- Учителю
- Урок в 9 классе по теме 'Музыкальная карта Британии'
Урок в 9 классе по теме 'Музыкальная карта Британии'
Урок по теме "LET TНЕ MUSIC BEGIN"
9 класс
Цель: коммуникативно-речевое развитие учащихся средствами иностранного языка и ИКТ.
Воспитательные: укрепление интереса к предмету, воспитание уважительного отношения к зарубежной культуре, более глубокое осознание своей родной культуры, повышение уровня самооценки учащихся.
Образовательные: систематизация, обобщение и закрепление пройденного материала, тренировка в аудировании, говорении (диалогическая и монологическая речь), расширение словарного запаса, совершенствование техники чтения и умения пользоваться дополнительной литературой (при подготовке проекта), практика в оформлении мини-проекта c использованием компьютерных технологий.
Оснащение: музыкальная карта Британии, запись песни "Yesterday" группы "The Beatles", музыкальные слайды, аудиозаписи к учебнику c отрывками из произведений Бетховена, Чайковского, компакт-диск c классической музыкой.
Ход урока
I. Организационный этап
Ha CD звучит музыка Чайковского «Вальс цветов» (фрагмент)
II. План урока
T: Good morning, children! Our topic is "Let the music begin". And we'll continue our talk about music and musicians.
III. Фонетическая зарядка
Let's review words which help us to speak about music. You know a lot of adjectives. Name them please. (с.40)
IV. Речевая зарядка
Now listen to some tunes and try to characterize them. Use the phrases on the blackboard. (This tune is … It pictures in my mind… When I listen to it …)
Звучат мелодии
Контроль домашнего задания
T: Music is everywhere, music is around us. Music makes us think of people and places we love. It can evoke forgotten events and feelings. In Britain there are strong local traditions of music that are still alive centuries later. Go to the blackboard and tell us about musical centers of Great Britain, please.
Р1, P2 рассказывают o музыкальных традициях Шотландии, Англии, Уэльса (домашнее задание было дано по группам).
1) We hope this journey helps you discover and enjoy Scotland. It is a land of history, legends and magical tales. There are strong local traditions of music in Scotland. If we think of Scottish music, we usually think of Bagpipes - traditional musical instruments in Scotland. (слайды)
Not everyone likes the sound it makes, but to the Scots, bagpipe music is the best in the world. Scottish bagpipers led the soldiers into battle, played at weddings and funerals. The bagpipers are still very popular. And every town in Scotland has a pipe band. Let's listen to the sound the bagpipe makes. (Звучит запись волынки)
The most famous Scotland's festivals are the Edinburgh Military Tattoo and the International Festival of Music and Drama which take place in Edinburgh.
During the month of August, Edinburgh becomes a cosmopolitan city with the International Festival of Music and Drama. Hundreds of thousands of visitors come for the theatre, ballet, music, films, and art.
The Tattoo is an unforgettable festival, which celebrates over 50 years. The large square in front of the Edinburgh Castle is the scene of the Tattoo, a military parade which takes place every August and September.
It's interesting to know that a lot of people from all over the world visit Scotland to get married there. There is a wide range of Scottish castles available for wedding in Scotland. And bagpipers are always there. Our musical tour comes to the end. We hope you relaxed and enjoyed Scotland's sights.
2) Our task was to tell about England. It is called the land of the brass band. (слайды) The Britain's best classical composers write music for them. The bands compete with each other. And these competitions are very popular. (Звучит запись духового оркестра)
Let's go to Liverpool. It is a port city which was founded in 1207. It is the home town of the Beatles. There were four people in this group John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Star. John Lennon is considered to be the organizer and the leader of it. They were all born in Liverpool. The Beatles changed pop music forever. Their songs seemed more musical than others. The citizens of Liverpool are proud of their famous countrymen. Tourists can visit places connected with the Beatles: John Lennon Airport, the Hotel, and the Beatles Story Museum which was founded by Ringo Starr. In the Museum you see the Beatles' films, books and magazines. You can also buy different souvenirs, with the Beatles' portraits, or cassettes with their songs. Now answer the questions, please. (вопросы на слайдах)
Let's go to London. London is the capital of the UK, its political, economic and commercial centre. It has a long tradition of classical music. It's one of the great music centers of the world. Every night musicians perform classical music in the London's concert halls and opera houses. (звучит музыка)
3) If you go to Wales you can listen to the best choral music. The Welsh bards were known to the ancient world. They still meet every year at the Eisteddfod, a Welsh competition. (Звучит запись хоровой музыки) These choirs are very popular. They have rich and strong sound.
T: We have already mentioned the legendary English group "The Beatles".
The song "Yesterday" is a romantic ballad. Please, listen to the song "Yesterday" which is their visiting card. You have texts of the song, so you may sing.
(Слова песни распечатаны и лежат нa партах). What is the song about?
VII. T: Different composers from different countries have conquered the hearts of people all over the world. Let's have the auction of composers. Name the composers and their countries! (6 p.45)
VIII. Чтение
T: Russia is a musical country too, isn't it? There are many talented singers who live and lived in our country. What stile of music do you prefer?
Grown-ups sometimes criticize RAP or ROCK music. They call it terrible. (11 p.54)
What do these people think of modern music? What do your parents think of music you like?
Работа в парах
Interviewing is interesting and useful. It helps us to understand people's tastes. Ask each other questions, please! (2 p.57)
X. Презентация проекта T: Now - the highlight of our lesson- your projects: Каждая группа учащихся берет лист ватмана, ножницы, клей, фломастеры и домашние заготовки для проекта - рисунки, фотографии, составленные заметки, цветные буквы для заголовков и т.п. Затем оформляют все это на бумаге. Каждая группа делает презентацию своего проекта. Первая группа в своем проекте представила информацию o любимой певице, ребята включили запись одной из её песен. Члены другой группы рассказали o различных композиторах. XIII. Домашнее задание Your home task - to write some sentences about your favourite sort of music.