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предварительный просмотр материала

8.04.2012 year.

Subject: English English teacher: Khudaibergenova G.

Form: 7 «ә»

The theme of the lesson: «Sports in Britain and Kazakhstan»

The type of the lesson: traditional

The form of the lesson: combination

The aims of the lesson.


To expand pupils knowledge about national sports in Britain and Kazakhstan through reading different texts and doing different exс-s. Британия мен Қазақстанның ұлттық спорттары жайлы білімдерін әр түрлі жаттығулар орындап, мәтінді оқу арқылы кеңейту.

Developing: To develop the students' skills for reading in understanding. Түсініп оқу дағдыларын дамыту.

Bringing - up:

to teach pupils to love sport because health is above wealth. Салауатты өмір салтына тәрбиелеу.

The plan of the lesson:

I. Organization moment. Ұйымдастыру кезеңі

-Good morning pupils!

-How are you?

-Who is on duty today?

-What date is it today?

-What day of the week is it today?

-Who is absent today?

-What season is it now?

-What month is it now?

-What is the weather like today?

II. Checking the home task. Үй жұмысын тексеру

Let's check up your home task. What was your home task? Are you ready with your home work? Start, please. Ex 5 p 151.

III. New lesson.

The theme of our lesson is "Sport in Britain and Kazakhstan". Today we will be learn about the sport in Britain and sports our countries. Today we will read the text and do a lot of exercise. Let's start our lesson. Please look the active board .

Exercise 1.

Match the words and pictures. Find and put numbers peoples and equipments. Come to the blackboard please.


Goal keeper 6

Runner 1

Spectator 4

Referee 3

Tennis player 2


boxing gloves 10

helmet 7

tennis racket 9

goal 5

net 8

Work with vocabulary

Spectator - көрермен

Referee - төреші

Skill - икем

Goat - козаб ешкі

Adversary - қарсылас

Carcass - қаңқа

Struggle - шабуылға шығу

Horseback - атқа міну

Difficult - қиын

Overtake - озу

Fight - шабуылға шығу

Require - талап ету

Gallop - қатты шабу

Goalkeeper - голкипер

Runner - жүгіруші батлет

Helmet - шлем

Net - сетка, тор

Rubber ball - Резенке доп

Work with book. Кітаппен жұмыс

Reading and speaking. Оқылым және сөйлеу.

Exercise 4. Work in group.

Pre listening stage. Оқылымға дейінгі кезең.

- What do you see on the picture? /the teacher shows pictures of types of sport/

- What kind of sport do you like? Do you like play football, volleyball? What kind of British sport do you know?

- And now children answer for my question. I am going to read you the text. Have you guessed the theme of the text? Yes you are right. "Sports in Britain and Kazakhstan"

- Children listen to me carefully I will read you the text. I will give you papers with different exercises you must fill the gaps, answer for the question etc.

Sport in Britain

In Britain, forty per cent of the population regularly play a sport. There are many differences between sport in Britain and in other countries. For example, skiing is not very popular in Britain as there are not many mountains. Skiing enthusiasts can ski in certain parts of Scotland or they go to Austria, Italy, France or Switzerland. Basketball and volleyball are not very popular in Britain, but many people play rugby. The British play many sports that are unknown in most other countries, for example: cricket, squash and netball.

Cricket is a typically British sport which foreigners have difficulty in understanding. There are two teams of eleven players. Matches last from one to five days. Many people think it is a slow and boring game, but it can be very exciting and rather dangerous.

Squash is another British invention. It is a form of tennis. There are two players and they use rackets similar to tennis rackets and a small, black rubber ball. They play indoors. It is a very fast and tiring sport!

Netball is similar to basketball. There are seven players (usually girls or women) in each team and the object of the game is the same as in basketball: to throw the ball through a net at the top of a three - metre post.

