- Учителю
- План - конспект урока 'Проблемы подростков'.
План - конспект урока 'Проблемы подростков'.
План - конспект урока английского языка по теме
«Проблемы подростков»
УМК М З Биболетовой « Enjoy English» 7 класс
Сорокина Ирина Владимировна ГБОУ «Школа» № 814, ЗАО г. Москвы
Тема: Возможные пути решения проблем подростков
"How to tackle with our problems?"
Цели урока:
познавательный аспект- знакомство с высказываниями сверстников о проблемах молодёжи;
развивающий аспект-развитие способностей к логическому изложению, к формулированию выводов;
воспитательный аспект- формирование критического отношения к действительности, умения анализировать и давать оценку поступкам и событиям, коллективно находить пути решения проблемы;
учебный аспект-
.Активизация навыков устной речи по теме «Проблемы подростков».
Развитие навыков устной речи по теме «Проблемы подростков».
Активизация в речи употребления «Сложного дополнения
Активизация фонетических навыков и навыков чтения
сопутствующие задачи - развитие умения читать и аудировать с разными стратегиями.
Оборудование- Электронный плакат по теме «How to tackle with our problems?», мультимедийный проектор, магнитофон, аудиозапись, тексты для чтения.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент
-Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you.
-How are you, children? Dear boys and girls, all of you I think like speaking English. Today we'll speak about teens' problems.
You are teenagers. What are teens like?
Give you associations with this word. Each association should begin with one of the letters of the given word.
T - tense, trying, trusting, talkative, tired
E - energetic, eager, egotistical
E - exhausting, easily bored, entertaining
N - nervous, needy, naughty, noisy, negative
A - active, aggressive, autonomous, appreciative
G - groaning, grinning, growing up, grim/great
E - ever-questioning, eager to….
R - raucous, reactive, realistic, rational
S - sensitive, shy, self-conscious
Teacher: The weather is getting better and better. I am sure that it's the right time to meet with your friends. I hope you have a lot of friends.
Let's start our lesson with some proverbs about friends and friendship. (слайд)
Match the two parts of each proverb:
A friend to everybody…( is a friend to nobody)
A friend in need …( is a friend indeed)
Between friends all …( is common)
They are rich …(who have true friends)
Friends are …( the thieves f time)
What do you think about the final proverb?
II Фонетическая разминка
Now let's read the poem.
There are many people but you feel alone.
You want to do what you want but your parents say when to come home.
You want to be a grown-up but on the other hand you miss your childhood.
You are allowed to do so many new things
but there is the fear of decisions and responsibility.
You laugh, you cry, you keep quiet, you want to sing.
Sometimes you can't explain what you feel.
These are problems of TEENAGE LIFE.
Sometimes it's really great
but it also can be as hard as a knife.
III. Основная часть
Речевая разминка (Обсуждение пословицы Friends are the thieves of time.
Teacher -Which of the proverbs do you agree/disagree with? Why?
PI-I think it's right because I spend too much time with my friends. My mom wants me to take care of my brother.
P2- If you ask me I don't think so because I like to spend my free time with friends. My Mother doesn't let me waste my time. I sometimes have problems with my parents.
Teacher - I am sorry to hear that but I think it's impossible to live without problems. So today we shall discuss the possible ways of solving your problems.
What do young people worry about?
1 - family problems
2 - personal problems
3 - school problems
4 - discrimination
5 - violence
6 - aggressiveness
7 - poverty
8 - cruelty
9 - drinking problems
10-drug addiction
Problems: serious, important, awful, urgent, shocking; difficult to solve, interesting to discuss, useless to speak about
T: . I want you to start our discussion. The first question to discuss is:
Where do teens meet problems?
- in the family
- at school
- in the street
- in the bus
- etc
T: Yes, you are right. You may meet the problem everywhere.
You are late at school - a problem.
You get a bad mark - a problem.
You have no money to go to the cinema - a problem.
T:. Why do teens have problems?
There are the key words.
- are treated badly
- are not taken seriously
- the changes of our society
- parents' indifference
- misunderstanding
- mass media
P1: On the one hand, our society agrees that 15-17 - year - old people are old enough to be responsible for what they do and give them quite a lot of freedom and rights. On the other hand, most adults think that teenagers are too young to be taken seriously. This misunderstanding produces many problems.
P2: A lot of teenagers say that their parents let them do anything they want and are quite indifferent to their problems. Many teenagers get upset or depressed when they can't solve their problems.
P3: Aggressiveness, violence and cruelty come from the TV screen and from the pages of newspapers and are becoming a fact of peoples everyday life.
T: Good for you. But who can help teens?
- teenagers themselves
- parents
- teachers
- specialists
- government
T: The next question is:
How to solve the problems?
P1: As for drinking problems, teenagers associate them with adulthood curiosity. I think we need more information about the danger of alcohol provided by mass media.
P2: Some parents don't pay much attention to their children, they don't warn them the danger of regular drinking. To my mind school teachers and parents can help.
P3: As for me I believe that we should build special hospitals for the treatment dependent teens.
P4: Adults can help teenagers to overcome difficulties if the pay more attention to teens problems.
