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  • Урок по английскому языку 'Понимают ли тебя родители?

Урок по английскому языку 'Понимают ли тебя родители?

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« Do your parents understand you?» урок в 9 классе подготовила учитель английского языка Шарифьянова Р.Г.

Тема урока

Do your parents understand you?


1K.И.Кауфман, М.Ю.Кауфман УМК «Happy English» для 9 класса.

2. Презентация к уроку

3. Материалы из сети Интернет

4. Раздаточный материал (карточки)

Цели урока

1. Повторение темы « Взаимоотношения родителей и детей» Создание условий для самореализации обучающихся при решении поставленных в ходе урока задач.

2. Способствовать развитию толерантных отношений подростков в семье.

Планируемые результаты


- формировать языковые навыки (фонетические, лексические, аудиальные) в рамках темы «Семейные взаимоотношения»,

- совершенствовать навыки говорения.


- развивать мотивацию учебной деятельности и формировать личностный смысл учения, осознавать степень усвоения материла


- научиться самостоятельно определять цели своего обучения,

- научиться соотносить свои действия с планируемыми результатами,

- продолжать учиться организовывать учебное сотрудничество.

Универсальные учебные действия


- выполнять логические операции сравнения, анализа, обобщения, установления аналогий,

- осуществлять осознанное построение речевого монологического высказывания.


-планировать алгоритмы выполнения учебных действий,

-осознавать уровень своих достижений

- принимать и осуществлять самостоятельный выбор в учебной и познавательной деятельности.


- совершенствовать навыки сотрудничества со сверстниками, и нахождение выхода из конфликтных ситуаций

- определять цель и пути её достижения

-уметь договариваться о распределении функций и ролей в совместной деятельности,

- осуществлять взаимный контроль в совместной деятельности,

-адекватно оценивать собственное поведение и поведение окружающих.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент.

II. Речевая зарядка.

Home is the nicest place to be with mother and father and sister and me

Grandpa and Granny, and brother and cat.

Oh, no place can nicer than that.

T: Good words, aren't they? And is it often so in real life?

T: Sometimes parents try to help you: they decide what sport you must go in for, what books you must read, they advice you what music you'd better listen to, but you don't agree with them. Some call conflicts in the family-generation gap.

What is it? Let's read the definition. (Учитель указывает на определение на доске и один из учеников читает:

"Generation gap is the difference in ideas, feelings and interests between older and younger people, especially as a result of lack of understanding.")

Your parents are from other generation and you can't understand them. Parents think their children don't understand them, but children think these are parents who don't understand them. And today we'll try to speak about it and solve this problem

Let's find out some facts about your family life. Work in pairs and ask each other some questions. (Учитель раздаёт карточки с заданием): Ask your friend:

  • If there are any rules in his/her family and what are the most important ones.

  • If there is a holiday in his/her family always celebrate together.

  • Who( he/she )usually talks to when he/she has a problem.

Teacher. OK. Time is up. What have you learnt about your friend's family? Name only the most important thing. (ответы учащихся)

Thank you. You have learnt much about your friend's family.


Teacher: Listen to Ann telling how his mother and father treated the children when they did something wrong. What are the two things that are different about his mother and father?

Complete the chart:







Listen again and choose the statements that are true.

1. When we shouted and cried



a) sent us to bed

c) went for a long walk

b) sent us to our room to sit by ourselves

d) didn't pay attention

2. When we did something wrong



a) got very angry

c) didn't say a word

b) talked to us about it firmly

d) shouted to us


My mother and my father are very different people. Mum is always very calm; she doesn't get excited. When we were small she almost never shouted to us. When we did something wrong she talked to us very firmly, but in a calm tone of voice. If we shouted and cried she made us go and sit by ourselves in our room until we calmed down.

Dad, on the other hand, shouted and went for a long walk to try to cool off. During the next few days he was cross with us a lot of time, which upset us.

Teacher: Let's see how well you've understood the text.

1. So, how did the parents treat their children when they did something wrong?

Pupil1. Mother was always calm and never shouted at children. Father was cross with children and shouted at them.

Teacher.Now read the true statements.

Pupil 1. When the children shouted and cried mother sent them to their room to sit by themselves and father went for a long walks to calm down.

Pupil 2. When the children did something wrong mother talked to them about it firmly, but father shouted at the children.

Teacher. Whose reaction to the children's misbehavior was correct and why?

Pupil. Mother was right because children don't like when parents shout at them, it upsets them; and usually they don't obey.

Teacher: Thank you. I see that you have your own opinion on what parents should or shouldn't do. Tell me, please: What makes parents good? Please, give your opinions. What can you say about it?

( ученики высказывают свои мнения)

T: Well, good of you. Let's sum all your opinions and we have got the rules of good parents.

(презентация - читают выражения)

1. A good parent really cares about children

2. A good parent knows what it's like to be a teenager. ….и т.д.

Физкультминутка: Close your eyes. Take a deep breath, breath in, breath out, relax your body. Relax your shoulders, your legs, your hands, breath in, breath out. Open your eyes. Be ready for lesson.

IV. Применение теоретических положений в условиях выполнения упражнений и решении задач.

T: Please, look at screen. This is a diagram of conflicts in the world.

What is the most important cause of conflicts?

Ch: computer and TV

T: These problems can be in relations between parents and children. Fathers and children is a problem of all time. And we are not exception. Do you have any problems of misunderstanding with your parents? Now, I want to listen to you.

Ответы учащихся :P1, P2, P3……

T: Don't worry. I hope they will proud of you one day.

V. Контроль выполнения домашнего задания и активизация употребления лексико-грамматического материала в устной и письменной речи (на базе текстов домашнего задания).

(Учитель проверяет, как ученики выполнили задания упр.4,5 на стр.127-130. Прочитав небольшие высказывания детей об их взаимоотношениях с родителями, ученики устанавливают соотношения высказываниям родителей об их проблемах в воспитании детей.)

Teacher. Now we'll work in groups. The students of the first group are to answer the question: What don't children like in their parents? The students of the second group have to say: What don't parents like in their children?

OK. Let's see what you've found out. The first group, please.

Pupil1: Many teenagers ague with their parents about doing homework.

Pupil 2: Some teenagers don't like to help about the house.

Pupil 3: The children don't like their parents control their life.

Pupil4: Every teenager doesn't like his/her parents treat him/her like a child.

Teacher. Well, let's see how well you've understood the texts. The second group is to start. What are the usual complains of the children?

Pupil1: The parents don't like the clothes the children wear.

Pupil 2: Parents don't like their hair style and fashion, for example studs and rings.

Pupil 3: Parents don't like the style and the clothes the children wear.

Teacher: I agree with you. I'd like to add that parents don't like when children

  • Talking back to parents

  • Lying

  • Getting poor results at school

  • Getting in trouble at school

And what is the best way in your opinion to solve problems with parents?

Pupil1: You must analyze the reason of your problem.

Pupil 2: You must try to understand your parents and explain to them that you can be responsible and they can rely on you in some things. ( на слайде учащиеся читают выражения- что следует делать и что не следует делать.) Подводят итог.

T: We can see that all problems in the family can be solved if parents and teenagers try to understand each other

V. Подведение итогов урока.

(Учитель подводит итоги урока).

Well, you have worked very hard today. Thank you for your work. I am sure the lesson was important for you. I'm pleased with your answers. I wish you good luck.

VI. Your home task is to write a composition "Do my parents understand me?"

VII. Рефлексия деятельности.

What have you learnt today? Do you like the lesson? Have you worked hard/ with pleasure or were you inactive/ lazy?


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