Sport in British schools is compulsory and schoolchildren spend at last one afternoon a week playing sport. These are some of the sports played in most British secondary schools. In winter boys play football or rugby and go cross - country running, while girls play netball or hockey. Some boys' schools also teach rowing. In summer boys play cricket, do athletics or go swimming, while girls play rounders (a British version of baseball), do athletics or go swimming. Tennis is also played in summer in some schools by boys and girls.

3. True (T) or false (F)

1. A lot of people go skiing in Britain. F

2. Rugby is a popular sport in Britain. T

3. There are eleven players in each cricket team. T

4. Squash is a slow sport. F

5. Boys often play netball in Britain. F

6. Schoolchildren in Britain have to play sport. T

7. Baseball is a popular British sport.

IV. Consolidation. Бекіту

Exercise 15

Complete the diagram and compare with other students.

Sport in Kazakhstan: wrestling, football and etc….

V. Conclusion Рефлексия

Talk to your partner. Speak about sport in Kazakhstan and about sport you play and you like.

Example: I like playing tennis.

-We are love sports ?

Yes, we love sport.

VI. Giving home work.

Open your record books and write down you home task. Your home task will be to write composition "My favorite sport" «Менің сүйікті спорт түрім» шығарма. Exercise 8,9

VII. Giving marks

Your mark is… Good bye pupils! The lesson is over.

Britain, халықтың forty пайызы әрдайым спортты ойнайды. Көп өзгелік спорттың арасында Britain болады және сырттың елдерінде. Айталық, шаңғыларда өте танымал Britain аралай, сияқты many таулар болады. Энтузиасттің спорты шаңғыларда Scotland тағайынды бөліктерінде аралау біледі немесе олар to Австрияны, Италияны, Францияны немесе Швейцарияны барады. Баскетбол және волейбол Britain өте танымал, бірақ көп адам регбині ойнайды. Британдық ойын көп спорт, нешінші көпшілікте, сырттың елдері, айталық: крикет, squash және netball белгісіз.\u0017Крикет әншейін британдық спорт, нешінші шетелдіктер қиындық түсінушілікте - have. Он бір ойыншының екі командасы болады. Ақырғы рет бірден дейін бес күннің сәйкеседі. Көп адам ойлайды, не сол шабан және қапырық ойын -, бірақ ол өте қозға- біледі және тезірек қауіпті.

ел сырттың британдық өнертабсы -. Ол теннистің пішінінің -. Екі ойыншы болады және олар рэкеттермен, осындай теннистік рэкеттерге және жас, қара резеңке шарға use. Олар бөлмеде ойнайды. Сол өте тез болады және зеріктіргіш спорт!\u0017Netball баскетболға осындай. Бол- жеті ойыншы(әншейін қыз немесе әйелдер) ара бас-басы команда және нысан ойын баяғы, сияқты ара баскетбол:, таста- доп арқылы ау ара шың үш - метрлік пошта.\u0017Спорт британдық мектептерде тындырымды және schoolchildren бір уақытты кейін түскі астың апталық ойнаушының спортының ақыры жасайды. Олар ана -, не спорттардан деген біреулер неғұрлым барлық британдық secondary мектептерге деген ойнады. Арада қысқы ұлдың ойынының футболы немесе регби және крестті - елдің шабысының өтеді, әлі де қыздар netball немесе хоккейді ойнайды. Ұлдың' біреудің мектептері ескекке те оқытады. Арада жаздың ұлының ойынының крикеті, атлетиканы жасайды немесе малтуды жасайды, әлі де қыздар ағылшын шәркейді(бейсболдың британдық болжамы) ойнайды, атлетиканы жасайды немесе малтуды жасайды. Теннис жаздыгүні біреудің мектептерінде ұлмен және қыздармен да played.

Sport in Great Britain

Grade 7

The theme of the lesson: Sport in Britain

Objectives of the lesson: To work on the given theme.

To develop the pupils' speech on the topic Sport in GB

To bring up the pupils be healthy and do sport.

