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- Конспект урока 'Reading lesson' (9 класс)
Конспект урока 'Reading lesson' (9 класс)
Reading lesson
Level: intermediate.
Visuals: texts, pictures of the novel, cards with proverbs, video
The aims:
to develop the skills of pupils to compare, analyze the novel;
to make comparisons;
to improve auding, reading and speaking skills of pupils;
bring up tolerance and respect to other people's customs.
The development
First deserve and then desire.
Warming up
T: Good morning, boys and girls!
The game: "Smile at each other" (One by one say: "I am glad to see you". Greet our guests! Take your seats, please)
a chainword
T: "Оn your tables you can see papers with a chainword. Find the words. What are these words about?(tired happy relaxed excited worried cheerful nervous disappointed confused bored sad calm)
(The pupils tell the topic of the lesson themselves)
T: What are we going to speak about during the lesson?...
We are going to talk about a person's character and appearance.
Can anyone tell what I mean by character and appearance?
II T:At this lesson we plan to:
use active vocabulary
practise describing different people
talk about your traits of character and interests
watch some film clips and discuss people's appearance and character
T: Look at the photos, imagine the personality of different people by their clothes, appearance, emotions, jestures and tell the class.
P: I think the girl is…
In my opinion he is…
Thank you. Well done!
I've got a box with different chocolates, choose and take one of the chocolates you like best.
The chocolates have different form. They are round, square, oval, rectangular, spiral, diamond-shaped, and triangular.
What characteristics are appropriate for each shape? Fill in the table given on the card.
You see your character is connected with the form of the chocolate you've chosen. Let's check our predictions.
Pupils listen to the radio programme.
During watching the film clips pupils try to fill in the table given on the card.
Teacher: Have you recognized this story? Do you know who wrote "Charlie and the chocolate factory"? (Of course Roald Dahl) T-P
Pupil 1 tells the biography of Roald Dahl
Roald Dahl was born at Villa Marie, Fairwater Road in Llandaff, Cardiff, Wales, in 1916, to Norwegian parents, Harald Dahl and Sofie Magdalene Dahl (née Hesselberg). Dahl's father had emigrated to the UK from Sarpsborg, Norway, and settled in Cardiff in the 1880s. His mother came over and married his father in 1911. Dahl was named after the polar explorer Roald Amundsen, a national hero in Norway at the time. He spoke Norwegian at home with his parents and his sisters Astri, Alfhild, and Else. Dahl and his sisters were christened at the Norwegian Church, Cardiff, where their parents worshipped.
Born in Wales to Norwegian parents, he served in the Royal Air Force during World War II. Dahl became one of the world's best-selling authors. He has been referred to as "one of the greatest storytellers for children of the 20th century".His short stories are known for their unexpected endings, and his children's books for their unsentimental, often very dark, humour.
What do you think about the main characters of the film "Charlie and the chocolate factory"? How are they?
Pupils present their answers and compare their own answers with the pupils projects.
T - Cl
Pupil 1: He is depicted as a kind-hearted, poor boy that lives with his mother, father, and four bedridden grandparents. He has a newspaper route after school. He is curious and interested in Willy Wonka and his chocolate factory. He gets one chocolate bar a year for his birthday. He and his family follow the progress of the hunt for the Golden Tickets in newspapers and, in the films, on television. Unlike the first four of the Wonka kids, Charlie is honest, giving, sincere, and is willing to keep his family safe and cares about them.
Pupil 2: Veruca Salt is a ridiculously overindulged, selfish, bratty girl who is spoiled relentlessly by her wealthy parents. She is the second person to find a Golden Ticket, and lives in Buckinghamshire, England. Her father apparently owns the Salt's Peanuts shelling factory. Veruca frequently would bully and pester her parents to purchase a variety of different objects for her that grabbed her attention. When Veruca doesn't get what she wants immediately, she throws nasty tantrums and takes things to extreme measures until she finally has her way. Veruca is the third one ejected from the tour.
Pupil 3: Mike Teavee, 'a boy who does nothing but watch television', is the fourth Golden Ticket finder and the last child to be ejected from the tour. He is from Denver, Colorado. He plays video games and uses a complex method, involving consultation of the Nikkei Index, to find the Ticket.
Pupil 4: Violet Beauregarde, 'a girl who chews gum all day', is one of the Golden Ticket winners, from Atlanta, Georgia. Violet is the third child to find a Golden Ticket and the second to be ejected from the tour.
Pupil 5: Augustus Gloop is the first person to find a Golden Ticket. He hails from Düsseldorf, Germany. He is portrayed as being 'enormously fat' and also gluttonous. Augustus is the first child to be removed from the tour.
Teacher: Now I want you to read the story "Charlie and the chocolate factory" in English.
