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- Сценарий сказки 'Little Red Ridding Hood'
Сценарий сказки 'Little Red Ridding Hood'
Little Red Riding Hood:
Scene I
Little Red Riding Hood: My name is Little Red Riding Hood. Good morning, children, teachers and guests.
(Little Red Riding Hood goes out.)
Mother: Little Red Riding Hood, Little Red Riding Hood! Where are you?
Little Red Riding Hood: I am here, Mother. What's the matter?
(Little Red Riding Hood comes in.)
Mother: Little Red Riding Hood! Today is your Granny's birthday. Take some pies, some apples and a jug of raspberry jam to her.
Little Red Riding Hood: All right, Mother.
Mother: Don't speak to anybody on the way. Don't stop in the wood and don't pick any flowers or mushrooms there.
Little Red Riding Hood: All right, dear Mother. Good-bye!
Mother: Good-bye, darling.
(Little Red Riding Hood goes out.)
Scene II
(Little Red Riding Hood in the wood.)
Little Red Riding Hood: How nice it is in the wood. There are many trees, flowers and mushrooms. I'll pick some flowers for my grandmother.
The Wolf appears.)
The Wolf: I am big and grey. I live in the wood. I want to eat up Little Red Riding Hood.
The Wolf: (He comes up to Little Red Riding Hood.) Good morning, Little Red Riding Hood.
Little Red Riding Hood: Good morning, Mr. Wolf.
The Wolf: Where are you going, Little Red Riding Hood?
Little Red Riding Hood: I am going to my grandmother. It's her birthday today. I have some pies, some apples and raspberry jam for her.
The Wolf: Where does your grandmother live?
Little Red Riding Hood: She lives in a little house in the wood near the river.
The Wolf: Is it far from here?
Little Red Riding Hood: No, it is not.
The Wolf: Well, good-bye, Little Red Riding Hood.
Little Red Riding Hood: Good-bye, Mr. Wolf.
Scene III
(The Wolf comes to the grandmother's house and knocks at the door.) Grandmother: Who is there?
The Wolf: (the Wolf cleared the throat -Вовк прокашлявся)
It's me, Little Red Riding Hood.
Grandmother: Come in, darling.
(Вовк нападає на бабусю, але та тікає і біжить до дверей. Вони збігають зі сцени і вибігають у двері. Звучить музика. Там Вовк переодягається в бабусин одяг. Потім повертається, на ходу приводить себе до порядку, витягує з кишені бахали, одягає їх і лягає в ліжко. Незабаром і внучка приходить.)
The Wolf runs up to Grandmother and wants to catch her up, but she runs away. The Wolf puts on Grandmother's dress and cap and lays in the bed. Soon Little Red Riding Hood appears near Grandmother house.)
Little Red Riding Hood (singing):
Clap, clap, clap,
Rap, rap, rap,
I'm knocking at the door,
Tap, tap, tap.
The Wolf: Who is there?
Little Red Riding Hood: It's me, Little Red Riding Hood.
The Wolf: Come in, my dear.
Little Red Riding Hood: Good morning, Granny.
The Wolf: Good morning, Little Red Riding Hood.
Little Red Riding Hood: Many happy returns of the day! (Little Red Riding Hood gives the basket to her Granny and sits down near Granny's bed. )
The Wolf: Thank you, my dear.
Little Red Riding Hood: What big eyes you have, Granny!
The Wolf: The better to see you, my dear.
Little Red Riding Hood: What big ears you have, Granny!
The Wolf: The better to hear you, my dear.
Little Red Riding Hood: What sharp teeth you have, Granny!
The Wolf: The better to eat you up!
(And the Wolf jumps out of the bed and wants to catch Little Red Riding Hood, who is shouting: "Help! Help!")
(Першою вибігає Ч.Ш., Вовк на двері, а в двері Grandmother and two Hunters come in, а з ними і Ч.Ш.)
(The wolf starts speaking to the Hunters trembling)
The Wolf: Oh, sir, how are you doing? Whom do you catch this time? Any thieves(грабіжники) in the wood)? Will you shoot them?
The Hunter 1: Who disturbs the life of the wood? What's happened?
The Hunter 2: What's going on here? Do YOU continue disturbing the peaceful and harmonious life in the wood? I'll shoot you!
(Мисливець наставляє рушницю на Вовка. Вовк труситься від страху, підняв руки вгору і не знає, що робити)
Grandmother: Mr. Wolf wanted to eat my granddaughter…
Little Red Riding Hood: and my Granny.
(Мисливець трохи нижче опускає рушницю, але продовжує тримати Вовка під прицілом)
The Hunter 1: Prey, the Wolf, your song is over.
(Знову піднімає рушницю, готовлячись вистрілити)
The Wolf: What are you talking about? These are the best people in the wood! (The Wolf comes up to Granny and Little Red Riding Hood and embraces them.)
The Hunter 1: Prey, otherwise, I'll shoot you! (Говорить суворіше)
Little Red Riding Hood: No, no, no, no! Don't do it! I have got a better idea! Let's send the Wolf to the circus. He will become better there.
Mother, Granny and Hunters agree with this idea.
All the rest: Yes, yes, yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mother: You are so kindhearted (м'якосердна), my darling. You've got a nice idea.
The Hunter 1: Hands back! You go with us! Now you will serve children!
(Першим в колону стає Мисливець 1, за ним - Вовк, за Вовком - Мисливець - 2. Вони виходять з зали і через сек. повертаються, заходять через інш. двері. Вони приєднуються до мами,бабусі та Червоного Капелюшка )
Стають в 1 ряд і кланяються.