- Учителю
- Урок английского языка в 10 классе
Урок английского языка в 10 классе
Урок английского языка в 10классе Тема «National cuisine»
Практические задачи:
1 Учить учащихся воспринимать на слух текст с общим пониманием прочитанного, игнорируя незнакомые слова.
2 Организовать устное употреблении в речи нового лексического материала
Общеобразовательные задачи:
1 Расширять кругозор учащихся.
2 Развивать готовность к дальнейшему самообразованию в овладении английским языком.
3 Расширять знания учащихся о покупках
Развивающие задачи
1 Развивать логическое мышление, языковую догадку.
2 Развивать зрительную память.
Воспитательные задачи:
1 Воспитывать понимание важности овладения английским языком и умение пользоваться им как средством общения.
2 Воспитывать уважение к мыслям собеседника
1 Практиковать учащихся в употреблении в речи грамматических структур.
2 Практиковать учащихся в устных неподготовленных высказываниях
3 Учить общению
Языковой материал: текст, 2nd conditional
Оборудование: учебник, карточки , текст для аудирования, мультимедийная доска
Date: Friday ,the tenth of December
Ход урока
Ι Подготовка к восприятию иноязычной деятельности
1Сообщение темы и цели урока
T-Good morning, boys and girls. Today we have guests, so let us turn to them and greet them, let us say to them "Hello".
So let us begin. The theme of our lesson is "British and Ukrainian cuisines", today at our lesson we shall speak about the British and Ukrainian cuisines, we shall speak about the conditional, listen to the audition , make up dialogues and if we have the time we shall play the game.
2 Введение в иноязычную атмосферу (Оргмомент фонетическая зарядка)
T So -Who is on duty today?
P ..am on duty today.
T Who is absent.?
P …is absent.
ΙΙ Основная часть урока
1 Предьявление текста для аудирования.
Hello, today we are going to talk about some professions, about some things you should know if you want to become successful and we'll take part in a job interview..
T- Time is up. Let's check your variants.
P1 Read
T-I t was good. So we can say that food really plays a main role for us, especially the vitamins.
At the previous lesson we began to read and translate the text. Your homework was to finish reading and translation. So let's check your h|w.
Open your books at page54, ex1 page №54 . Find in the text the following…read and translate
Завтрак …..
Well Now open your copybooks ,write down the date .
And now let us look in the text and find in the text all the food items.
let us put them in the table of ex4p56. I 'll give you 5minutes.
So time is up. Let's check.
P1-Read your variant .
T -And now look at the blackboard and check your variants
T- It was good. And now answer my questions according to the text. Ex 6 page 56
T- It was good. Today we speak about British meal but we have also our national meals. Open your books on the page 57ex 7 .And now I 'll give you 3 minutes read and guess what a Ukrainian dish each paragraph mentions.
Time is up. Let us check your variants.
And now let us try to make your own dialogues . Imagine that one of you is from Ukraine and the other is from Britain speak about your national cuisines.
T- it was good. And now if I had meat and beetroot I would cook borsch.
Ask each other P1..P2
What would you cook if you had…
Boiled pigs (Kholodets')
Milk (pancakes)
Cabbage rolls ( holubtsi)
Pork fat ( salo)
Заключительная часть
Домашнее задание
T- It was good. You have worked good at the lesson and all of you will have good marks. Today at the lesson we listened to the audition, spoke about the topic of British and Ukrainian cuisines and revised our grammar. Your homework for the next lesson will be to make your own story about the national cuisine.
Now open your daybooks I'll put marks.
And now we have time let us see who is the cleverest in the group. Look at the blackboard and try to give the right answer.
Who will have the right answer will have the point .Who will have more points will get the prize. If you know the answer please put up your hand.
It was good and now try to write down all the dishes into alphabetical order.