- Учителю
- Урок по английскому языку для 9 класса 'Профессии'
Урок по английскому языку для 9 класса 'Профессии'
План-конспект урока
. Класс 9
Тип урока: закрепление изученного материала. Развитие речевых умений и навыков.
Тема урока: Profiles.
Практическая цель: закрепить новый лексический материал, вовлечь в активную деятельность на уроке.
Развивающая цель: развивать коммуникативные навыки, положительную мотивацию на приобретение новых знаний.
Воспитательная цель: воспитывать культуру общения у учащихся.
Общеобразовательная цель: формировать мировоззрение у учащихся.
Средства обучения: учебник «Enterprise. Pupil's book», Work book, Teacher's book V. Evans-J. Dooley, карточки.
План урока
І. Вступительная часть:
1. организационный момент;
2. речевая зарядка;
ІІ. Основная часть:
3. контроль речевых умений и навыков;
4. практика речи;
ІІІ. Заключительная часть:
5. пояснение домашнего задания;
6. подведение итогов;
Ход урока
Этапы, цель, приёмы обучения
Содержание работы
I. Начало урока
1.Организацион-ный момент
2. Речевая зарядка
Цель: снятие речевых трудностей, организовать внимание учащихся, подготовить учеников к активному участию в учебно-воспитательном процессе.
Приём: беседа, работа с карточками.
II. Осн. часть
3. Контроль речевых умений и навыков.
Цель: проверка степени овладения материалом учащихся
Прием: фронтальная беседа, работа в парах, работа с учебником.
4. Практика речи
Цель: помочь учащимся в усвоении иноязычной речи
Приём: работа с учебником, упражнения на подстановку.
ІІІ. Заключительная часть.
5. Пояснение домашнего задания
6. Подведение итогов
Цель: подвести итоги, сделать выводы по уроку.
Приём: беседа, запись в дневник.
- Good morning, dear boys and girls!
- Seat down, please.
- How are you today?
The theme of our lesson is "Profiles"
Please, say the synonym of the word profiles?
When do people go to the doctor?
(When they have some problems with their health)
- Our next task will be connected with problems of our health. On your table you can find the cards and your task to match the problem of health with decision.
Where we should go
a cold
stomach ache
a toothache
a broken bone
the flu
a deep cut on you finger
a serious burn
a sore throat
a tropical disease
a serious illness
A. hospital
B. a chemist
C. hospital
D. a dentist
F. your GP
G. hospital
H. a chemist
I. your GP
J. hospital
K. a chemist\your GP
L. hospital
Key: 1. H (a chemist), 2. K (a chemist\your GP), 3.F(your GP) , 4. D (a dentist),5. A (hospital), 6. I (your GP), 7. C (hospital), 8. G (hospital), 9. B (a chemist), 10. J (hospital) 11. L (hospital)
Checking on Homework.
Can you tell me what was your home task?
(H.t. Ex. № 3 p. 48 (You should read and answer the questions), Ex. № 4 p.49 + word by heart)).
First of all let's start from the words.
provide - снабжать, предоставлять
emergency health - скорая помощь
care - зобата
major- главный, важный
treat - лечить
decade - декада
improve - улучшать
a headache - головная боль
a cold - простуда
toothache - зубная боль
the flu - грипп
a deep cut on your finger -глубокий порез пальца
serious burn - серьезный ожог
a sore throat - больное горло
earache - боль в ухе
a tropical disease - тропическая болезнь (лихорадка)
a broken bone - перелом
a serious illness - серьезное заболевание
a stomachache - боль в животе
nurse - медсестра.
Please turn to each other and ask words in pair.
Let's check the pair.
- Next task was to read the text on p. 48 and answer the questions.
- Ok.
- Tell me the main idea of the text.
(To help people who need it)
- Who has another ideas?
1. Where has Dianne Grey been living for the last eight month?
(She has been living in Angola).
2. Why did she go to Africa?
(She went to Africa because she began to find her job rather boring and felt a need to do something more important).
3. What has 'Doctors Without Frontiers' been doing for people in Angola since 1986?
(The organisation has been sending medical teams and equipment there).
4. How did Dianne feel when she first went to Angola?
(At first she felt shocked)
5. How does she feel now about her experience in angola?
(She feels that working in Angola has been a very meaningful experience. She has never felt so useful before and she is glad to know that she has been helping people who really need it).
Please explain the meaning of the words, looking through the text.
organisation - a group of persons associated by some common
career ahead
equipment - Something with which a person, an organization, or a thing is equipped.
armiers- A large group of people organized for a specific cause
training local people
meaningful- Having meaning, function, or purpose.
- Another task was to do the exercise 4. You should fill in the correct words from the list and make sentences using the completed phrases.
1. successful doctor
2. rather boring
3. sore throats
4. medical teams
5. standards of health care
6. a major problem
7. to improve conditions
8. to treat patience
9. health care workers
10. a meaningful experience
- Please read your own sentences with these phrases.
- Our next task will be the exercise № 5. Fill in the correct word . (fighting, organisation, training, GP)
- Look through the exercise and say me the words which translation you don't know.
- Let's begin to check.
Greenpeace is a(n) organisation that helps the enviroment.
A(n) GP is a doctor who treats all types of illnesses.
Claire is training to become a nurse.
The armies of the two countries have been fighting each other for other for over three years.
- Next you'll have 3 minutes to do the Ex. 6. Fill in the correct preposition and then make sentences using the completed phrases.
-Let's check and please find and read this phrases in the text.
in the south of England
for the last eight months
to live in Angola
4. she had a good career ahead of her
to work for an organisation
in the area
at first
to return to a place
Open your Work books on p. 30. Look at the picture and read the task. You should label the parts of the body with words from the list.
Let's check
- Next let's do the Ex.2 Which of the items in Ex. 1 can you break, sprain, hurt or cut?
- Do you know the meaning of every words?
(break - ломать , sprain - вывихнуть, растянут, hurt or cut)
knee, ankle, finger, arm, wrist, leg
knee, ankle, wrist, shoulder, elbow
knee, ankle, finger, ear, arm, head, hand, wrist, foot, shoulder, elbow, leg
knee, ankle, ear, arm head, hand, wrist, foot, shoulder, elbow, leg
- Please read the task from the Ex. 3. Fill in the correct preposition from the list.
- You will have 3-4 minutes to do this task.
- Let's check
Ex. 4 What's wrong with each person? Match the prompts to the pictures, then use them to write short dialogues, as in the example.
2. What's wrong? - I've burnt my finger.
3. - I've broken my leg.
4.- I've got a stomach ache.
5. - I've got a toothache.
6. - I've caught a cold.
Our lesson is over. Thank you for your active work and attention. Children, all of you were great.
Do you like our lesson?
Write down your hometask/
Ex. 6 (готовить на диктант), пересказ текста.
- Goodbye.
(30 sec.)
(3 min.)
9.19- 9.29
(1-3 min)
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(2-3 min.)
(1 min).
(2 min.)
(1-2 min)
(4-5 min)
(2 min)
(3-4 min)
(3 min)
(5 min)
(2 min)
Методическая литература: учебник «Enterprise. Pupil's book», Work book, Teacher's book V. Evans-J. Dooley.