- Учителю
- The different places of wedding
The different places of wedding
План-конспект уроку англійської мови
Тема: Wedding and Marriage
- Ознайомити учнів з новими лексичними одиницями теми Wedding and Marriage; повторити граматичний матеріал з минулого заняття, удосконалити навички вживання "The For … to" + Infinitive Construction; навчити учнів розуміти нові слова у контексті та одержувати основну інформацію з прочитаного та прослуханого текстів; розвивати вміння висловлювати власне ставлення до проблеми;
. Удосконалити мовні здібності, розвивати здатність учнів чітко, зрозуміло і послідовно висловлювати свої думки;
- Поглибити лексичний запас учнів та залучити їх до дискусії на тему Wedding and Marriage; розвивати знання учнів про граматичне явище "The For … to" + Infinitive Construction;
-. Формувати уважність та активність учнів, виховувати в учнів культуру спілкування; спонукати учнів до дискусії.
Тип уроку: комбінований.
Обладнання уроку: роздавальний матеріал, аудіомагнітофон із записом.
Хід уроку
І. Організація класу
Мета: організувати клас, налаштувати його на продуктивну працю.
Прийом: привітання та пояснення теми уроку.
T: Good morning, pupils! I am glad to see you!
T: Make yourselves comfortable and be attentive. I shall start with an abstract from Bible: " The Lord God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man's ribs and closed up the place with flesh. Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. The man said, "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 'woman,' for she was taken out of man." For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh." As you can understand, our theme today is "Wedding and Marriage". So let's start.
II. Мовленнєва зарядка
T: Pupils, you have some the hand-outs with quountations about marriage. Let's read them one buy one and then we'll discuss them
P1: For two people in a marriage to live together day after day is unquestionably the one miracle the Vatican has overlooked.
P2: For a marriage to have any chance, every day at least six things should go unsaid.
P3: It is sometimes essential for a husband and
a wife to quarrel - they get to
know each other better.
P4: Marriage is a pretty amazing thing when you think about it. For two people to live together for so long under the same roof is a big accomplishment.
P5: It is not uncommon for slight acquaintances to get married, but a couple really have to know each other to get divorced.
P6: For marriage to be a success, every woman and every man should have her and his own bathroom.
P7: My wife and I were happy for twenty years. Then we met.
P8: I don't think I'll get married again. I'll just find a woman I don't like and give her a house.
P9: I've had bad luck with both my wives. The first one left me and the second one didn't.
P10: Love is blind, but marriage restores its sight.
P11: All weddings are similar, but every marriage is different.
P12: Marriage is our last, best chance to grow up.
T: What quote do you like best?
P-s: …
T: Why do you think people get married?
T: Do there exist some age limits for marriage?
T: Thank you for your answers.
ІІІ. Основна частина уроку
Етап 1. Виконання граматичних вправ
переклад речень із використанням інфінітивних конструкцій.
T: Now, I would like you to look through this quotes again and pay attention to the pecularities of some sentences. What are these sentences?
P-s: …
T: Right you are. So we can revise the last lesson material. The for-phrase consists of three elements: the preposition for, a noun in the common case or a pronoun in the objective case and the Infinitive. And now, I want you to do an exercise in written form. You need to translate some sentences. Please, you can start…
We are happy for them to marry.
She is eager for us to come to her wedding.
It is important for the wedding party to be a success.
I thought it strange for her to be so sad today.
Can you arrange for the church to be booked soon?
It is time for everybody to give them presents.
It was a bad idea for them to organize the wedding in winter.
Is there anything for me to help with the ceremony?
Is there anybody for Alice to go for a wedding party with?
It is now too early for us to leave on honeymoon.
For us to break off the engagement now would be a disaster.
Are you ready?
T: Let's start one by one.
