experienced - опытный strong- сильный
Т- Don't forget these qualities even at school. Learn by heart at home.
6. T-Let's try to have a look on getting a job from the point of view of an employer who wants to hire a good specialist. Let's read and translate some tips.
If your employer likes your resume you will get an interview. An interview is a final step when your employer meets you in personal asks you questions and some tests your abilities. But there are situations when you don't even realize you are being tested.
A very successful South West Airlines, one of American's most attractive employers says: "We are not interested in qualifications or experience. We can train that kind of stuff. We look for people with a nice personality and sense of humor."
Another successful employer once told that for him the best indicator of potential management ability is an application driving style. The best interview usually takes place in a car and the applicant has to answer questions while driving through city traffic.
T- If you were an employer, what way would you choose to hire a good specialist?
-Thank you very much! I believe you'll be very good employers.
III. Заключительный момент
T- You are great! I hope you've got a lot of important information for your future job.
-Please, tell me what have you learnt during our lesson?
-What exercises were easy or difficult to do?
T- You home work for the next lesson is to write your own resume.
-Your marks …… .
-See you later business alligator in a while business crocodile!
Нетрадиционный урок
по английскому языку в 9 классе
Цель: Содействие учащимся в выборе будущей профессии Задачи:
Образовательные: развивать навыки монологической и письменной речи; активизировать ранее изученную лексику в устной и письменной форме; развивать навыки и умения общаться на английском языке;
Развивающие: развивать интеллектуальные способности учащихся; формировать умения выделять главное, сравнивать и анализировать;
Воспитательные: развивать у учащихся самостоятельность мышления; содействовать профориентации учащихся; формировать потребности в практическом использовании языка;
Оснащение: раздаточный материал, ТСО ( магнитофон, компьютер, интерактивная доска) скороговорки, рисунки, план-карта, итоговая таблица, призы.
T- Good afternoon boys and girls! I'm glad to see you. Sit down please. Let me introduce myself. My name is …. . I'm a teacher of English. Actually I work at school №21. But today we have one lesson together, in your school.
T- The motto of our lesson is "Live and learn"
T- First of all I'd like you to refresh some professions in our memory.
T- There are a lot of professions all over the world. There is no need to call all of them. I'd like you to do the crossword with me. It's time for a guessing game. "What profession is it?" I'll describe you a profession and you'll write it on our crossword.
T- Are you ready? But should mention, in the middle of our crossword is the word which we have to find.
-Let's start!
1. someone whose job is to design buildings. (architect)
2. someone who teaches pupils. (teacher)
3. someone who travels around the world and takes interviews. (journalist)
4. someone whose job is to manage a company. (manager)
5. someone who designs clothes. (designer)
6. someone who can count well and keeps money records of a business. (accountant)
T- What word have we got in the middle of our crossword?
-I wish you all to have good career and success in your future profession!
1. T- Fist of all, let's imagine that we are neither in your school, nor in mine, but somewhere in a business school.
-Would you like to study in a business-school? Yes, why not.
T- But what do you think what we are going to talk to do during our lesson?
T- Now some words about the object of our lesson. We must learn what we need to be a good businessman or a good businesswoman. Look at our plan-map!
T- First, we'll do some phonetical and lexical exercises, after that we'll listen to the tape, next we revise our grammar, then we'll read the text and understand how to make a new business, also we'll make a business-plan for a week, by the way a phone is the most important part of the businessman's life and we'll try to write short messages.
At last we'll make a menu for our business-lunch. And of course, we'll see who the best in our business-school is.
-Do you like? I hope you do
2. T- Let's start now!
-I think a businessman or a businesswoman must be quick. Do you agree?
-Let's listen to a tongue-twister and say it very quickly.
"She sells sea-shells on the sea-shore. I'm sure"
-Let's read together!
T- Could you translate? Who can say it quickly? -Very well.
3. Now I'd like you to read the poem.
"I want to be"
Some people often say to me:
"Have you decided what you want to be?"
I usually answer I don't know."
But it isn't really so.
I want to win an Olympic race,
I want to see the Earth from space.
I want to travel to Katmandu,
I want to be reach and famous, too.
I want to be on Hollywood's screen,
I want to invent a new machine,
I want to be very clever and wise,
I want to win the Nobel prize.
But most of all, I want to be
Healthy, strong and nice.
T- Now, I'd like you to translate this poem into Russian.
-Ok, well done!
T- Before to do another task, please answer my questions.
1. What professions are popular among the young people in our country?
2. What would you like to be when you graduate?
3. What type of professions would you like to have?
4. What do you think, who will help you to choose a profession?
4. T- Well, a good businessman must be attentive and tolerant, mustn't he?
T- Now I'd like you to listen to the tape very attentively, the interviews with people talking about their jobs and the professions with the speakers.
( текст взят с учебника Enjoy English 9 grade)
a)a flight attendant
b)a boxing manager
c)a photo journalist
d)a language teacher
T-So, I think, you'll be really attentive and tolerant to your business-partners.
