Конспект урока в 8 классе

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Food Safety

There are two sides of the food issue.

In poor countries it's a question of

life and death. In rich countries

it's a question of health and diet.

I. Этап мотивации

1. Look at the quotation on the blackboard and guess how it is connected with the problem of environmental pollution we've discussed at the previous lessons.

(In fact people don't just pollute the environment. They pollute themselves too.)

What do they pollute themselves with? (with cigarettes, alcohol, junk food)

What do we call junk food? (fast food)

Actually we live in the era of fast food culture. We are always in a hurry. We have no time to relax and to enjoy a meal. We want to eat now and we want to eat fast, don't we?

Surveys show that the favourite foods among teenagers both in Europe and in the USA are…

Would you like to guess what they are?

Absolutely. Hamburgers, chips, hot dogs, pizzas, ice cream, popcorn.

II. Исполнительский этап

2. And now try to answer the following question: Why is fast food bad for us?

Choose the right option and fill in the gaps in the sentences given below.

1. It contains too much sugar and fat / salt and butter.

2. The number of overweight (=fat) people is slowly reducing / dramatically rising.

3. Coke spoils our hair / teeth, coffee shortens our lives / bodies.

4. Fast food is the reason of / the cure for heart diseases and diabetes.

You can't but agree that food has become one of the most serious and crucial problems of our day. Why is food an actual issue in developed countries nowadays? Are you ready to answer to answer the question right now? Let us have a try to make it clear.

I want you to watch a video which can help you formulate the problem.

What kind of food problem do we face today?

What about health foods like fruit, vegetables, brown bread, fish? Is health food always healthy?

3. Look through the article and find it out why it is dangerous to eat some health foods.

(It is dangerous to eat some health foods because of additives, fertilizers, pesticides and hormones modern farmers and food factories use.)

4. Find in the text the equivalents to the following words and phrases.

Источник беспокойства - ________________________________________________________

Огромное количество химических веществ - ________________________________________

То, что мы обычно едим - ________________________________________________________

Очень полные люди - ____________________________________________________________

Нездоровая пища с большим количеством химических добавок - _______________________

Готовая к употреблению пища - ___________________________________________________

Ядохимикаты - _________________________________________________________________

Пищевые продукты, выращенные без применения химических веществ - ________________

Формировать политику поставок пищевых продуктов (в магазин) - _______________________________________________________________________________

5. Find in the text the word or phrase which means:

1. Things we eat. _________________________________________________________________

2. Sort of food usually eaten by a person or community. ___________________________________

3. Food of little or no value. _________________________________________________________

4. Substance added in small amounts to food for special purposes. ___________________________

5. Food which is good for men. ______________________________________________________

6. Chemical substances which kill insects and weeds. _____________________________________

7. Foods grown without chemicals. ___________________________________________________

8. Take part in an action against something. ____________________________________________

Exchange your sheets to compare each other's answer's

6. Now you are to work in pairs in order to discuss the information you've learned:one of you completes the question, the other gives an answer.

1. What are two main …? (sides of the food issue)

2. Why has our food become …? ( the source of anxiety)

3. Why are there so many …? (chemicals in the food we eat)

4. Why is junk food …? (bad for us)

5. What food do we call …? ( health food)

6. Why isn't health food …? (always healthy)

7. What substances help …? (crop grow)

8. How do farmers grow …? (animals like pigs)

9. Why do we say that organic agriculture… kinder …? (is kinder to the environment)

You are ready to answer the following question now, aren't you?

What food is safe to eat? (Organic food without chemicals.)

By the way, some scientists believe that food influences not only our bodies but our spirits as well. Foods with lots of additives, fat or sugar can make you violent and anti-social. Natural foods like fresh fruit and vegetables which contain lots of vitamins and minerals can make you more intelligent and energetic. So think twice before you start eating!

7. What other recommendations would you give to the people who care about the food they eat?

Use the models:

Try to avoid …

Make sure …

Don' forget to …

Be careful! Never …!