T: Thank you. Nice work
Етап 2. Введення нових лексичних одиниць
T: Now, let's look to the handouts with our today vocabulary. These are words concerning our topic "Wedding and Marriage". At first I'll read them for you and then you'll try to pronounce them correctly too.
to go down on one knee - ставати на коліна
to pop the question - освідчитись
to be engaged - бути зарученим
fiancée/fiance (bride/groom) - наречена/наречений
engagement ring (wedding ring) - обручка
to break off the engagement - розірвати заручини
civil ceremony - реєстрація шлюбу у РАГСі
Registry Office - РАГС
white wedding - весільна церемонія, на котрій наречена одягнена у біле
to draw up a guest list - скласти список гостей
reception venue - місце проведення церемонії
bridesmaid - подружка нареченої
best man - шафер
honeymoon - медовий місяць
wedding list - список подарунків
wedding dress - весільна сукня
train - шлейф
veil - серпанок
to walk smb down the aisle - вести когось проходом
altar - алтар
Wedding March - весільний марш
to rise to one's feet - підвестися
hymns - церковний гімн
objections to the marriage - заперечення проти шлюбу
to speak or forever hold their peace - говорити або замовкнути навіки
exchange rings - обмінятися обручками
to be proclaimed "man and wife" - бути проголошеними чоловіком та дружиною
to sign the marriage register - розписатися у реєстраційному журналі
confetti - конфетті
reception - прийом
speech - промова
evening reception - вечірка
happy couple - щаслива пара
to leave on honeymoon - поїхати у весільну подорож
pre-wedding nerves - хвилювання перед вечіркою
wedding bells - весільні дзвони (традиційна мелодія церковних дзвонів, коли наречені виходять із церкви)
wedding vows - шлюбні обітниці
wedding cake - весільний торт
T: Now, we are going to read the text concerning our topic. Let's start.
P1: It all starts with a proposal. Traditionally the man goes down on one knee to pop the question.
If he receives a "yes", the couple are engaged. It is customary for the man to buy his fiancée an engagement ring, most commonly a diamond ring. Engagements can last for years, and if neither of the couple breaks off the engagement, the next step is marriage.
P2: Planning the wedding
Most weddings in the UK take the form of either a civil ceremony (conducted at the Registry Office) or a traditional white wedding, held in a church. (There are other ceremonies for different religions.) If the couple chooses a church service, the planning can become quite complex. The church must be booked, the service has to be chosen, flowers arranged and so on. Other arrangements (for both traditional and civil) are to draw up a guest list, send out invitations, book a reception venue (for after the ceremony), choose bridesmaids (the girls who traditionally accompany the bride in the church) and the best man (the bridegroom's friend who accompanies him to the ceremony), buy the wedding dress, arrange a honeymoon (the holiday after the wedding), compile a wedding list (a list of presents that guests can choose to buy the couple) and of course, to select the wedding ring(s).
P3: The big day
The groom and best man arrive at the church first, and then the guests arrive. Last to arrive is the bride, normally dressed in a long white wedding dress with a train (material from the dress that covers the floor behind her), her face covered in a veil, carrying a bouquet of flowers, and accompanied by a couple of bridesmaids in matching dresses. Usually the bride's father walks her down the aisle until they reach the priest / vicar at the altar. The church organ plays the Wedding March, and the guests rise to their feet to watch the procession. Once they reach the altar, the bride stands with the groom, and the service begins. The service lasts for about half an hour, and contains readings (extracts from the Bible) and a couple of hymns (religious songs). The priest always asks if there are any objections to the marriage (someone can speak or forever hold their peace = never have the opportunity again to object), and at the end of the service, the couple exchange rings and are proclaimed "man and wife". At that point, the groom is allowed to kiss his wife. The guests leave and the couple then sign the marriage register. When they come out of the church, the guests often throw confetti (small pieces of coloured paper), and the photographer takes various formal photographs.
P4: Next in the big day is the reception, which is often a formal lunch in a hotel. After lunch there are various speeches. The bride's father normally gives a speech, then the best man gives a speech (which is often a funny speech designed to embarrass the groom), and the bridegroom and / or the bride give a short speech to thank their guests.
