• Учителю
  • Разработка урока «What genres do you prefer?» (11 класс)

Разработка урока «What genres do you prefer?» (11 класс)

Автор публикации:
Дата публикации:
Краткое описание: Данный урок разработан к УМК Кузовлева В.П. для 11 класса. Урок является обобщающим, где учащиеся используя уже известный материал, а также дополнительный выполняют задания работая в парах и группах. В конце урока учащиеся представляя себя на кино фестивале создают в груп
предварительный просмотр материала

Конспект открытого урока по английскому языку

Учитель Шостацкая Александра Сергеевна

МБОУ «СОШ №32»


Тема: «What genres do you prefer?»


Учебный аспект:

Активизация тематической лексики в устной речи учащихся в монологической форме в процессе развития иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции школьников.

Совершенствование речевых компетенций (говорения, чтения, аудирования).

Познавательный аспект:

Расширение знаний учащихся о жанрах кино.
Развивающий аспект:

Развитие способностей к анализу, синтезу, обобщению, классификации, систематизации, способность к догадке, к логическому изложению содержания высказывания, способности осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия.

Воспитательный аспект:

Воспитание уважительного толерантного отношения к чужому мнению, воспитание чувства сопричастности к мировой культуре.

Оборудование: магнитофон, компьютеры, презентация, карточки с заданиями (на компьютерах), учебники.

Ход урока:

  1. The beginning 4min.

  • Good morning children!

  • How are you?

  • What is the date today?

  • We start our lesson from the work on the computers.

  • Find the folder «Genres» in the exchanger.

  • There is a work sheet for you.

  • Look at the word squire in task 1 and find the words which you know and colour them.

t y k r s m d g a o p

h h d a w e s t e r n

r v n x h l x v u a s

i a с i h o r r o r e

l p o s n d r o m a s

l d m q e r r w d z h e o e m a a a g o a f

r g d o u m s r a r l

f с y z g a b j m k h

  • What are these words? (melodrama, comedy, horror, thriller, western)

  • Let's check it in the presentation.

  • How can we name these words in one word? (genres)

  • What is your favourite genre? (My favourite genre is comedy. My favourite genre is melodrama.)

  • Do you have similar preferences about genres? (No they differ.)

  • What will we do at our lesson? (To talk about different genres.)

  • What do you think the aim of our lesson is? (To express and discuss different opinions about genres)

  • You are right the topic of our lesson is «What genres do you prefer?».

2. Warming up 10min.


  • Let's continue our work with the presentation.

  • Look at the photos in the presentation. Do you know any of these films? What type of film is each one?


  • Look at the task 2 in your work sheets where you can see some adjectives. Choose the ones for describing melodrama, action film and comedy and tick them. But at first choose the genre which you will describe and underline it..

  • Read the words which you choose for melodrama.

  • Let's check it in the presentation.

  • Read the words which you choose for action film.

  • Let's check it in the presentation.

  • Read the words which you choose for comedy.

  • Let's check it in the presentation.


action film






















  • Look at these photos again and answer the ques­tions.

  • Which of these films have you seen?

  • Did you like them? Why?

  • Which of these films would you like to see? Give your reasons.

  • What is your favourite kind of film? What kinds don't you like?

  • Who is your favourite actor or actress? Name the film he/she has appeared in.

  • What genre does this film belong to?

3. Reading 12 min.

  • Now open your books read the opinions and with the help of the text complete the table about pros and cons of action films on page 203. Work in pairs.

  • Do it in your work sheets task 4. Copy the phrases from the text and fill them into appropriate column.

  • Read what you have written in the column pros.

  • Read what you have written in the column cons.

  • Now save the files with the help of your surnames I'll check them later.

4. Speaking 15min.

  • The work with the computers is over.

  • Divide into three groups of four persons and we'll continue our work.

  • People can also express their opinions about different genres. Now imagine that you are the members of jury of one of the annual film festivals and note down what film you would give your awards and explain why. You should also say why you didn't choose other genres.

  • Work in groups. First discuss your notes with your partners and then report your ideas to the class. Use the phrases from your work sheets task 5.

5. Reflection 2min.

  • Did you like the lesson?

  • What did you like?

  • What was difficult for you?

  • How do you feel after the lesson?

6. Homework 2min.

  • Thank you for your work.

  • … have excellent marks. … have good marks.

  • Your homework is to make the presentation of the film which you like best.


Work sheets

Task 1

  • Look at the word squire and find the words which you know and colour them.

t y k r s m d g a o p

h h d a w e s t e r n

r v n x h l x v u a s

i a с i h o r r o r e

l p o s n d r o m a s

l d m q e r r w d z h e o e m a a a g o a f

r g d o u m s r a r l

f с y z g a b j m k h


  • Choose the words for describing melodrama, action film and comedy and tick them. Underline the genre which you will describe.





















  • Complete the table about pros and cons of action films with the help of the text. Copy the phrases from the text and fill them into appropriate column.

Action films? What a bore! Criminals, shooting, explosions. Nothing else. I agree that such films have the right to exist. They have some positive features. They are dynamic, dramatic and full of special effects. But they are unrealistic. Some people watch violence to cool off (успокаиваться) and such films are good for them. But other people can get sick and nervous especially teenagers. There are better ways to cool off, I think. But, I consider it is up to you to decide to watch the film or not. Besides, there is the MPAA rat­ing system. As for me, I prefer to watch a PG-rated film better than going to the cinema with my parents to watch an R-rated film.

I do love action films. Why? They are very dynamic and really exciting. They grab your attention from the first scene. I like films with a mysterious plot. They keep me in suspense. Action films are so various that can suit different tastes. Some people think that action films teach only to fight and to kill. I don't agree with such opinions. They teach people to defend justice and to be strong and brave. I think it is not bad to want to look like the heroes of action films.

If you ask me, there's too much violence in films. Killing seems normal now. Action films are stuffed with fights of different types. They haven't even got any plot - only fighting, killing and rough language. I do hate such films. They are horrible and frightful. They make me want to scream. I think they teach violence and aggression. If you keep seeing shooting and fighting, you won't care if it happens in real life. Such films set a bad example don't like to watch R-rated films, even if my parents take me to the cinema.




We decided …

In our opinions …

Because …

Besides …

More than that …

It is excellent/ magnificent/ wonderful/ fantastic/ sensational/ impressive/


frightening/funny/ serious/entertaining/educational/informative

It keeps you in suspense

grabs (catches) your attention

It makes you laugh/cry/happy/smile/ feel calm

It teaches you to defend justice

to defend the weak and offended

love for ...

to be kind and patient

to find your way in life

to believe in love/reality

to be proud of something

It is stuffed with events

full of special effects


true to life

It has a mysterious plot

a dynamic story

funny/dramatic situations

a lot of music/dancing/ singing


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