- Учителю
- Разработка урока по английскому языку в 5 классе
Разработка урока по английскому языку в 5 классе
Урок английского языка в 5 классе.
Тема урока: " What Weather!"
Цели урока: • обучающие: - активизировать во всех видах речевой деятельности лексические единицы по теме «В любую погоду»
- научиться понимать на слух, читать и говорить о погоде и временах года, одежде и досуге в разных погодных условиях;
- научиться описывать погоду;
• воспитательные: - воспитывать основы валеологической культуры, активную жизненную позицию.
- воспитывать командный дух, взаимоподдержку и индивидуальную ответственность
• развивающие: - развивать навыки и умения во всех видах речевой деятельности по теме;
- развивать умение обогащать словарный запас путем освоения синонимов и антонимов;
- развивать презентационные умения;
- развивать информационную и социокультурную компетенции;
- развивать УУД: регулятивные: самостоятельно ставить новые учебные цели и задачи; познавательные: устанавливать причинно-следственные связи; коммуникативные: адекватно использовать речевые средства для решения различных коммуникативных задач, владеть устной и письменной речью.
Задачи: перенос активного лексико - грамматического материала в новую ситуацию общения; развитие ассоциативного мышления, позитивной взаимозависимости; умений понимать прочитанное и услышанное, кратко высказываться по заданной ситуации.
План урока:
Организационный момент:
- Приветствие;
- Установка темы.
- Установка основных целей урока через обучающую структуру Си-Финк-Уандэ.
Основная часть урока:
Описание погоды. Placemat Consensus.
Классификация лексики. Sort cards.
Аудирование по теме. Работа с интерактивной доской.
Описание погоды в стране, куда получили билет. Выбор деятельности и одежды для поездки.(Работа с табдицами в группе)
Выбор сезона. Обсуждение выбора в парах.Corners.Timed-Pair-Share..
Тематическая физкультпауза. Mimes.
Работа с текстами стихотворений. Выполнение групповых творческих проектов.
Заключительная часть.
Подведение итогов.
Билеты на выход.
Конспект урока:
T: - Hello, dear colleagues! Hello, students, I'm glad to see you!
St: -We're glad to see you too!
T: - Thank you. Take your seats. Look at the screen please. Let's see, think and wonder.
-What can you see? Tell your partner on shoulder. Numbers 4 and 3 begin. I give you 5 seconds. (Copy clap). Numbers 1 and 2. So, what can you see?
St: (I see…) (Timed-Pair-Share).
T: - What do you think of it? Tell your partner on face. Numbers 2 and 3 begin. I give you 5 seconds. (Copy clap). Numbers 1 and 4. So,what do you think of it? (Timed-Pair-Share).
St: (I think…)
T: - What questions have you got? Number 1 begins 5 seconds. (Copy clap).Number 2…, 3…, 4.
St: (I wonder …) (Timed-Round-Robin).
T: Thank you very much, students. Can you say what the topic of our today's lesson is.
St: -It's "Weather" I think.
T: - Well, students, who agrees, take off please. Thank you very much, touch down, you're quite right, the topic is "What weather!"
And the purpose of our lesson is to speak about weather, activities, people can do and clothes, people can wear when the weather is cold or hot, sunny or rainy etc. And try to answer your questions.
3.1. T: One of the questions is: What's the weather like.
I think you can answer the question right now. To get it correct let's revise some words and expressions. You can see them on the screen. Let's read the words. (Students read one by one). Thanks a lot.
Look at the window, please and describe today's weather. You'll do it with the help of Placemat Consensus. Your Placemats are on the desks. I give 1 minute; write down all your ideas. Start writing. (Copy clap) Your time is over. Now you have to come to consensus (thumbs up) and put down all the ideas you agree with in the middle of your placemat. Number 2 students write down the words, number 3 begin reading. When you're ready use your Team cheers.
Number 4 students describe today's weather.
3.2. T: Good job, students! You know a lot of words to describe weather. Now I give you a number of cards. Your task is to sort them. Team1 sort the cards into 4 categories, team 2 into 2 categories and team 3 into 3 categories.
Don't forget about your Team cheers. What are your categories? What category can you use to describe today's weather? (Sort Cards).
3.3. T: The next task is listening. Numer1 students, come up to the board please. Listen to the speaker and click the correct picture. Do it in turns. If you're right I'll give you the sign of sun, if you're mistaken, I'll give you the sign of cloud. . All of you will win a prize - surprise. Good luck!. (Team with the most sun signs wins a ticket to Singapore where it is hot and sunny, team with the cloud and sun signs wins a ticket to Australia where it is warm but rainy today, and team with the most cloud signs wins a ticket to Alaska where it is cold).
Congratulations! You win tickets to Singapore, Australia and Alaska. Look at the weather forecast signs and describe the weather in the country, you're going to.
St: It's hot and sunny in Singapore.
It's warm and rainy in Australia.
It's cold and snowy in Alaska.
I see. What are you going to do there and what clothes will be taken to the trip? Tick the activities and clothes in the form that are suitable.
(Students fill in the forms).
3.4. T: As you can see in Alaska it is winter yet. By the way, what season do you prefer? There are 4 Corners in the classroom: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Choose any season you like and explain your choice to your neighbors. (Timed -Pair -Share) . I give you 30 seconds. The tallest students start. Excellent!
3.5. T: I see you like different kinds of weather: sunny, windy, rainy and so on. You'll hear sounds and see the pictures on the screen. Let's try to show them by moving your bodies, arms, legs and relax. (There are sounds of wind, thunder storm etc.)
3.6. T: Take your seats. Now you'll do team projects. Here are short poems and picture sets for you. Look at the pictures. Read the poems, choose the right poem and make a poster, give it a title and present to your classmates and guests.
4.Thanks a lot. You are really creative. Our lesson is nearly over.
Did you like it? What was the most interesting for you? The most difficult?
Good for you. Have a good trip to Singapore, Australia and Alaska. These are tickets to exit. Fill in the gaps with any word you like, to make the right sentences on today's topic. (Students fill in the gaps and go out).