The best recommendation is to stop …

III. Этап контроля усвоения / рефлексия

I believe now you are able to answer the main question of today's lesson:

Why is food an actual issue in developed countries nowadays?

(we pollute ourselves with junk food;

our diet is not always healthy;

there are a lot of health risks in the foods we eat;

there's a danger hanging over our lives: they produce and sell unhealthy food nowadays;

we are what we eat and we have a risk to fall ill)

What should we do to cope with the problem? / In what way can we influence the situation?

(We should turn our worry about food to action. Citizens can choose and campaign for food that is safe to eat.)

I hope it was useful for you to learn some new things about the food we eat.

Could you share your opinion about the lesson, please?

You may use one of the following phrases:

Now I know that…

It was interesting to learn that…

IV. Домашнее задание, инструктаж по его выполнению

At home you are to write a questionnaire to find out what kind of food your classmates eat. Include these questions and add some of your own.



1. Are you a vegetarian?

2. Do you eat only health food?

3. Do you worry about food safety?

4. (hamburgers, pizzas)

5. (organic food)

6. (fruit, vegetables)



Carry out a class survey. Ask your classmates about their eating habits. Keep notes then write a paragraph. Use most / some / very few / none of.

Food Safety

There are two sides of the food issue.

In poor countries it's a question of

life and death. In rich countries

it's a question of health and diet.

I. Look at the quotation on the blackboard and guess how it is connected with the problem of pollution we've discussed at the previous lessons.

II. Why is fast food bad for us? Choose the right option and fill in the gaps in the sentences given below.

1. It contains too much sugar and fat / salt and butter.

2. The number of fat people is slowly reducing / dramatically rising.

3. Coke spoils our hair / teeth, coffee shortens our lives / bodies.

4. Fast food is the reason of / the cure for heart diseases and diabetes.

III. Look through the article and find it out why it is dangerous to eat some health foods.

IV. Find in the text the equivalents to the following words and phrases.

Источник беспокойства - ________________________________________________________________________

Огромное количество химических веществ - ________________________________________________________

То, что мы обычно едим - ________________________________________________________________________

Очень полные люди - ____________________________________________________________________________

Нездоровая пища с большим количеством химических добавок - _______________________________________

Готовая к употреблению пища - ___________________________________________________________________

Ядохимикаты - _________________________________________________________________________________

Пищевые продукты, выращенные без применения химических веществ - ________________________________

Формировать политику поставок пищевых продуктов (в магазин) - _____________________________________

V. Find in the text the word or phrase which means:

1. Things we eat. _________________________________________________________________________________

2. Sort of food usually eaten by a person or community. __________________________________________________

3. Food of little or no value. ________________________________________________________________________

4. Substance added in small amounts to food for special purposes. __________________________________________

5. Food which is good for men. ______________________________________________________________________

6. Chemical substances which kill insects and weeds. ____________________________________________________

7. Foods grown without chemicals. ___________________________________________________________________

8. Take part in an action against something. ____________________________________________________________

VI. Work in pairs. One completes the question, the other gives an answer.

1. What are two main …? 2. Why has our food become …?

3. Why are there so many …? 4. Why is junk food …?

5. What food do we call …? 6. Why isn't health food …?

7. What substances help …? 8. How do farmers grow …?

9. Why do we say that organic agriculture… kinder …?

VII. What recommendations would you give to the people who care about the food they eat?

Use the models:

Try to avoid … Make sure … Don' forget to …

Be careful! Never …! The best recommendation is to …

VIII. Could you share your opinion about the lesson, please?

You may use one of the following phrases:

Now I know that… It was interesting to learn that…

IX. At home you are to write a questionnaire to find out what kind of food your classmates eat. Include these questions and add some of your own.



1. Are you a vegetarian?

2. Do you eat only health food?

3. Do you worry about food safety?

4. (hamburgers, pizzas)

5. (organic food)

6. (fruit, vegetables)


Carry out a class survey. Ask your classmates about their eating habits. Keep notes then write a paragraph. Use most / some / very few / none of.


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