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  • Материал к уроку Великие умы, 8кл

Материал к уроку Великие умы, 8кл

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  1. During the festival I saw even a hot-air balloon floating in the sky.

  2. I usually wash my laundry with a washing machine.

  3. There was a smoke coming out the chimney of an old house.

  4. The heat of the fire was terrible!

  5. Our trip (journey) to London was amazing.

  6. Inventors always try to make something new.

  7. The passengers in the bus were nervous because they were already late.

1877 Jaques a sheep,a duck and a chicken

19th of September 1783

21st of November 1873

150 meters

the chimney

The Montgolfier


Alexander Bell

Alexander Popov

Nicola Tesla

2nd form

3rd form

4th form

5th form

6th form

7th form

8th form

9th form

10th form




living room


There is (one)

There are (many)


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