5. T- Let's go on. Should a good businessman write well and correctly?
- I guess you agree with me.
Now, let's do some grammar exercises.
1. When I entered he …. His resume.
a) wrote b) was writing c) is writing
2. By the time I get my degree I …. Enough contacts in my field to find a good job.
a) will make b) am making c) will have made
3. All specialists in our company …. English well.
a) know b) knows c) has known.
4. Our group …. This problem with our business-partners yesterday.
a) was discussing b) had discussed c) discussed
-Have you finished? Ok, let's check. Now I see English grammar is not bad.
6. T- Ok, You've done a good job. And now we have time to relax. (образец физ.минутки)
- Please, stand up. Let's do some amazing exercises.
T- Look at me and repeat after me.
Look at the window,
Look at the door,
Look at the ceiling
Look at the floor.
Hands on your hips,
Hands on your knees.
Put them behind you
If you please.
Touch your shoulders,
Touch your nose,
Touch your ears,
Touch your toes,
Raise your hands.
High in the air,
At your sides, on your hair.
Raise your hands as before
While you clap:
T-Ok, Good for you, sit down.
7. T-One more thing! Is it interesting to start a new business?
- Let's read a text about how to do it. Read the text and fill in the blanks with sentences below, but one sentence is extra.
T-Your time is over. Let's check.
-What sentence is extra?
8. T- As you know a phone is the most important thing in a businessman's life.
- And one of these parts is SMS. I hope, you agree with me. No one likes to waste money in vane and of course a businessman.
So, using the short signs of the SMS, we'll try to write messages to your business-partner.
T- Time is over. Any volunteers?
9. T- Well, let's go on. A business-plan is very important for a businessman's life, isn't it?
-Let's write our Business-plan for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
T-For example, on Monday I have to meet my Boss at the airport at 8 o'clock. In the evening we have dinner with our partners and so on.
-OK, Don't be shy! Please, tell us about your Business-plan.
10. T- Now, let's check another thing. Can you be good at any business or not?
-Do you want to check it? Of course, why not!
T-Imagine, we are at a Snack-bar. We all are designers. We must paint the menu. Some pictures are ready but others are not. Can you help?
-You have a little bit time.
T- Well, your time is over.
-I'd like you to tell me what list of snacks you'd like to have for your business lunch. For example, I'd like to have tea, some fruit-salad and a cake.
-What about you?
-Now we have a very good menu for our snack-bar. It's very pretty, isn't it?
Home task for the next lesson is:
To prepare your own presentation "My future profession"
T- As an example I'd like to present one of the ways to make.
T- You have been great today. You get excellent marks .Our business-lesson is over. And now I want you to show your attitude to our lesson.
1. What do you like or don't like in our lesson?
2. What was easy or difficult to do
T-I guess you will be really good at any business.
And today you get your first "Starting capital" for your own business. (копия денежной банкноты в виде закладки)
-Thank you for your active work . Bye!
Требования к уровню подготовки
В результате изучения иностранного языка на базовом уровне ученик должен знать/ понимать:
- значения новых лексических единиц, связанных с тематикой данного этапа обучения и соответствующими ситуациями общения, в том числе оценочной лексики, отражающих особенности культуры страны/стран изучаемого языка;
- значение изученных грамматических явлений в расширенном объеме;
- тематическую информацию из аутентичных источников, обогащающую социальный опыт школьников: сведения о стране/странах изучаемого языка, современных реалиях, месте в мировом сообществе и мировой культуре; Ученик должен уметь:
• говорение:
- вести диалог, используя оценочные суждения в ситуациях официального и неофициального общения (в рамках изученной тематики); беседовать своих планах; участвовать в обсуждении проблем в связи с прочитанным/прослушанным текстом;
- рассказывать о выборе своей будущей профессии, рассуждать в рамках изученной тематики и проблематики;
• аудирование:
- относительно полно и точно понимать высказывания собеседника в распространенных стандартных ситуациях повседневного общения, понимать основное содержание и извлекать необходимую информацию из различных аудио текстов, публицистических (интервью, репортаж), соответствующих тематике данной ступени обучения;
• чтение:
- читать аутентичные тексты различных стилей: публицистические, художественные, научно-популярные, газетные статьи, используя основные виды чтения (ознакомительное, изучающее, поисковое/просмотровое) в зависимости от коммуникативной задачи;
• письменная речь:
-заполнять анкету-резюме, письменно излагать сведения о себе в форме, принятой в стране/странах изучаемого языка, делать выписки из иноязычного текста.
Ученик должен использовать приобретенные знания и умения в практической деятельности и повседневной жизни:
- для общения с представителями других стран, ориентации в современном поликультурном мире;
- получения сведений из иноязычных источников информации (в том числе через Интернет), необходимых в образовательных и самообразовательных целях;
- расширения возможностей в выборе будущей профессиональной деятельности;
- изучения ценностей мировой культуры, культурного наследия и достижений других стран;