Please, try to do this test. T-Cl
Part I. Mark each sentence with T if it is true and F if it is false
August Gloop's hobby is eating
Mr.Bucket lost his job at Wonka Company
Luckily, Charlie found a golden ticket in the gutter
Mr.Wonka always wore a purple over-coat
The most important room is the Nut Room
The elevator had 1.000 different buttons
The Oompa-Loompas thought people should read more
Part II. Choose the best ending for each sentence. Write the letter of the correct answer in the blank. T - P- P
One thousand workers were sent home when
(a) the toothbrush factory closed (b) the Wonka factory closed
(c) the furniture plant closed (d) the steel plant closed
Veruca Sale's father bought
(a) 1,000 candy bars (b) 10,000 candy bars
(c) 100,000 candy bars (d) 1,000,000 candy bars
This person always put gum behind an ear
(a) Augustus (b) Violet
(c) Veruca (d) Mike
The person chosen to go with Charlie was
(a) Mr.Buckert (b) Grandpa Joe
(c) Grandma Josephine (d) Mrs Salt
Mr. Wonka was upset with Augustus because
(a) he always demanded things (b) he wanted a squirrel
(c) he touched the chocolate (d) he made fun of the Oompa-Loompas
Mr Wonka felt his most important room was
(a) the Inventing Room (b) the Fridge Room
(c) the Nut Room (d) the Elevator Room
The Oompa-Loompas were from
(a) California (b) Hornwoggler Land
(c) Loompaland (d) Oompaland
Mike was addicted to
(a) candy (b) gum
(c) Fudge (d) television
Charlie got a candy bar
(a) once a week (b) once a day
(c) once a month (d) once a year
Part III Put the letter of the event in the right order. T-P ___ 1. (A) We meet the Oompa-Loompas
___ 2. (B) Mr. Wonka gives Charlie the factory.
___ 3. (c) Golden Ticket Contest is announced.
___ 4. (D) Violet ends up in the Juicing Room.
___ 5. (E) Charlie's family needs food.
It is interesting, I think. A person's character plays an important role in our communication with friends, parents and other people. But when we meet a person for the first time we pay attention to his or her appearance. So we judge the person by appearance. Is it so? Let's talk about what people look like.
Part IV. Work in pairs. Please, try to make the dialogue. (pupils make a plan how to describe a person) T-Gr
Ex: -What's Mary like?
- What's Mr Kemp like?
-What does the girl look like?
- What does the man look like?
What does Mr Kemp like?
- What does Mary like?
Card 1 How can you explain me the proverb "First deserve and then desire" (По заслугам и честь)
Tell me why and name the most important features.
1.Who is curious and interested in Willy Wonka and his chocolate factory?
Ex: Charlie Barket (He is careing, loving, smart)
2. Why do Charlie's parents want Grandpa Joe to go to the factory?
Ex: Charlie's parents want Grandpa Joe to go to the factory because they want to eat chocolate.
… to raise money for his family
Card 2
1. Charlie does not sell the Golden Ticket to the highest bidder. Why?
Ex: He wants to go into the factory.
He wants to know the secret of making chocolate. He is very curiouse.
Card 3 1.How many rooms ( производственный цех ) are there in Willy Wonka's chocolate factory?
Ех: Children with their parents could see some of the rooms: The Chocolate Room ( Шоколадный цех), The Inventing Room ( Цех Изобретений ), The Nut Sorting Room ( Ореховый цех ) The Television Room (Телешоколадный Цех)…
( They are modern, convenient…)
Card 4 1.Please, describe me Oompa-Loompas and Prince Pondicherry?
Ех: He is a prince who lives in India. Willy Wonka makes him a chocolate palace in India that melts because of the hot weather. (Prince Pondicherry is very rich…
Oompa-Loompas come from Loompaland. Oompa-Loompas are the only people Willy Wonka will allow to work in his factory, because of the risk of industrial espionage committed by his candy-making rivals. They are known for their short stature, golden hair and white skin. Oompa-Loompas like to eat only cacao beans. Oompa-Loompas are very hard-working…)
Card 5 Can you say me some English proverbs about people's appearance and character
Part V. What conclusion can we make? What is the moral of this novel? T -Cl
Pupil 1 Don t be greedy.
Pupil 2 During our life we communicate with a great number of people not all of them are our friends. As a rule, there are only several people whom, we can really trust. That's why it is very important to have good relatives and friends.
Pupil 3 I think that people must be honest, emotionally stable and tactful. They never let people down.
Pupil 4 Also, people must respect each other for their fairness, strong will and intellect.
Teacher: Now we come to the end of the lesson. Do you remember our topic?
Do you know personality words? Can you read and speak about your interests and hobbies and preferences of other people? - Yes.
Как вы оцениваете наш урок?
Do you like our lesson? Are you in a good mood at the end of the lesson?
You were brilliant and clever. Thank you for your work.
I shall give you good marks. I think it is good to have you as friends.
The lesson is over. Goodbye.
Pupils: Good bye!