Type of the lesson: getting new information

Method of the lesson: group work

Visual aids of the lesson: interactive whiteboard, pictures.

Interaction of the lesson: Russian, Literature, Sport.

Procedure of the lesson

I. Org. moment

Good morning, pupils! I am glad to see you again. You see we have guests. Welcome!

Who is on duty today? Who is away? What day of week is it today? What date is it today?

II. Children, what season is it now? What is the weather like today? What poems do you

know about spring?(for example by Abai)

Who can recite it in Russian, in Kasakh?

Please remember spring, 1945. What historical event happened in that spring, 1945?

Spring, 2012 Spring, 1945

III. We will work in 2 groups. Please choose your leaders. Your hometask was retelling the text "Kasakh national games"

IV. We have told about Kasakh games and sport. Now we'll speak about British sport.

So, the theme of the lesson is Sport in Britain.

Sport in Britain

The British play many sports that are unknown in most countries such as cricket, squash, netball, golf.

The typical British sport

Squash cricket netball golf


Squash is a racquet sport played by two players in a four - walled court with a small black rubber ball. Squash has recognized as the world's healthiest sport.



Netball is the largest female team sport in Engand. The sport is played only by women. The object of the game is to throw the ball to a net, which is at the top of 3 metres.


Teams are made up 11 players each. They play with a small ball. Two batters stand in front of wickets, set about 20 meters apart. A member of the opposing team throws the ball. The other batter must hit the ball so that it does not knock a bail of the wicket. If the ball travels far enough, the 2 batters run back and forth between the wickets while the fielders on the oppositing tem try to catch the ball. The game is scored according to the number of times the batters exchange places.


Scotland is the home of golf. The are over 400 golf courses in Scotland alone. The most important golf club in Scotland is in the seaside town of St. Andrews.

V. Practice.

Work on the text "Sport in Britain"

1. reading and translating

2. True or false

True (T) or false (F)? T F

1. A lot of people play sport in Britain. __ __

2. Rugby is a popular sport in Britain __ __

3. There are eleven players in each cricket team. __ __

4. Squash is a slow sport. __ __

5. Boys often play netball in Britain. __ __

6. Schoolchildren in Britain have to play sport. __ __

7. Baseball is a popular British sport. __ __

3. doing the exercise 14(complete the sentences)

a) Rounders is a British vision of baseball.

b) Cricket is a typically British sport.

c) Tennis is a indoor game.

d) Netball is similar to basketball.

e) Squash is a form of tennis.

4. Watching videofilm.

Task: watch and remember.

T: Do the tasks and build "Story Pyramid"

1. The theme of the film.

2. 2 words describing the theme.

3. 3 Words describing the main event.

4. 4 words stating the theme.

5. 5 words stating the theme.

6. 6 words stating the theme.

7. 7 words stating the theme.

8. The proverb stating the solution of the theme.


Sport in Britain

Be part of sport

Boxing, rugby, golf, rowing

Swimming, horseriding, thousands, spectator, running

Horseracing, motosport, famous, watersport, Olympic games

English national team, football, football fan, David Bechkam

A healthy mind in a healthy body

The producer of this film wants to tell us about sport in Britain. In this film we can see the types of sports such us boxing, rugby, golf, swimming, rowing, horse riding, horse racing, motosport and football. We saw thousands of spectators during the Olympic games. We saw David Bechkam among the footballfan. He is a famous footballer and member of English national team. Try to be part of sport because "A healthy mind in a healthy body".

5. Complete the diagram.

Sport in Kazakhstan: football, wrestling, kokpar, horseracing, togyzkumalak, chess boxing, volleyball, basketball.

Sport in Britain: Squash, netball, golf, cricket, rowing, football, swimming, rugby.

VI. Production

1. design birthday present(a T - shirt) using today's theme.

VII. Conclusion

What have you learnt at the lesson?

What do you want to learn?

VIII. Hometask. To write a composition''Sport in my life"

IX. Assessment.


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