Some couples also arrange an evening reception, and hire a disco or band to play music for their friends.
At the end of the day, the happy couple traditionally leave on honeymoon.
T: Thank you for your reading. Let's switch up to the discussion. What is unusual in their wedding comparing with ours?
P-s: …
T: Is it compulsory to have two rings, engagement ring and wedding ring, in Ukraine?
T: Well, now let's switch to the exercise. Your task is to fill in gaps with appropriate words from your new vocabulary and put the sentences in the right order.
Engagements can last for years, and if neither of the couple __________________.
Last to arrive is the bride, normally dressed in a long white wedding dress with a _______ (material from the dress that covers the floor behind her), her face covered in a_________, carrying a bouquet of flowers, and accompanied by a couple of bridesmaids in matching dresses.
Traditionally the man _______________ on one knee to _______ the question.
Other arrangements (for both traditional and civil) are to ___________ a guest list, send out invitations, book a reception venue (for after the ceremony), choose _____________ (the girls who traditionally accompany the bride in the church) and the _______________ (the bridegroom's friend who accompanies him to the ceremony), buy the wedding dress, arrange a _____________ (the holiday after the wedding), compile a _____________ (a list of presents that guests can choose to buy the couple) and of course, to select the wedding ring(s).
Most weddings in the UK take the form of either a _____________(conducted at the Registry Office) or a traditional white wedding, held in a church.
T: Are you ready?
P-s: …
T: Let's start. Do it one by one.
P1: Traditionally the man goes down on one knee to pop the question.
P2: Engagements can last for years, and if neither of the couple breaks off the engagement.
P3:Most weddings in the UK take the form of either a civil ceremony (conducted at the Registry Office) or a traditional white wedding, held in a church.
P4: Other arrangements (for both traditional and civil) are to draw up a guest list, send out invitations, book a reception venue (for after the ceremony), choose bridesmaids (the girls who traditionally accompany the bride in the church) and the best man (the bridegroom's friend who accompanies him to the ceremony), buy the wedding dress, arrange a honeymoon (the holiday after the wedding), compile a wedding list (a list of presents that guests can choose to buy the couple) and of course, to select the wedding ring(s).
P5: Last to arrive is the bride, normally dressed in a long white wedding dress with a train (material from the dress that covers the floor behind her), her face covered in a veil, carrying a bouquet of flowers, and accompanied by a couple of bridesmaids in matching dresses.
T: Very well!
Етап 3. Активізація нового лексичного матеріалу на основі прослуханого тексту
T: And now, you are going to listen to the song "The Secret Marriage". Please, listen to it attentively and then we'll discuss it. There are some words on the blackboard that can be unknown to you, I'll read them dowry - придане, nuptial - весільний, шлюбний and maiden - дівчина, діва. Let's start.
The Secret Marriage
No earthly church has ever blessed our union
No state has ever granted us permission
No family bond has ever made us two
No company has ever earned commission
No debt was paid no dowry to be gained
No treaty over border land or power
No semblance of the world outside remained
To stain the beauty of this nuptial hour
The secret marriage vow is never spoken
The secret marriage can never be broken
No flowers on the altar
No white veil in your hair
No maiden dress to alter
No Bible oath to swear
The secret marriage vow is never spoken
The secret marriage can never be broken
T: What is this song about?
P1: …
T: As for you, is it necessary to register you marriage anywhere?
T: Thank you. It was interesting to hear your thoughts.
Етап 4. Домашнє завдання
T: Let's come to a conclusion. As for me, we can discuss this theme endlessly, but we have no much time, so I propose you to write a short composition "The wedding of my relative" and to learn the new vocabulary.
Етап 5. Підсумки уроку
T: So, the lesson is over. Thank you for your productive work. Your marks for today are …
Good bye! See you soon!
P-s: Good bye!