- Учителю
- Поурочный план “My school. In my bag”
Поурочный план “My school. In my bag”
The Plan of the English Lesson
Grade level 1,Date 23/09/15
The Theme: "My school. In my bag"
Aims: To revise the language covered in Unit 1
To teach classroom vocabulary bag, book, classroom, felt tip, pencil, rubber, ruler.
Equipment and visual aids: CDs and player, , the board,vocabulary cards book, classroom, felt tip, pencil, rubber, ruler
Organization Stage. Greeting.
Good morning dear children!
I'm also so glad to see you today-
Thank you, sit down!
Good morning2
Good morning to you
Good morning2
I'm glad to see you
4 min.
To start the lesson with the song from the last to remind children of numbers 1-5
Page 10.Asking the children what colour Nico is and teach red
Page12. Ask them what is different about Nico. Teach orange, magic
Translate from MT.
Children repeat
4 min
Play the recording.Listen and point.
1.Nico: Hello. My name is Nico.
Oh my classroom.
2. Nico: My bag.
A book. One.
Two rulers. One, two……..
This time the children to join in and count with Nico
3 min.
Енді балалар жұпқа бөлінейік
Ол үшін мына топшамаларды таңдайсыздар,бірдей түсті сурет таңдағандарыңыз,жұп боласыздар.
Warm up. Let's sing songs, which pair will be active?
Hands up, hands down
Hands on hips,sit down
Bent left to the side
Bent left to the right
1,2,3 hop
1,2,3 stop
with video from interactive board.
Sing songs with videos and dancing
Play the recording.Listen and point.
Explaining in MT that the children put as many rulers, pencils, felt tips……as they like on the table in front of them and cover them over with a piece of paper.Each child then takes it in turns to remove one item from their selection while the others have their eyes closed. The others guess which Item has been removed and the child who guesses correctly has the next turn
1.One pencil, one bag, two rulers, three rubbers, four felt tips,one book.
2. One bag, two books, one pencil, one rubber, two elt tips, two rulers………
Children work in twos,
Play a game
Standing at the front of the class and saying a number.
To continue until all the children have had a chance to stand up and sit down
Children sit in their places holding their numbers.
Children who have that number stand up.The other sitting children exchange their number with another child.
Sing a song
In my bag, bag, bag,
Here is my book, book, book
Children put their bags containing a book, pencil, and ruler on the table in front of them.
4 min.
Балалар, қазір мен тақтаға 4 сөз ілемін,сіздер менен кейін сөзді қайталайсыздар. «Disappearing words»
Балалар көздерін жұмады,1 cөзді алып тастаймын
Балалар қандай сөз жоқ екенін тапқан жағдайда қол көтеріп ағылшынша жауап береді
2 min.
Reflection "Smiles"
Енді балалар сабақ туралы өз пікірімізді алдарыңыздағы әртүрлі кейіптегі смайликтер
арқылы көрсетеміз
Балалар өз әсерлерін смайликтер арқылы көрсетеді
2 min.
Conclusion. Evaluation.