T: Well, you have discussed some teen's problems. And certainly I'd like to hear your own points of view upon the problem: what do they want? You may use the words and expressions that help you to express you opinion.
- to be independent - быть независимым
- to be taken seriously - относиться серьезно
- to do well at school - хорошо успевать в школе
- to be treated with respect - быть уважаемым
- to have the guaranteed rights to education, work and rest - иметь гарантированные права на образование, труд и отдых
- to have a chance to express one's own individuality - иметь возможность выражать свою собственную индивидуальность
- to try to change the world to the best - пытаться изменить мир к лучшему
- to rebel against the society восстать против общества
- to reject everything - отвергать всё
- to enjoy life наслаждаться жизнью
- to earn enough money - заработать достаточно денег
- to make one's own mistakes and try to overcome all the life problems oneself - совершать свои собственные ошибки и пытаться преодолеть все жизненные проблемы самому
- to want the adults to be tolerant and patient - хотеть, чтобы взрослые были терпимыми и терпеливыми
- to try to help in solving each others' problems - пытаться помочь в решении проблем друг друга
- to make oneself useful in life - приносить пользу в жизни
P1: It seems to me that all of teens want to be independent. They want to be taken seriously. Most of them want to enjoy life. Teenagers often want to express their individuality and earn money. Most of the young want to be useful in life and try to help in solving each other's problems. They are doing well at school and they want to have guaranteed rights to education well-paid work and rest. Many teenagers want to change the world to the best.
T: Boys and girls, we have spoken much about teenager's problems and ambitions. And now let's try to learn how to cope with some of teens problems. For today's lesson you have prepared role-play "Teen Court". Are you ready? Do please.
What do you think about problems of teenage life?
Зарядка для глаз. Релаксация.
Teacher: Are you tired? Let's have a short rest. Follow me: eyes up, eyes down, eyes left and around. And eyes up, eyes down, eyes right and around ( 3 times). Blink your eyes. Then, close your eyes, listen to the sound of nature. Begin to create a picture in your mind of a place where you can completely relax. Imagine what this place needs to be like in order for you to feel calm and relaxed.
Монологические высказывания по теме «Проблемы подростков»
Pi- One of the worst teenage problems is schooling. Sometimes you feel bad because of teachers' or classmates' attitude to you. You are tired of studying, that's why you don't have energy and time for doing other things. Also I'd like to say that a lot of teens like to look older, that's why they obtain bad habits like smoking, drinking, taking drugs, etc. But a teen can have bad habit because of problems in private life.
P2- Parents press on their child, they think he is iron and he doesn't feel soul ache. Parents want us to study very well; they don't understand that we do everything a good as we can. They don't respect our interests thinking that we become strange because of music or sporty.
P3- Every teenager has a favorite singer, writer or sportsman. But no one should become a fan, because we can kill our individuality and become clones. Sometimes a quarrel between teens can lead to serious problems. It's very dangerous! Also bad relationships between members of the family make the teen very unhappy. The teen doesn't get along with parents and relatives.
P4- I think loneliness, lack of pocket money or parents' misunderstanding can make teens unhappy. None should be angry because of teen's feelings. The boy or the girl often doesn't control his or her feelings. Streets and street bands can make a teen ruder. That's why parents shouldn't allow their children to have such interests.
P5- I know a lot of boys and girls, who think that cleaning their room is the most important problem. They think it's boring and useless, because the room will become dirty 5 minutes later. I think, teens who have comps are very boring and uninteresting. You can't speak with them about something beside there comps. It's a real problem, to my mind.
P6- I think that when a person grows and stops being a teen, he or she stops understanding us. Only teen can understand people, who are the same age as he is. It's really difficult to be a teenager!
Teacher-О'К. I see you have your own ideas about teenage problems and you know what friends should or shouldn't do. Let's check your home task.
IV. Контроль домашнего задания
Рабочая тетрадь упр. 1 стр. 67
V. Работа с учебником
Teacher -Let's come back to your text-books. Read the letters from... Ex. 126, page 89 Work in pairs.
Обсуждение проблем в форме монологического высказывания. (Опорные фразы)
P1- Yes, it's true. Some of my friends smoke but I don't think it's cool. I want them to stop. (A-text)
P2- As for me I don't have such problems. My friends don't have part-time jobs.
I would like to have a part-time job. (B-text)
РЗ-1 also have problems with some lessons and teachers. I would like to choose my favorite subjects for next year
Teacher- Well, let's match the letters and the replies of a teenage magazine correspondent,
Ex 128 page 90
Work in groups -самостоятельная работа в группах.
Контроль понимания. Ответы учащихся с использованием опорных фраз.
Активизация употребления "Сложного дополнения"
Teacher - In your answers you have used Complex object. Let me remind you the rule.
Teacher -Don't forget to use this rule in your home task.
VII. Домашнее задание
Объяснение Д/3. Письмо. Write a letter to your friend about your personal or school problems.
VIII. Заключительная часть. Подведение итогов урока.
Тeacher- Thank you children. It is not easy to be young, is it? Why? Now you know what problems teenagers can have.
In conclusion, I'd like to say that growing up brings a lot of problems. But you are too young to see only bad sides of life. Remember! There is always a way out of every situation. Our lesson is over. You have worked hard today.