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  • Сценарий праздника, посвященного Пасхе

Сценарий праздника, посвященного Пасхе

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Праздник, посвящённый Пасхе (Merry Easter)

Цель: познакомить детей с особенностями празднования Пасхи в Великобритании.


Обучающие: повышать интерес к изучению английского языка через игровые ситуации; активизировать в речи детей лексические единицы на английском языке по данной теме: Пасха, крест, пасхальный кролик, пасхальные яйца, пасхальная корзина, пасхальный кекс и др.;

развивающие: развивать коммуникативные умения, познавательную активность, внимание, зрительную память, наглядно - образное мышление; развивать эмоциональные качества детей, чувства радости и любознательности.

воспитательные: воспитание уважительного отношения к культуре, традициям и обычаям народов англо - говорящих стран.

Оформление: костюмы кроликов, надписи на английском языке, композиции из расписных и раскрашенных яиц в корзинках, игрушки, открытки, поделки, рисунки детей по теме, реквизит для игр, музыка.

Для приглашения на праздник заранее вывешивается объявление:

«To pupils of forms 6 -7!

Come to Merry Easter on Wednesday, 19th April, at 11.00. If you want to take part in the Easter Egg Roll, bring a hard-boiled egg with you! Come and have fun!»

Ведущие праздника - Easter Rabbits:

Easter Rabbit 1: Every country has its traditions. They play a very important role in the life of the people. One such tradition is Easter.

Easter Rabbit 2: Easter is a festival that occurs on the first Sunday after the first full moon in spring. Easter marks the end of winter and the beginning of spring.

Easter Rabbit 3: People buy new clothes to wear on Easter Sunday. There is a popular belief that wearing three new things at Easter will bring good luck in the year.

Easter Rabbit 4: After church services many people like to take walks down the streets in their new Easter hats, suits and dresses. This colorful procession of people dressed in bright new spring clothes is called the Easter Parade!

(«Парад» персонажей - все ведущие (Easter Rabbits) и действующие лица праздника. Они маршируют по залу, приглашая зрителей присоединиться).

Easter Rabbit 1: What does the word « Easter» mean ? The word Easter comes from the Anglo - Saxon goodness of the dawn whose spring festival was celebrated in April. Before the arrival of Chistianity, people believed that the sun died in winter and was born in spring, on the day of the spring equinox (День весеннего равноденствия) they would sing and dance at the sunrise.

Easter Rabbit2: Easter is a religion holiday celebrating the Resurrection (воскресение) of Jesus Christ, the son of the God. It's at the end of the Lent (пост) during which children all over the world give up the sweets and make other sacrifices in preparation for the highest festival of the church year.

Easter Rabbit 3: Do you know Easter symbols?

(Учащиеся отвечают из зала)They are The Cross. It has a special meaning to Christians. It represents Christ's victory over death. It is a significant Easter symbol.

Easter Rabbit 4: Eggs. Long ago some people believed that the Earth appeared from a gigantic egg! On Easter Sunday families and friends exchange chocolate eggs. This custom dates back to ancient times when Egyptians and Persians used to paint eggs in bright colours to represent the sunlight of spring and give them to friends as a symbol of a new life.

Easter Rabbit 1: Easter Rabbits. It's true, that in ancient Egypt the rabbit symbolized the moon, a new life and birth. All around the world, many children believe, that the Easter rabbit or bunny brings eggs and hides them for children on Easter morning. There are many different legends but here is a popular one.

(Инсценировка легенды. Персонажи: рассказчик, пожилая женщина, дети, кролики. Персонажи инсценируют речь рассказчика пантомимой)

Long ago in Germany there lived an old woman who loved children very much. Each year she gave them presents to celebrate spring. But one year she had nothing to give because it was a bad year and she became very poor. All she had were eggs. So she decided to colour them. Then she hid the eggs in the grass. When the children arrived, she told them to run out into the yard to find their presents there. Just as one of the children uncovered the eggs, a large rabbit hopped away. So the children thought that the rabbit had left the eggs for them! And ever since children search for the eggs left by the Easter Rabbit on Easter morning! It's called the Easter Egg Hunt.

(Далее учащиеся инсценируют стихи (см. приложение)

(На стенде представлены рисунки и поделки пасхальных яиц. Подводятся итоги конкурса на самые красивые рисунки для росписи пасхальных яиц).

Easter Rabbit 2: Eggs are an important part of Easter sports. The Romans celebrated the Easter season by running races on an oval track and giving eggs as prizes. One of the traditional Easter egg games is the Easter Egg Roll.

