Урок в 3 классе

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Краткое описание: Урок в 3 классе по теме «Школа» Тип урока – изучение и первичное закрепление знаний.Его целью является обучение чтению. Образовательная задача – знакомство сновыми словами, употребление их при чтении и в речи; развивающая – активизациянавыков монологической речи. Учащ
предварительный просмотр материала

Урок английского языка в 3 классе.

Тема «Школа».

Цель урока: обучение чтению.


Образовательная - знакомство с новыми словами, употребление их при чтении и в речи.

Развивающая - активизация навыков монологической речи.

Практическая задача - учащиеся должны понимать прочитанный материал, отвечать на вопросы учителя по тексту.

Воспитательная - развитие творческой фантазии учащихся, привитие положительного отношения к школе.

Оснащение урока: мультимедийная приставка, магнитофон, картинки.

Ход урока:

1. Организация начала занятия.

а) Приветствие.

Good morning, children. Sit down, please. I am glad to see you. Today we have a lot of guests. We are very glad to see our guests. Don't be afraid, please.

б) Создание ситуации успеха.

T: How are you today?

P1: I am happy.

T: Why?

P1: I've got 5.

T: How are you today?

P2: I am OK.

P3: I am fine.

P4: I am very well. The weather is fine.

P5: I am sad.

T: What's matter?

P5: I've got 2.

T: It's a pity!

P6: I'm all right.

P7: I'm not very well.

T: Why? Are you sleepy?

P7: Yes, I am sleepy.

T: Well, I am glad that most of you are OK. Let's remember the poem «In a cottage, in a wood…». All together…

T: Very good. You are good boys and girls.

2. Pre-Reading.

Let's start our lesson. Today we'll read the text about a boy. You can see him on the picture and here are some new words from this text (спроецированы через мультимедийную приставку).

every day

put on

go to school

in the classroom

a large map on the wall

read and write

very well

Repeat after me:

  • I wash my hands and brush my teeth every day.

  • He puts on his coat and goes for a walk.

  • All the pupils go to school.

  • There are a lot of the desks in the classroom.

  • I see a large map on the wall.

  • We read and write on the lessons.

  • She can draw very well.

Now try to guess (на доске записаны вопросы):

  1. What is his name?

  2. Is he a pupil?

  3. Is he from Russia or from Great Britain?

  4. Does he study well?

  5. Can he read and write?

  6. Has he many friends?

  7. Has he any pets at home?

T: What else can we say about this boy?

3. While-Reading.

Now we'll listen to the text (запись)…

Now open your books, exercise 6 page 120 and read the text…

You know a lot about this boy. Let's check if you were right (ответы на вопросы)…

Well done. Now complete my sentences, please (предложения спроецированы через приставку):

  1. Ben is…

  2. Every day he puts on his coat and hat, takes his bag, and …

  3. When Ben comes into the classroom, he sees…

  4. He can read and write…

  5. Ben has many friends at school. One of them is…

  6. He has a nice friend at home. It is…

Very well. Look here (через приставку спроецирована картинка):

  • What do you know about Ben's school?

  • Who is this? (the teacher)

  • What can you say about this picture? (Ben)

  • How does he read and write?

  • What is it? Is it nice? (the cat)

Very good. Are you tired? Let's rest. Close your books. Stand up. (Физкультминутка - This is the way). Now let's remember the song «If you are happy». Good. Sit down.

4. Post-Reading.

You have learned o lot about Ben. Would you like to make friends with him?

Now work in groups. I'll give you some pictures. Make a collage from them and tell us your story about Ben.

5. Подведение итогов.

Now it's time to finish our work. Thank you for the lesson. I am pleased. You are good boys and girls. Your marks are…

Write down your home task - exercise 6 page 120. Read it once more and then retell it.

How are you now? (Учащиеся показывают сигнальные карточки). Well, now our lesson is over. Good bye.


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