Easter Rabbit 3: Perhaps the most famous egg rolling takes place on the White House Lawn in Washington. Hundreds of children come here with baskets filled with brightly decorated eggs and roll them down hoping the president of the United States is watching the fun.

Easter Rabbit 4: The rules of the Easter Egg Roll are to see who can roll an egg the greatest distance down a grassy hillside without breaking it. We haven't got a grassy lawn but there is a hillside here.

(Игра: по изготовленному к празднику желобу скатить яйцо, сваренное вкрутую и принесённое с собой. Каждый участник каким - либо образом помечает яйцо. Победитель тот, кто сумеет скатить яйцо дальше других и не разбить его. Награждение победителя).

Easter Rabbit 1: Now you know a lot about Easter eggs. And what about Hot Cross Buns ? People eat hot cross buns on Good Friday, it's the day before Easter Sunday. There is a white cross on a bun.

(Звучит аудиозапись. Все поют песню «Hot Cross Buns», которую учили на уроках)

Hot cross buns! Hot cross buns! Вот пирожочки,

One a penny, two a penny, С пылу да с жару!

Hot cross buns! Пенни за штуку,

If you have no daughters, Пенни за пару!

Give them to your sons! Купите сыну,

One a penny, two a penny, Купите дочке,

Hot cross buns! Купите своей благородной даме!

But if you haven't any А если нету

Of these pretty little elves, Ни дамы, ни деток,

You cannot do better То на здоровье скушайте сами!

Than eat them yourselves! (Перевод Г. Кружкова)

(Дети угощают зрителей булочками)

Easter Rabbit 2: There is another tradition and another game. Listen to the poem, repeat after me and catch the pancakes.

(Стихотворение «Pancake Catching». Ведущий читает и показывает действия, зрители повторяют эти действия, проговаривая слова. Ведущий бросает в зал «блины», сделанные из картона. Тот, кто поймал больше всего, получает приз)

Easter Rabbit 3: Our holiday is coming to an end. Let's see who was the most attentive?

(Викторина по содержанию праздника. За каждый правильный ответ вручается жетон в виде пасхального яйца)

  1. When do people celebrate Easter?

(on the first Sunday after the first full moon in spring)

2) What is the colorful procession of people dressed in new spring clothes called? (The Easter Parade)

3) What can bring you good luck on Easter? (wearing three new things)

4) What Easter games do you know? (Easter Egg Hunt, Easter Egg Roll, Pancake Catching)

5) What Easter symbols do you remember? (The Cross, eggs, rabbits)

6) What kind of a holiday is Easter? (Christian, religious)

7) Are there different traditions of Easter festivals in different countries?

(Награждение победителей викторины)

Easter Rabbits : Merry Easter!

(Завершение праздника : Выставка творческих работ учащихся школы .

Подведение итогов. Награждение.)

( Приложение «Bunny Poems»):


HOPPY BUNNY (action poem)

By Susan Oslon Higgings

Hop, hop, hop to the left.

Hop, hop, hop to the right.

Easter bunny hide your eggs,

Then hop, hop out of sight.


Five little bunnies

Hopped up a hill.

One stopped to gather

A yellow jonquil.

Four little bunnies hopped past me.

One stopped to nibble

By the old willow tree.

Three little bunnies

Hopped near a brook.

One heard a splash

And stopped to take a look.

Two little bunnies

Hopped past a mouse.

One stopped to visit

In his teeny -tiny house.

One little bunny

Hopped down the knoll.

He disappeared in His cozy rabbit hole.

EASTER BUNNIES ( игра с пальчиковыми куклами)

Five little Easter bunnies

Sitting in a row.

First one said,

«See my ears go

Flop, flop, flop!»

Second one said,

«Just watch me

Hop, hop,hop!»

Third one said,

«See my Easter eggs so bright!»

Fourth one said,

«Ready to bring you on Easter night!»

Fifth one, as he nodded his head,

«We will come if you're in bed».

So five little bunnies quick as they can be,

Hopped back to their hollow

By the big oak tree.


Have you looked in the cupboard?

Have you looked in the drawer?

Have you looked by the window?

Let's hunt some more.

Peek in the closet, peek under the bed.

Peek in your slipper,

You know what he said.

I've colored my eggs

With paints and brush

And I'll hide them on Easter

In your house. Hush! Hush!


Bunnies are brown, bunnies are white-

Bunnies are always an Easter delight.

Bunnies have ears all pinkish inside-

Bunnies all like to hop and to hide.

Bunnies are cuddly, the large and the small,

But I like the chocolate ones best of all!


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